Strong Offense and Defense

Chapter 94: . The key to victory

In the last minute from the end of the first quarter, Reese suddenly showed extraordinary speed and breakthrough ability. He broke through Jonathan's defense, and the instant speedup and sudden stop changed to breathtaking.

However, Nie Chuan managed to break the ball from the opponent's points. Manning began to stare at the man again. Nie Chuan must always carefully keep a safe distance from him. Once he entered Manning's defense range, Nie Chuan must spend More energy than ever to break through.

Reese was very clear about Nie Chuan's best passing style. He came to the right of Nie Chuan and shouted, "Nie Chuan--"

Jonathan and ujt's points came together to defend Reese.

But Nie Chuan's touchdown pass is a classic. It just hit Manning's left hand too far out of reach. It bounced quickly, skipped from the utj quanta over the waist, and swung his arm too late. Intercepting, Reese took the ball away and rushed towards ujt's defensive area.

His speed was amazing, his hair rose, and he went straight to the basket.

Nie Chuan abruptly got rid of Manning and followed Liz frantically.

The rhythm of the game originally restrained by ujt was suddenly broken.

Cook rushed back into defense and played against Reese in the air.

Reese's expression was cold. He looked at Cook, whose palm almost covered his head.

"This height cannot be a shot!"

Sure enough, Reese's body swung sideways in the air, passing the ball to Nie Chuan.

Nie Chuan was still closely guarded by Manning. At this time Montenegro came to his side: "Nie Chuan-pass!"

Yu Guang of Nie Chuan's sight glanced over the side of Montenegro, Jonathan was coming, but Nie Chuan still passed the ball in the direction of Montenegro.

Manning's knee moved and crossed Nie Chuan's passing side. But Nie Chuan dribbled behind to avoid Manning, and then backed up to the three-point line.

Only then did Manning realize what Nie Chuan was doing, and he quickly caught up and extended his arms to intercept Nie Chuan.

And Ewing also came not far from Nie Chuan: "Nie Chuan-"

Owen raised his eyebrows in the stands: Are you going to pass the ball to Ewing, or do you want to recover the ball and shake Manning before you plan?

But Nie Chuan completely exceeded everyone's expectations.

He made a backward shot.

Reis broke through the defense of ujt and passed Cook to the basket after passing him. Nie Chuan must not waste it.

At that moment, his thoughts were extremely clear, and the world became broad and central, but there was only that basket.

On the stand, Owen leaned forward subconsciously, and he had a hunch: the ball must go.

As Owen expected, the ball left Nie Chuan's fingertips. It was a very beautiful and high arc. The audience stretched their necks to wait and see. The ball made a pleasant sound when it fell into the basket.

A moment of silence followed by a crazy shout.

When Nie Chuan landed, he shivered backwards, Ewing gripped his back, "God! When did you practice this?"

Nie Chuan smiled and looked in the direction of Reese.

Reese is still under the basket with a slight smile on his lips.

"Who told me, was that ball just a coincidence or strength?" Engel sighed.

"But the young dark-haired point guard's judgment on the situation on the court was indeed correct. Montenegro who came to meet him was guarded by Jonathan. Once Ewing received the ball, he would be blocked by the opponent's quant. The basket ... and Nie Chuan's shot seemed thrilling, but from his air gesture, he can see that he is psychologically ready. "Robert nodded frequently while watching Nie Chuan's figure," I suddenly imagined that If Nie Chuan, who is in charge of the team, suddenly starts to score like Liz Redington, what will happen to dk? "

"Indeed, calmly pass the ball, calmly judge the situation and then calmly score, this child's performance just now does not seem to be the first time to enter the finals."

And Wright on the stand blinked, and touched Thomas next to him with his elbow: "Hey, Thomas ... that happened by chance? When practicing with dk before, Allen ... didn't seem to have Is this capable? "

Thomas wasn't quite sure: "But if it happens, the ball always feels calm."

"Not by chance," Owen said coldly.


"Backward shooting is the strength of Reese Redington. Although he does not play many times. Once he casts, he must hit every shot. And Reese should spend a lot of thought in order to raise his pet."

Wright sighed: "I said Owen, don't keep calling Allen a" little pet ", be careful that guy hit you with a basketball."

dk regained the rhythm of the game from ujt. Nie Chuan controlled the ball and hit the opponent's basket in the last ten seconds of the game. His speed is amazing, and the players of dk follow him.

ujt began to seize a favorable position and predict the trend of Nie Chuan.

This time, the quartiles of Manning and ujt leaned left and right to Nie Chuan, but at that moment Nie Chuan stopped suddenly under his knees, and the two of them rushed to Nie Chuan's front while Nie Chuan pulled his lips The corner flicked the ball to the right and back.

Ewing took the ball, took two steps back and came to the three-point line.

Ujt center Cook rushed to block, Carlo blocked in front of him and defended unswervingly.

Ewing took off, the ball was much faster than before.

When the audience lamented that Ewing didn't need to be so eager to make a shot, the ball entered the basket very smartly.

Ewing looked at Carlo and raised his chin. His mouth was: thank you.

At the end of the game, dk broke ujt's control and led by four points.

Everyone returned to their seats. Nie Chuan raised his face and drank water. He turned his face to look at the quiet Reese, and remembering the breakthroughs and cuts he had made before, he felt that this guy was really handsome and dark. Nie Chuan smiled, but Reese reached out and rubbed his head.

"Don't laugh when you drink water. Be careful spraying."

"No way ..." Before Nie Chuan's words were finished, he was choked by someone who coughed.

