Strongest Boss System

Chapter 1075: Big fists are rules

PS: This chapter is for the ZZZ Xinmiao's reward and addition. (1/20)

Hearing that Xuan Kuo had retained Xuan Zang to return to Shaolin Temple, the faces of some people in the rivers and lakes as well as the people in the local government changed slightly.

Once Xuan Zang returned to Shaolin Temple, the strength of Shaolin Temple was enough to win the Supreme Master of Wulin.

At that time, the door of the Tao of Fortune could not be blocked, and the heaven could not be blocked, even Da Zhou could not be blocked.

This shock is big enough for the entire rivers and lakes. Although Shaolin Temple is not the wicked guy of the Momen, becoming the martial arts supremacy is a river and lake catastrophe, but at least for these big factions they do not want the rise of Shaolin Temple. Shaolin Temple is too nosy.

Whether big or small on rivers and lakes is right or wrong, Shaolin Temple always likes to intervene in its own way.

Just like the last time Shaolin Temple was going to crack down on Su Xin's sister, the move to other people may only be able to bite the teeth, that is, Su Xin has such great courage and strength, plus Su Xin'er has another The master with amazing strength was able to avoid the repressed ending.

In the past, when Shaolin Temple was weak, they dared to do so. Now if Shaolin Temple has two sacred bridges and sat down in this martial arts supreme position, how can Shaolin Temple behave?

The same is true of the people at the Shaolin Temple who frowned.

If Xuanzang really chooses to return to Shaolin Temple, what will happen to their local government?

Do n’t be fooled by the fact that Shaolin Temple will accept the prefecture. Similarly, the unruly existence of the prefecture is not a good person. There is nothing similar to the concept of the Shaolin Temple.

With the Jizo King, the Jifu is the one in the second palace of Heaven and Earth. If the Jizo King is absent, although Yan Luo Tianzi and Su Xin have the power of true martial arts, they cannot support the Jifu, at least for a period of time Within it, the prefecture would lie in the power of heaven.

So now everyone's eyes are on the King of the Tibetan Plateau, and he wants to see how he will choose.

In the face of mysterious inquiries, as well as the eyes of a group of warriors in Shaolin Temple such as Xuan Zhen, Xuanzang shook his head with a smile: "Shaolin Temple is not the former Shaolin Temple, but I am not the same as me.

I ca n’t go back, and I ca n’t go back anymore. I used to practice Dharma, but now I ’m practicing martial arts. The one who is scratching the bald head is also the monk.

You must not know what I have done over the years to establish the prefecture. In Hell, I do n’t know how many of the commandments of the Shaolin Temple have been committed, and I have long been unable to return.

This time I shot one to target heaven, and the other to cut off the cause and effect of the past.

Brother, please cross out the name on the glaze book. The Xuan Zang of Shaolin Temple is dead, and the only one who lives is the King of the Tibetan Plateau. "

Hearing this from the Tibetan King, not only the people of the Tibetan Mansion, but also other people from the rivers and lakes are relieved. As long as the Tibetan King's position is firm, everything will be easy to say.

But at this moment, an old monk came out of the Shaolin Temple.

This old monk also has the strength of Yang Shen Realm, but the breath on his body is already very weak, apparently it is already Shou Yuan's end.

Seeing this old monk, all other warriors with empty characters saluted, "Brother Kongyuan."

This old monk is currently the largest monk in the Shaolin Temple, Kong Yuan. Even the abbot Kong Kong of the empty generation called him a brother.

Although the other warriors of the empty generation are now old, at least they still have combat power, but they can't stay at the peak.

However, this empty element is already in the stage of qi and blood decay, and it cannot be done with others.

When Xuan Yuan stepped out, Xuan Zhen's brow suddenly frowned.

He was disgusted with the empty-formed warrior who forced his brother away, but it was this empty element that he hated the most.

At first, it was this man who relied on his own seniority, and was the brother of the abbot of the previous generation. Therefore, the talented person who led him with empty words combined to squeeze out Xuanzang, forcing him to give up the abbot position.

It can be said that this person was the culprit who forced Xuanzang to give way to leaving Shaolin Temple.

At that time, Xuanzhen even wondered why the Shaolin Temple was not a Modao sect. If it was in the Modao sect, everything was based on his strength. Regardless of his seniority, even if he was older, his strength would be poor. Obediently go to the endowment, not like Shaolin Temple, you have to jump out and talk about it.

