Stratholme God

v2 Chapter 791: The most terrifying knight of the apocal

   Chapter 791 The Most Terrible Apocalypse Knight (1 More)


   In fact, Broll Bearskin beside the tile king is already one of the few Druid heroes in the Alliance.

  Hero level and down, it is better to give them epic equipment than sand sculpture players.

   Time flies, and at the beginning of July 2011 at the Dark Portal, the slaughter of the worms in Silithus finally came to an end.

The   Alliance escaped the dilemma of fighting on two fronts, and the soldiers led by little Saurfang rushed back to Feralas in this unreliable goblin airship. According to the information, the orcs' expeditionary army suffered more than 10% of the battle damage in the middle, which was especially caused by the fall of the goblin airship.

  During this period of time, Ke was always really shameless, and if he couldn't beat the Alliance, he caught the Horde and tried hard. Naxxramas circled half of the Kalimdor Continent, and visited almost all the territories of the tribe - Thousand Needles, Southern Barrens, Thunder Bluff, Desolace, but not Feralas.

As if it was a prank, Mr. Ke strangely let go of the old, weak, women and children of all tribes. He just picked robust adult orcs, trolls, and tauren to kill. He didn't even destroy the main city of the tauren, Thunder Bluff, nor was he in the tribe. Spread the plague over there.

   During this process, we can’t say that the Alliance is completely fine.

  At least Mr. Grams found an opportunity and visited the Dustwallow Marsh.

   This hits the league's soft spot.

   Naxxramas did not attack the tree-lined fortress, nor dared to touch the powerful port city Theramore, so he caught the new fields that the Kul Tirans rarely opened up to cast the plague.

   This made Jaina almost furious.

   No city can exist alone, and any metropolis needs a large amount of supplies from the surrounding area to ensure the life of the people in the city.

   Fishing alone is not enough, but the output of fishery is not enough for agriculture to be stable.

  Jaina finally took advantage of Theramore's opportunity to be the alliance's bridgehead, plucked the wool of McDonald's, and blended in until Theramore began to be self-sufficient, and all the new fields that were reclaimed all at once were destroyed. Jaina, who couldn't handle Naxxramas, was furious... After a whole day of anger, she ran to Stratholme City to block someone's door.

   made McDonald's play dead and held elf concerts every day, just to prevent Jaina from coming in.

   "When will McDonald's meet me!?" Jaina can't catch McDonald's, so she catches Lor'themar.

   Obviously Lor'thema has a lot to do, but she has to wait on this aunt who can't be provoked: "My Lord takes care of everything..."

   "Come on! As long as you get close to his bedroom, you can hear the female voice humming."

  Lor'themar wiped his sweat: "It is also a very important job to leave children for the family."

  Lor'themar admitted so bluntly that Jaina was embarrassed.

   Jaina thought for a second: That **** was willing to marry me, how could it be so troublesome. I knew I was going to kill.

   She didn't know yet, and McDonald's wouldn't be excited about her if she pushed anyone.

  In the room, someone who pretended to be dead finished enjoying the double-team of the Dafengxing Tower and turned into a sage.

   "McDonald's, is it really appropriate for you to ignore Princess Proudmoore like this?" Alleria asked.

  Hi, in history, wars in Europe on Earth were all family civil wars. What is a penicillium bamboo horse?

  While feeling the quality violence of Fengxing Tower, McDonald's looked out the window: "I'm waiting for food, and I'm also creating opportunities for Brain Candid Roar."

  A war always kills people.

  When the tribe's own soldiers were killed too many and had to rely too much on the support sent from the Iron Horde, their own rule was doomed to instability.

   This is like a surrendering country. When the foreign population exceeds the orthodox population of the country, it will actually become a non-surrendering country.

  The alliance's long-term trustworthiness will give the tribe a wonderful illusion.

   For the grand goal of disintegrating the tribe, Jaina's pioneer group was sacrificed.

   This girl, Jaina, has never felt any sense of security since she was a child. Her biggest career is Theramore. At this point in time, where would McDonald's find time to fatten her Theramore and Dustwallow Marsh?

  McDonald wanted to procrastinate, but the plan would never keep up with the changes.

   It turns out that McDonald's underestimated Mr. Ke's insidiousness.

   On July 26, the hearts of all Alliance leaders froze when Varian called for a rare emergency throne meeting.

   As a young monarch, Varian was obviously inexperienced in all areas, and he was occasionally cranky, but most of the time he was willing to listen, listen more, and learn more.

  It's fine on weekdays, he won't submit any bills, it's more that Bolvar communicated with other countries in advance and said what he wanted to do. This kind of proposal, often before the meeting, the leaders of various countries have a spectrum in their hearts.

   Now there is a sudden meeting, McDonald's looked at the stunned eyes of the bigwigs, and knew that no one had heard the news.

   When Varian's figure appeared in the magic mirror, all the leaders were startled.

  Unshaven, his eyes were bloodshot, and his eye sockets were a little sunken. The muscles of his face and body had been trembling slightly uncontrollably.

   He deliberately lowered his voice, and he could clearly feel that he was trying to suppress the anger surging out of his heart.

"I want to announce bad news to the leaders of the Throne Council - while the great Lich Kel'Thuzad let Naxxramas pretend to attack the crossroads, he secretly sent undead elites to my Stormwind Kingdom and attacked the Northshire Abbey. Kill. Anduin Lothar, who is recuperating, and Razuvios, a warrior who has just been promoted to hero level."

   McDonald held his forehead and sighed on the spot, and the leaders on the throne were shocked.

   "Anduin..." Magni mourned.

   Northshire Abbey again?

   This place is really troubled.

   "Yes." Varian's eyes twitched, and the tears had flowed out of control. Beside him, Bolvar stroked the young king's shoulder with a large hand.

   Tears poured out in an instant.

  Varian lost his father at an early age. Anduin Lothar, who was lucky enough to survive the second Battle of the Dark Portal in this life, inadvertently pinned his condolences on his deceased father.

  Lothar is also a teacher and a father to him, and has a decisive influence on the entire alliance.

  You must know that Lothar is the only direct descendant of Thoradin the Great, and was the cornerstone figure when the Alliance of Lordaeron was established. Without his identity, the seven human kingdoms who were suspicious of each other at that time could not even choose a banner figure recognized by all kings.

   The first league commander!

   Even if Lothar steps down, he is still the face of the Alliance.

   His assassination was the Scourge's greatest trampling on the glory of the Alliance.

   McDonald sighed: "As expected of Kel'Thuzad!"

   In this world, Ke always did not come up with the big news of the depravity of Prince Arthas of Lordaeron, and once again came up with the big news of the murder of Anduin Lothar.

   Even if Lothar is injured and old, and his strength is not as good as before, it will be evaluated as a living person. Once he is resurrected as a death knight...

  Anduin*Lothar, Thoras*Tolbane, Garrosh*Hellscream, plus any mages.

Ha ha! This year's Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse is the most outrageous one!

   (end of this chapter)