"Hahaha, Niechuan! How about we prepare a bottle for you to drink next time?" Carlo laughed heartlessly.

"Are you all right?" Ewing frowned, and Carlo hugged his own head subconsciously, but Ewing didn't mean to sting him, and said coolly, "It would be stupid enough to hit your head again. You're going to be mentally disabled. "

The commentators of the match were also enthusiastically discussing.

Robert appreciates the game very much: "So far, both teams have played to a very high level. Ujt's defense and UDK's breakthrough are spears and shields.

"Udk is currently four points ahead of ujt. Although such a lead will bring a certain psychological advantage in the game, we all know that nothing can happen before the last moment." Aspenson looked at Engel, "Engri, what do you think?"

"I'm thinking, what will the 'Old Sparrow' arrange for the next game? It's obvious that blind defense is not enough to stop the dk offensive. Ujt's tactics need to be adjusted."

Robert and Aspenson agreed with Engel's views.

At the beginning of the next game, Nie Chuan was surprised that Manning no longer came to defend Nie Chuan, but rushed to the basket.

Small forward Jonathan dashed into the dk's free throw line and took a jump shot. Reese rushed over. No one saw his speed clearly and he dropped the racket.

This hot pot did not weaken ujt's offensive. Carlo had just taken the ball from Reese's shot, but the opponent's point guard took the ball first.

"It's a wonderful run." Owen whispered his head.

Nie Chuan quickly rushed to defend the opponent's point guard, but the opponent's point guard passed the ball to the quant and took off. Ewing caught up but didn't have time to intercept. One ball into the basket. One point left.

This period of cooperation won applause.

"Ujt seems to give up on man-marking in the second half and instead attack."

"That is, of course. Don't you expect the opponent to give them points without an active attack?"

"Actually, you don't think ujt's conservative approach in the first half is actually to keep the speed of dk and narrow the difference.

Not only the audience, but even Nie Chuan on the field felt it.

Fortunately, Rees constantly cuts the connection between ujt at a speed, suppressing their scores, otherwise, with dk they are tired of running but cannot find a suitable steal position, ujt will make the point difference bigger.

Nie Chuan exhaled a breath, glanced at the score, 45 to 49, three minutes into the opening, ujt not only recovered the lost points, but even surpassed.

He had to do something and couldn't let ujt keep holding his nose.

Moreover, Reese's running range is very large, which will consume a lot of his physical strength.

If possible, Nie Chuan hopes that Reese will keep the speed until the last three minutes to defeat ujt, of course, provided that dk can guarantee the advantage three minutes before the game.

Manning, Jonathan and Cook are indeed very good players, but in terms of individual strength, they have not reached the level of Owen or Ralvin. So why do they make dk so tricky ... because they are out of position.

Running without a ball is very important for the game. Although every player knows it, everyone pays more attention to their own abilities and ignores the importance of occupying a favorable position on the court. Of course, dk is not bad at this, but today they encountered ujt which is better at it.

What should I do?

Nie Chuan feels like he has no room to play.

At this time, Coach Gordon requested a timeout.

The audience was surprised.

Engley said: "It seems that from the beginning of the regular season, dk rarely stops in the middle of the game."

"This is also no way out. When ujt enters the offensive state, dk obviously has a feeling of not being able to catch the point. If there is no pause at this time, dk will not have the opportunity to readjust the state."

When he came to the field and stopped running, Nie Chuan suddenly felt tired.

This was never felt after entering the regular season.

It seems that what I do is useless.

"Do you think if dk wants to find his own rhythm, where should the focus be?" Engel asked Robert.

Robert rubbed his chin: "Actually, Reed Redington has always been in the state. He may be the only one of the dk players who has not been affected by the rhythm of ujt. So I am looking forward to the next game he can lead dk out Dilemma. "

"However, I really think that if dk really wants to turn defeat, Reese Redington is not enough. Reese is good at cutting and truncating. For example, if ujt is an artist, Reese is only a critic. He can only Respond according to ujt and can't walk in front of ujt. What dk needs is someone to create a new rhythm for this game. "

Coach Gordon's expression was serious. He didn't blame anyone, but just said to Reese, "You and Allen are the most familiar. I believe you know what to say to make him understand what he is going to do."

Nie Chuan stayed, did he do something wrong?

All eyes were on Nie Chuan.

It made him feel extremely heavy.

Reese came to him, put his head into his chest, and said in a cold voice, "Don't think wildly. Coach Gordon doesn't mean that you did something wrong, but that you are the key to victory . "

Nie Chuan's eyes closed, his hands dropped naturally to his side, but he could hear Reese's strong heartbeat.



"Do you think your opponent is basketball or human?"

"Of course it is human."

"Then don't stare at the ball stupidly."

At that moment, all the voices in the audience went away, leaving only Reese.

Just a simple sentence, Nie Chuan's brain became extremely clear.

"I understand."

When the game started again, Nie Chuan left Reis's embrace and stepped onto the field.

"Oh, did you see that Reese was holding Nie Chuan just now! It seemed to be comforting him?"

"I used to think that Reis of the dk was cold. I didn't expect that there would be a time to comfort others!"

Nie Chuan exhaled, because of the hug of Reese, at this moment he became the focus of the audience.

Ujt's point guard once again took the ball to launch the attack. Jonathan and Manning were one on his left front and the other on his right rear.

Nie Chuan didn't rush forward to stop the opponent's point guard, but retreated slightly, forming a defensive position with Rees.

He knows the front left side. If Jonathan gets the ball, there is no easy way for Reese to break into the basket, and he only needs to guard the ujt point guard.