Stratholme God

v2 Chapter 796: Unable to verify (1 update)

   Chapter 796 Unable to verify (1 more)

   Alas, how difficult is it to persecute [Junchen Tianya]?

   Go to the system group and send a five-dollar red envelope to the administrator named Yu Yunfei.

  Anyway, [Junchen Tianya] has been in the military court's dock all year round, and he has been sentenced to death 1024 times.

  This thing is harder to pay off than his Huabei.

   Alas, the heavy sentence is only five dollars.

   Here, [Chu Jiayun] assured McDonald: "As for infiltration, we are professional!"

   Mai helped his forehead: "Here, you have failed many times in recent years!"

  [Chu Jiayun] blushed: "This, I'm not afraid of a boss like a god, but a teammate like a pig. There's no way, I can't stand the loneliness... But isn't our infiltration very successful recently?"


   Recently, thanks to a group of trolls hiding in Naxxramas to perform lying corpses, mentally connected to Biu Station, the existence of this group of otherworldly dead houses allows the Alliance to accurately locate the location of the air fortress 24 hours a day.

   By the way, we continue to send sand sculpture players death squads to test.

   For opening maps, players have a special method.

   The most awesome time was created by a warlock player with the talent of [Krypton Gold Dog Eye]. The so-called kryptonite dog's eye is an upgraded version of [Kilrogg's Eye].

   Originally, this skill of Warlock is to summon the eyeball of an alien creature to scout around in a stealth state.

   The special effect of krypton gold dog eye is that as long as you invest more Arathor gold coins, you can have a short-term perspective function.

   Using this, this guy just found out where the power core of Naxxramas is.

   Now the elite operator has come up with a plan.

   At this time, the situation in Kalimdor Continent began to collapse.

  Utilizing the high mobility of the flying fortress, Kel'Thuzad let his men frantically attack tribal settlements.

   Many orcs and trolls instinctively fled to Feralas, seeking redemption from their chieftain. Simple-minded populace with no superfluous thoughts, and would not consider whether New Orgrimmar could withstand so many populace.

   As settlements are purged, the prestige of the warchief diminishes.

   "Where is the army of the Horde?"

   "Have they all become the dogs of the Alliance?"

   In the final analysis, a tribe is a union with a looser organization than an alliance, and the prestige of the tribe largely depends on the prestige of the great chief.

  At first, the people thanked Thrall for leading them to escape from the death of the Eastern Kingdom, and then united the tauren and trolls to clean up the manic and cruel centaurs, and Thrall's reputation did rise.

   With the invasion of the Burning Legion, Orgrimmar was demolished when passing by, and Thrall's reputation began to decline. Feralas was attacked by bugmen, which made the dissatisfaction among the tribes grow stronger.

  When the Horde had to unite with the Alliance to defeat the Aqir, not even C'Thun's tentacles were caught, and only one Unscarred Ossirian was killed, and the voice of opposition had become mainstream.

  The only luck is that the main force of the Frostwolf clan is still there. Except for the Iron Horde of unknown origin, the Frostwolf is still the first clan, and Thrall barely maintains his rule over the tribe.

   Now that the Horde has nothing to do with the Scourge attack, Thrall's rule over the lower clans is clearly out of control.

  Especially in areas such as Desolace and Thousand Needles, the entire area has been cleaned by the Scourge Legion. Even if the plague was not deliberately thrown, there would be no live prey in the wild.

  Any wandering elk may be an undead creature, not only the meat is inedible, but also the corpse poison.

  When people are hungry, they can do anything.

   "New Orgrimmar has been out of food for a long time, and the granary has been eaten up long ago when the insects invaded."

   "The Great Chief is out of food! If you want to survive, go to the Alliance and grab it!"

A small clan with a number of only over a hundred people, no more than a thousand people at most, and not even a name worthy of the record of the tribe's high-level officials, began to unite together. The alliance post rushed over.

  The alliance has already evacuated, but the evacuation was too hasty, and many materials were abandoned, such as canned food that was about to expire or had expired.

  These expired foods have become life-saving food in the mouths of these refugees.

   This again stimulated the refugees to kill towards the Alliance territory.

   When Thrall knew about this, he was too late to stop it.

   In the dark alley area of ​​New Orgrimmar, no one would have imagined that Brainless Roar would be sitting opposite a big lich.

   "Hehehe! Hellscream, you are such a cruel person." The big lich was the missing Sun King Anastrian.

   Brain Cannon roared indifferently: "Weak people don't deserve to live in the world. Useless waste, just die. This time, I will show all orcs how weak Thrall is."

  The Sun King did not respond to this, he opened the topic: "Maybe, this attack is exactly what McDonald's wanted."

   "Whatever! I'll just get what I want!" Brain Can Roar suddenly got up, turned his head and left.

   After the last orc left in the room, a Forsaken servant asked the Sun King through the voice of the soul: "Your Majesty, the plan continues?"

   "Of course continue! The Lich King is too much of a hindrance." The blue flames in the Sun King's eyes flickered.

   McDonald's was slightly surprised when Horde refugees attacked the Alliance's abandoned outpost and marched into the Alliance-controlled area of ​​the Northern Barrens.

   "Oh, someone gave you a pillow when you were really drowsy?"

  【Sniper No. 11】: "Then we stop the tribe's mob as planned?"


   With the cross fortress built at the crossroads of the Barrens as the core, McDonald's used the Bunker Stream to separate the North and South Barrens. Unfortunately, this line of defense is too long, with a length of more than 150 kilometers from east to west.

   The lack of cement supply and the long line of defense meant that this line of defense was not as solid as that of the Stratholme Federation. Especially in the west of the intersection, the terrain is complicated and it is relatively easier to break through.

   On this day, when more than 10,000 refugees, mainly orcs, stormed the alliance post under the guidance of people with a heart, a large-scale battle was triggered.

   There is no suspense in the battle itself.

   These young clans, most of whom were killed, didn’t have much combat power, and more of them, with a **** courage and a desire to survive, they madly attacked the slightly thin single-layer city wall of the alliance.

   They carried sandbags and even big rocks, almost built a passage with human lives, and killed them to the top of the city, breaking through the alliance guard tower with less than 100 people.

   Then, of course, it attracted the thunder of the alliance.

   This is a battle without suspense.

   The only accident was that, just as the Alliance's partial division won and started to clean the battlefield, Naxxramas suddenly descended from the clouds...

   This time there was no accident.

  The Alliance and the Horde were taken over by Naxxramas.

At the entrance of the    fortress, the black witch Farina reminded the reaper Gortik: "Wait! Lord Kel'Thuzad has instructed that every new undead must be certified by soul connection."

Gortik waved his hand impatiently: "Come here if you have the ability! These orcs have bad brains in the first place, and their souls are even more chaotic after death. Those who are a little wise speak the orcish language with dialects, and whoever can communicate will do it. This shit!"

   "This..." Farina could only silently watch a large number of orc undead, stuffed into the lower warehouse of Naxxramas without verification, like sardines in a can.

   (end of this chapter)