Stratholme God

v2 Chapter 711: I am oily, I am not oily

   Chapter 711

  The physiological structure and philosophy of different races are very different, which is really hard to say.

  McDonald sighed, put on his hand, and pushed Tyrande away while feeling the old shoulder slippery: "We can't. Ten thousand years later, you are still beautiful, but I have become a cultural relic."

   Tyrande was stunned for a moment, and his slender eyebrows quickly trembled, which was caused by laughter.

   Mount Hyjal trembled violently.

   "What are you doing stupid?"


"Saving the World Tree from Archimonde, you have been tacitly become a member of the guardian of Mount Hyjal. What nonsense are you talking about? Don't be stupid, the well water of the Well of Eternity has your share. !" Tyrande teased and hooked McDonald's nose with his finger.

   McDonald's was completely Spartan and froze in place.

  Tyrande asked back with a strange expression: "Why do you think the night elves enjoy eternal life and youth? This is the reward for the whole family to protect the world tree forever!"

   McDonald's was a bit dumbfounded when he heard it.

   The immortality that mortals dreamed of, and it was just like that.

   Is it easy?

   is not easy at all.

   As a foreigner, the first condition to get the Eternal Well Water is to fight Archimonde's Burning Legion first, not to die, but also to reverse history and save the World Tree on the premise of killing Mengde.

   Think about it, for mortals who have made such great achievements, even the Longmian Temple, which gave the power of immortality at the beginning, would be happy to see this ending.

   It was strange after hearing the news.

   McDonald suddenly thought of a possibility: "Wait, Thrall, aren't they..."

   It would be a bit tricky if even World Sa was immortal. With Thrall's wisdom, he has ruled the tribe for a long time, and he will always find a chance to make a comeback.

   Who knew that the corner of Tyrande's mouth rose wildly: "It was Thrall who said that he gave up all the rewards for the battle of Mount Hyjal."

   McDonald's is embarrassed. At the beginning, Thrall, who had become cannon fodder, hurried away with his younger brother because he was afraid that the Alliance would make a bad hand after the war.

  If he knew that what he gave up was not only that little equipment, but also longevity, would he regret jumping into the endless sea?

  Tyrande has a follow-up: "Besides, even if they have this qualification, they still need to be approved."

   "Approval? Who has the right to review?"

   Tyrande smiled like a flower, and pointed at his dignified face with a white jade-like finger: "I am the high priest of the Moon Goddess!"


   After all, Thrall is still going to be killed by you?

  McDonald was willing to bet fifty cents, when he reached into the mooncloth robe with one hand, he would definitely grab a fox's tail!

   Sure enough, it is impossible to be the leader of a large clan for 10,000 years without the ability.

   McDonald's was speechless.

   "What's the matter? I will give you and the heroes of the alliance the longevity treatment, but without any additional conditions. I have communicated with Longmian Temple, and it took a long time to decide on the discussion within the clan."

   "Uh, no, I'm hurting Thrall for a second."

   "One second? Pfft!" This time, it was Tyrande's turn to smile wildly.

   After careful inquiries, I found out that the first person who opened the immortality treatment was the hero who participated in the direct siege of Archimonde. Then those who defend the second team have to go through careful discussion. First, there are too many people, and secondly, there are some guys who even Azeroth has not fully characterized - sand sculpture players.

   Anyway, this is a good thing.

   Temporarily sent Katherine away, and before the new enemy came, McDonald's returned to normal.

  Dark Portal In September 2010, McDonald's affirmed a plan to tour the entire Federation.

   There was no way, Ragnaros ran out and caused a large area of ​​heat in many areas. The most direct impact was the failure of the grain harvest in the Loch Modan area of ​​the Bronzebeard and the Elwynn Forest in the Storm Kingdom.

  The high temperature and drought killed the seedlings in many fields.

   I can save it next year, but now I can't.

In this life, because the Western Wilderness has become a fertile field in the west, the Kingdom of Stormwind has become one of the two major grain producing areas of the alliance. With the power of one country, it supports the Fortress of the Cursed Land, the former Burning Plains Front Army of Alsace, and the ability to use excess Grain exports go to other countries for foreign exchange, or support the northern continent.

  This year, the war in Stranglethorn Vale and the soldiers in the Burning Plain have drained the kingdom's food reserves. Not to mention, I have encountered Lager's troubles, so I tightened my trousers myself, and I can live a so-so life.

  Bronzebeard Dwarf is similar, Searing Canyon didn't deplete their tank divisions, but depleted their rations. The Kingdom of Stormwind was barely protecting itself, and Ironforge directly called for help.

  Dwarf has only three sites. Dun Morogh is frozen all the year round and has no food production. It used to rely on the Loch Modan area. Now, with a newly developed wetland, there are more. When Loch Modan, the traditional grain producing area, stopped cooking, the dwarf cried.

   This time, McDonald's also smiled wryly.

This has become the Stratholme Federation with the power of a 'nation' to support the Stratholme First Army on the Kalimdor Continent, plus the development of Tanaris and Un'Goro Crater, and also help save the dwarf , and to help the poor in Gilneas.

   Not to mention, the soldiers facing each other at the Wall of Thoradin, as well as the Golden Sword Port, all need someone from Mai to deliver food.


  The world's military deployment is cool for a while.

   Qi Qi asked for food and the leader of the alliance was miserable.

  Thanks to the grain production in Andorhal Land, Tirisfal Glades and Hillsbrad Foothills over the years, otherwise McDonald's would cry.

   This matter is too involved, and McDonald must personally go down to supervise it.

  Not only food, but also oil.

   It’s very cool to run a boat now. The problem used to cost people, but now it’s a waste of fuel.

  The loyal ship girl didn't mind 007, but McDonald's couldn't bear it after all, and set a wartime 996 for them, working five days a week and eight hours a week. However, the ship's mother is a gas giant.

   The shallow oil in Stratholme was simply not enough, and the oil on the seafloor off the northern coast of Tirisfal had to be exploited. This is a technology that is completely detached from this era, and has not been progressing very well.

   Fortunately, oil fields have been discovered in Un'Goro Crater, Searing Canyon, and Stormsong Valley in Kul Tiras...

  Thinking about it, of course, McDonald's decision is - I'm fat but I'm not fat!

  Oil, as a necessity for industrial development, is just needed until enough clean energy is available.

   Another factor in Germany's defeat in World War II was the lack of local oil production.

Another reason for    McDonald's inspections is to personally check the situation in various places. After all, Azeroth is a typical feudal society, and there are too many disgusting leftovers from history. If you are not careful, the guy below will have a hot brain and become the emperor of the soil.

It is not possible to fly fast by riding a dragon. It must pass at a slow speed of no higher than 30 kilometers per hour, so that the system can record the conditions of all people and objects within a five-kilometer range, make various recordings, and select useful ones. thing.

   That's how McDonald's train journey.

   This would have been a boring investigation, but I didn’t expect that McDonald’s would be stopped in his box on the first night on the train.


   You don’t need to identify it to know that it is a beautiful two-thousand-year cultural relic. One more point is too thick, and one point is too thin.

   The length of more than one meter is simply against the sky.

   This perfect cultural relic has formed a double-teaming trend with another flower hand of the same year and the same perfection.

   This is the legendary cultural relic-grade wall dong.

   McDonald's whole body trembled and lost his voice: "Queen, spare your life!"

   (end of this chapter)