Stratholme God

v2 Chapter 1315: pay any 'price'

  Chapter 1315 Pay any 'price'

  In Stratholme, even the village level has a five-meter-high reinforced concrete city wall, at least four bastions, and its defense is amazing. The heavy firepower devolved to the village level can basically guarantee that ordinary third-rate orc clans cannot defeat a village.

   As long as you hold on to one wave, the rest is 'a cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops will meet each other'.

   A large number of mechanized patrols in the country ensure that there will be basically no trouble.

   Originally, if something went wrong, the airship could be dispatched to the rescue.

  Since the domestic defense is so solid, all the airships of the Stratholme family went to other countries.

   Certainly not Northrend. When fighting the Lich King, a railway network was built here, and bunkers and the like were ready-made. Rivendell is again the most active in preparation. When something happened, Rivendell's soldiers arrived faster than the Chinese takeaway.

  The main thing to save is the southern continent. At the moment when King Wa went on an expedition, beacon flames spread across the country. In the old-fashioned enfeoffment system, the various storm nobles invested differently in the defense facilities of their territory, resulting in always having a place to stretch their hips.

The only good thing about    is that the second- and third-tier orc clans belonging to the Iron Tribe have no air-to-air capability.

   It doesn't take much, a flying destroyer hovers over a certain village and stops at a height of 200 meters. Orcs have nothing to do with airships.

   The rest is a massacre.

   In order to meet the upcoming war, cannonballs are not used.

   Basically, let the soldiers put up a [12.7mm anti-aircraft machine gun] on the deck. Take a step back and use something like the [20mm Oerlikon anti-aircraft gun] to solve the problem.

   Well, today's anti-aircraft guns have done their job well again.

Huh? Why use the word 'and'?

   It must be that the anti-aircraft guns are normal for all purposes except that they are not anti-aircraft.

   Defenses and resistances are fairly rhythmic throughout the alliance. A big country can do it on its own, but a small country and a small clan have something in their hearts and take the initiative to ask for help.

   is like the tauren and the draenei, who call the airship to come to the town before starting a fight, and call for help immediately when an accident occurs. After several attacks in a row, the damage is almost negligible.

   The status quo is that everything is normal except for the night elves.

   "Tyrande, what do you want to do?" Looking at the battle report from the night elves, McDonald showed a thoughtful expression.

   These long ears are weird.

   The new night elf settlement in Crystalsong Forest in Northrend is completely in line with the Stratholme Empire.

  I don’t ask for help for small things, but for big things I call the beggar version of ‘Dongfeng Express’ in the hands of a traveler.

   In order to command the unification, Tyrande even lowered his face and asked Maiev to take a look.

   Maiev slapped Tyrande on her lips, but in the end, she still spun to Northrend, blowing the pillow wind and taking command of the ten airships from McDonald's.

   On the continent of Kalimdor, the response of the night elves showed a gradient. The closer you got to McDonald's turf, the more positive the response. In addition to calling in artillery and air support, Tyrande expanded the Sentinel's battle sequence.

This time can be called the biggest military change of the night elves. Among the troops recruited from the civilians, a large number of composite bows, carbon arrows, young dragon leather armors, and simple healing are installed in Stratholme. tools, first aid kit, etc.

  All equipment is standardized.

   does not even exclude the use of human trains for troop movements.

   You must know that in the past, whether bows, arrows, or equipment, all were handmade by the night elves. Sentinels march on two legs.

  Although the night elves are good at fighting in the jungle, they gallop through the forest with two legs, and the shuttle speed is extremely fast, but as long as they are creatures, there is a limit to their physical strength.

   Apparently, Tyrande considered more for the continuation of the race.

   On the other hand, I don’t know if it’s MacDonald’s delusion, and I always feel that Tyrande has mentioned the ‘goddess’ a little less recently.

   But McDonald's has no time to take care of it.

   He was very busy. After all, the entire Union and Pandaria were looking for him for supplies and soldiers in almost every place. It is not that there is no surplus grain in the landlord's family, but to whom the resources are given first, this is an eternal knowledge.

  As the fighting became more and more intense, McDonald 'had to' mobilize the fleets surrounding the Kul Tiras area to put out the fire, and then the flagships of the fleets showed up on the mainland of Kalimdor and the mainland of the Eastern Kingdom.

   Just one month after the outbreak of the total war, on February 14, Lover's Robbery, the southern area of ​​Tiragarde Strait finally made a move.

   "Supreme Chief, you call me?" A fat middle-aged human man bent down, shrugged his head, rubbed his hands, and showed a flattering expression to the tall and burly Garrosh. Not only that, but he spoke the Orcish language in a fluent voice.

   "That mortal." No matter how many times, Garrosh felt that human names were difficult to remember, and he didn't want to remember any human name unless it was necessary.

   "Yes, I'm here." The middle-aged man bowed his head, and there was a hint of cruelty in his eyes. After working for this vulgar orc for so long, the other party didn't even remember his name, and he couldn't help but hate it.

   "I said, for the strength of the Iron Horde, I am willing to pay any price!"

   "Yes, Warchief!"

   "Now, it's time to pay the price!"

   Garrosh's voice fell, and the middle-aged man was shocked to find that he was surrounded by several burly Kor'kron guards.

   "Wait! Warchief, I don't understand! What does this mean?" The man's voice trembled, his legs shaking like a pendulum.

"I don't understand and don't want to understand what you humans do. All I know is that you want me to die. So, you and your clan are the 'price' I have to pay!" Garrosh sneered, the rude picture There was an unimaginable viciousness on his face.

   "No! You can't do this to us. The Ashvane family betrayed the Proudmoore family for the sake of the warchief's plan."

"Yes! You can betray your compatriots, and of course you can betray the Iron Horde for your own benefit." Garrosh didn't bother to talk nonsense with this guy, and when he waved his hand, his most loyal guard immediately knocked over the man and made him like a dead dog. drag down.

   After a short while, the members of the Ashvane family, with a total of more than 100,000 people, and their subjects, escorted by a larger number of orc warriors, came to the main square of Bridgeport.

   At this time, the human population was already feeling bad, many people argued and protested, and some even summoned the courage to launch an attack on the orc warriors who escorted them.

   Without exception, except for the leading ones who were hacked to death on the spot, most of them were knocked over by blunt objects.

   Orc warriors appear very restrained, which is not a good thing.

   An evil green light glowed around the ten-story stone door in the middle of the square. When the people were driven into the super-giant magic circle that shone with evil light, everyone felt that the footsteps of despair and death were approaching.


   "Let us go!"

   "Aren't we already under the control of the warchief?"

   The next moment, Garrosh walked up to the pre-built platform, and standing beside him was Gul'dan with a hunched back.

   despicable roar and grinned: "In order to let the Iron Tribe rule this world, you - are the 'price' I am willing to pay!"

The voice of    fell, and the same smile appeared on Gul'dan's face. This terrifying and powerful warlock opened his palm, and countless gray streamers were forcibly drawn out from the seven holes of the human captives, and they merged into the magic circle like a hundred rivers flowing into the sea.

   That is the power of life!

   is also the power of fel!

   (end of this chapter)