Stratholme God

v2 Chapter 795: Sand sculpture players have ideas (2 mor

   Chapter 795 Sand sculpture players have ideas (2 more)

   Thrall went away, satisfied and dissatisfied.

   As an orc who has a deep understanding of the human world, with his vision, it can be considered that he has achieved the limit of what he can do.

Helpless **** decides his head, no matter what kind of evil intruders the orcs were in those days, and committed countless evil deeds of slaughtering villages and cities, Thrall is still an orc, and it is impossible to stand in the position of the alliance and sell the living space and future of the orcs .

   Famous is worse than meeting!

   When you meet in person once, you will truly understand the character of the other party, which will facilitate better cooperation or targeting in the future.

   McDonald's also sighed that if Thrall was not an orc hero, he would definitely find a way to recruit Thrall as his younger brother.

   Now, as imagined... it's a pity.

After    Thrall left, when no one was around, Kalia came wearing a quicksand robe.

  On the upper body, there are only two pieces of armor the size of a palm, and a golden pendant that extends from the breastplate to the waistband. The rest of the armor is zero, revealing a perfect snow skin that can be broken by a bullet.

   The purple-red robes on the lower body are also outrageous. For the convenience of movement, there are large openings on the thigh line, which is very convenient.

   As the saying goes - bare feet are not afraid of wearing black silk.

  Look at this opening, it is white and round, smooth and tender, and the feel of this opening is superb.


   Just by wearing the quicksand robe, Kalia's face was already charming, and her inner restraint kept stimulating her slender nerves. When the cloud-hunting hand really reached out, she really couldn't hold back.

   "Don't be here..." Her Royal Highness the former princess almost cried.

   "It's not my fault, my hands have their own thoughts." McDonald's nonsense said solemnly: "As we all know, cat tails and cats are two kinds of creatures."

   So the brains of salty pig's hand and McDonald's are also two independent existences.

At this moment, Alleria in a ranger outfit came over to save the field, akimbo: "McDonald, I don't want to talk about you. But your heart is too big, right? There is no defense in the whole fjord. You Aren't you afraid of the Horde or Scourge raiding you? You are the most important person in the Alliance!"

   McDonald smiled, but before he spoke, Queen Xi appeared out of nowhere under a tree not far away.

   "Thank you for your concern, but it's not him who doesn't leave anything behind." Queen Xi glanced at McDonald's: "Am I right?"

   "Yes! That's right!" McDonald snapped his fingers, and the seemingly empty fjord in front of him suddenly boiled.

  Several jet-black steel giants suddenly surfaced from the bottom of the water, and the nearest one was only thirty meters away from the beach.

   A little girl in a diving suit stood on the bow and saluted McDonald's: "U-boat Wolf Squadron, report to my lord."

   "Well, hard work, continue the mission."

   "Yes!" A greeting, these young girls, who looked full of youthful vitality, dived into the water like this, not even a bubble came up.

   Looking at Alleria's surprised expression, Mai was very proud: "This fjord, which seems to have nothing, is the largest submarine base in Stratholme Federation!"

  The water is full of U-type submarines. Unless the water element lord Naptulon comes over in person, anyone who comes will be swallowed by these sea wolves to the bone!

   Five 533mm mind-tracking torpedoes, isn't that sour?

  This torpedo, guided by the ship's mother, is loaded with 780kg of dense explosive powder, which is equivalent to more than 1 ton of TNT. Being stuck with this stuff, before the ship's **** can enjoy extreme expansion, it will be sent to the sky by a huge amount of explosives.

   Seriously, this thing is just waiting for the big man of the Iron Horde to come out.

   It is not a problem to send a 5,000-ton ship.

   Big Sister Fengxing immediately supported her forehead: "Okay, I found out that I worry that you are superfluous."

   "How come." McDonald leaned over: "I received your concern. By the way, why don't you get one too?"

   Watching someone wink at Kalia, Alleria said angrily, "I'm a ranger, what's the point of stealing the priest's robe?"

  Sylvanas rubbed his eyebrows: "Sister, this **** just wants you to wear this style. Nod your head, and he will find a tailor tomorrow night to get you a set."

   Someone raised three fingers: "It's three sets."

   Looking at Kalia, who was too embarrassed to speak, then looked at the eldest sister who was a little submissive. Looking back at the third sister who obeyed someone in this regard, Queen Xi suddenly wanted to beat someone.

   The next night, McDonald's succeeded.

   The only thing he didn't expect was that in the early morning of the third day, Sally Whitemane, his attendant, was theoretically wearing the [Guardian Saint Robe], and Miss Ilusia came out in the [Battle Guard Robe].

   Seeing that the two of them were so ashamed that their toes were about to dig out two rooms and one living room on the ground, you don't have to think about it, this must be the idea of ​​the two old dukes!


   is a loser!

  Mai someone ran away!

   On the other side, a war is still being prepared.

  Kel'Thuzad was just playing, and it was full of waves, and even flew Naxxramas to Silithus at one point to see if there was a chance to catch hundreds of thousands of elite undead.

  If it was the original group of tribes, there might still be a chance. Mixed with the alliance, I just learned to cremate such a good civilization.

   The orc warriors who are a bit extreme will instruct their companions in advance to burn their own corpses together with the corpses of the enemy. Bring a handful of ashes back to Feralas, and set up a monument with the words [XXX is a true warrior, he died with the enemy at the end of his life...]

   Actually, the one who always found the most corpses was in Feralas.

   experienced a brutal defense of the Aqir, Feralas has a large number of orc warriors buried.

  【Steel Tribe】has made something new.

   Looking at the surveillance footage from the elite operator, McDonald's jaw dropped.

   "That's all right!?"

   That was a giant trebuchet.

   One covers an area of ​​more than 10,000 square meters, and the cantilever alone is 60 meters long.

  This thing completely subverted Mai's imagination.

   According to him, the level of steelmaking in the world of Azeroth is unscientific. In common sense, the longer the steel bar, the more troublesome it is in terms of toughness and hardness. Therefore, it is difficult to create a giant mecha that is more than 70 meters high like "Pacific Rim".

   Well, talking about this in the fantasy world is farting.

   Anyway, this monster, which is comparable to the German air defense tower in World War II, can easily throw a [Steel Star] several kilometers away.

   That thing, Naxxramas' shield can't hold it.

  Thrall is a game that relies on the Iron Horde.

  The question goes back to the original point, how can we smash that **** flying fortress down?

   In this regard, sand sculpture players have their own ideas.

   "Fuck! Help! Murder—" [Junchen Tianya] screamed.

  【Gugu Ying】: "Monarch and minister, if I advise you to be kind every day, but you don't listen, you deserve it."

  This guy kept his hands on, cutting off the flesh on the buttocks of monarchs and ministers, putting two big bags of explosive powder, then sewing them with pigskin, and finally embedding inferior armor.

  【Drunk Bird】: "This is a big event, it's not enough to requisition all the space storage bags, you can bear it!"


   This is the indescribable howl of a dirty god!

   (end of this chapter)