Stratholme God

v2 Chapter 797: It's weird (2 more)

   Chapter 797 is very strange (2 more)

   In some games, the orc's natural intelligence is rated as -3, and it is important to focus on it. Most of the games have only single-digit basic values.

   Orcs, as a nomadic race, have lived a nomadic life for thousands of years, allowing them to evolve strong muscles beyond the imagination of most mortals.


   That is in exchange for sacrificing IQ.

   A pure-blooded orc as intelligent and wise as Thrall is definitely an outlier in a hundred thousand. Combined with his travel experience in the human world when he was young, he has a unique vision that surpasses almost all orcs.

   On the contrary, it seems that these orcs who have no culture and rely on their instincts to pass by are the status quo of the vast majority of orcs.

   Reckless! stupid! Brave!

   Gortik the Reaper was absolutely right about these orcs.

  Most of the necromancers and lich are of human or elves origin. They are fine with the Alliance races who understand the common language, but they will be blinded when they encounter the orcs, trolls and tauren who do not understand the language.

   In other words, isn't there a soul ability that ignores language and directly enters the mind?


  What about the price?

  Direct soul communication consumes the caster's own soul power and spiritual power.

   Even a big guy like Gortik struggled to use such a spell, let alone other low-level and middle-level lich.

   Take another 10,000 steps, even if it is used, it is not used on these orcs and alliance soldiers.

   The orcs of the third-rate clan are weak themselves, not to mention the best part of the orc warriors have been harvested long ago.

  Similarly, the Alliance troops that came over this time are not necessarily the main force, but more like a miscellaneous garrison. After all, the military cards of the Alliance elite troops are recognized by the Scourge Legion. Besides, these alliance soldiers all had skinny arms and legs, and at first glance, the natural disaster boss was not interested.

  Accommodating this batch of deceased is purely because Mr. Ke was used to a hard life, and in line with the principle of not having any leftovers, he packed all these weak chickens away.

  The Horde may be sloppy, and the Alliance has a set of cleaning up corpses.

  The logistics of the alliance came, the bulldozers gathered the corpses, the Spitfires washed the ground, and the Scourge Legion couldn’t even catch the hair.

  K always knows that these weak undead are useless. If you collect them, you can still find materials when you need to do hate.

   The big guy above doesn't have the time to be so meticulous, and the younger brother below is naturally prone to sloppy work when faced with a huge amount of work.

  So, a large number of sand sculpture players disguised as the garrison mixed into Naxxramas.

   Of course, the treatment is also the worst, with 10,000 people crowded in a storage room less than 1,000 square meters, can you believe it?

   read that right, that is, people crowding people, people stacking people.

   This scene is even more outrageous than playing with stacking blocks.

   is not guarding prisoners, not even a necromancer who patrols.

  Speaking of which, no one likes to watch rancid rotten meat sauce.

  【Jun Muqi】: "Fuck! Who is holding my butt?"

  【God of Tulips】: "Don't worry, no one wants your ass, it's the calf bone of a troll salted fish."

  The undead aren't real salted fish, so it's normal to be a little bit horrified, right?

  I always wanted to make trouble, so it makes sense to carry a wrench in the crotch, right?

   Anyway, a group of dirty gods, plus some warriors who have the [Quick Resurrection] feature and are not afraid of nausea, mixed in.

The player's space storage bag is provided by the system. Unlike the storage bag made by the French tailor, it will trigger the induction of the necromancer. Of course, the storage space is not large. According to the cost, the volume and weight of the storage vary. different.

   Generally, the 10-point cost is about 2 cubic meters, and the maximum load is 200 kilograms.

   These guys wearing [Deception Orbs] just swam in the sea of ​​​​corpses, and it took a long time to climb out.

   As an undead fortress, Naxxramas did not have vents or anything.

  Thanks to the shelling a while ago, I really found a crack for these guys, like drilling a dog hole, and successfully merged with the previously lurking operator.

  [All kinds of social guys] took a sip of the treasured Bing Kuo Le and raised his eyelids: "Have you brought everything?"

   A group of sand sculpture players suddenly rummaged through boxes and took out all kinds of things from themselves.

Because the storage bag can be customized at first, but it is not allowed to be changed. As a result, I see all kinds of strange things - digging out of the pants, digging out of smelly shoes, turning over from the armpit, the most outrageous one, you must put your head Downward, popping out of his ears as if he had poured water out of his brain.

   After a short while, this irregular giant gap of less than 20 cubic meters was filled with red-skinned explosive tubes.

  【A pig who loves to read books】: "Huh? Who is responsible for the lead?"

   All the sand sculptures looked at [The End of the World].

   As a result, [Junchen] scolded and continued to dig, tore the inferior sutures on his buttocks, and just pulled out bundles of lead wires wrapped in rubber covers.

  【Yanxin】: "Fuck you, monarch and minister, are you fighting so hard?"

   "The boss of the dog day has to bring 50 kilograms of things per person, how can I have so much space?"

Well, as an example of the most unfortunate player among the players, McDonald's has to hang his neck lanyard on a lamppost every time he sweeps down pornography. After countless tragic deaths and training - the cost of [Junchen] is as high as 2 points, and it is If you die a dozen times in a short period of time, your cost will not go up.

   Who knew that he also had the smallest load.

  I don't feel much on weekdays, so if I have less things, I can hold it with the space storage bag sewn by Faye.

   In order to meet the standard this time, [Junchen] waited for the dirty gods to go out and cut the flesh and bear the burden.

  The only good thing is that they can turn off the pain of the clone, otherwise the pain will kill these guys.

   A group of hilarious gangsters made up several tons of explosives.

  【Black Crocodile】: "It doesn't feel like enough!"

  【Uncle Mars】: "There are still many brothers who are stuck in the warehouse and can't get out."

  【Katasa】: "We are going to gather here. But we have to pass two posts on the way, and we don't have any heavy weapons in our hands."

   Having said that, the three-dimensional map of Naxxramas appeared in the minds of all players. It is really not far from the target area. It takes about 800 meters to rush from the nearest crack to the power area of ​​the fortress.

  The best thing in the hands of the player is the iron fist and the like, and the elite operators have one or two pieces of Molten Core or Blackwing Lair-level equipment.

   Here comes the question, what should I do if I encounter a natural disaster hero?

   After the Alliance killed C'Thun, the Azeroth Star Soul said "My heart is so comforting", the biggest benefit was not to give McDonald's, but to relax the sand sculpture player's power limit a little bit again.

It is still approximately equal to the physical quality of a human soldier of level 55 determined by the system. The occupation template is open. As long as there is a corresponding talent, players can freely change occupations and directly practice the skills determined by the system below level 20. For more advanced ones, you need to find a skill book or magic. Books for self-study.

   Studying from the system is different from studying on your own. With personal talent, it is completely possible to get skills and magic levels up.

   This is the so-called master brings in the door, and the practice depends on the individual.

   is very strange, most of the dirty gods have successfully transferred to warlocks, and then no one can summon a succubus, but instead become a summon slime monster.

   (end of this chapter)