At this time, Kong Yuan came out and looked at Xuanzang, "At the beginning, we didn't force you to leave Shaolin Temple. We just wanted you to give up the abbot's position. As a result, you have to leave Shaolin Temple. You are so extreme Is it worthy of your former teacher's teaching?

However, despite this, you are still a disciple of my Shaolin Temple. In recent years, although you are willing to fall, and have committed many Shaolin Temple commandments, you still have the opportunity to change.

Go to the inner wall of the town's magic tower by yourself for one year and wash away your sins, and you will still be my disciple at Shaolin Temple. "

Hearing the words of Kong Yuan, the crowd at the scene were suddenly stunned, especially Su Xin and others, looking at that Kong Yuan just like an idiot.

This ego feels a little too good, even a little too good.

Who does he think the current Jizo king is? Is that the original Xuanzang who left Shaolin Temple sadly?

The current Jizo King is the dragon head of the prefecture and the strongest in the sacred bridge environment. As a result, you even put on an attitude that makes the Jizo King return to Shaolin Temple as a gift, which is simply unknown.

In particular, what does this empty Yuan say that Xuanzang wants to go to the middle of the town's magic tower for one year? What does he mean? Are you beating a Shenqiao strong man standing at the peak of Wulin?

Su Xin sneered secretly. This old monk is also a Shaolin Temple man. If he was born in the Demon Gate and dared to say such a thing, he would have been slapped to death.

Of course, there are also people who want to slap this old monk, such as Xuan Zhen and others who understand Xuan Zang's character.

Don't look at Xuan Zang who always has a temperament like a spring breeze, but in fact Xuan Zang's personality is very rigid, otherwise he would not leave Shaolin directly after giving up the abbot.

It can be said that if they are persuaded, then Xuan Zang may be able to watch Shaolin Temple return to the former sympathy. Although this opportunity is very remote, it is not impossible.

Now, with these words spoken by Kong Yuan, everything becomes impossible. At this time, it would be strange for Xuan Zang to return to Shaolin Temple.

Sure enough, the King of Jizo just shook his head and looked at Xuankuan: "Brother, you seem to be wrong, Shaolin Temple is still the Shaolin Temple in the past, and nothing has changed."

Mysterious suffering was also a gloomy face, and his face was scary.

He was the abbot of Shaolin Temple, but in the end, this empty Yuan was relying on his own seniority. He didn't even look at him in the slightest, and he could even say that he was driving Xuanzang out again, which made Xuanyu extremely angry.

Of course, what can I do after my anger?

Shaolin Temple is not a demon gate. If this kind of thing happens in the demon gate, then the person in charge of the gate must be a slap in the past, and he will directly shoot the old man who is leaning on the old man and let him die. Then let him know that since Already old, then obediently find a place to wait for death, do you have to come out to be crooked, is it alive?

But the problem is that this is the Shaolin Temple. As the head of the Zhengdao Sect, the Shaolin Temple cannot do such a thing, and the rules do not allow mysterious things to be done with the door, or even disrespect the predecessors.

But Xuan Su didn't speak, but Su Xin and others couldn't bear it.

Now that they know Xuan Zang's plan, they naturally don't have to save face for the bald donkeys at Shaolin Temple.

Meng Po sent a color to Su Xin, and Su Xin stood up directly and smiled with a hoarse voice: "Old bald donkey, what do you think you are, even dare to open the Lord Jizo to the town's magic tower wall Believe it or not, I will now demolish the town's magic tower of Shaolin Temple! "


Kong Yuan suddenly sighed angrily. In his opinion, Xuan Zang was from Shaolin Temple ~ ~, and this Chu Jiang King was under Xuan Zang's hands, even if he was a true martial art, he could not be presumptuous.

With this kind of so-called abnormal psychology, Kong Yuan yelled at the Tibetan King, "Xuan Zang! Is that how you taught yourself? Are there any rules?"

The Jizo King shook his head expressionlessly: "They are not under my control. Our prefecture only looks at the forces, not its status."

Su Xin stepped out step by step, his whole body was chilly, and that power made more than ten miles around Shaoshan Mountain, and it snowed in summer!

The thought of moving the sky, this is the power of the true martial realm, and it is not until now that Kong Yuan has reacted, who is he who scolds him.

Su Xin stared blankly at Kong Yuan, and said coldly, "Rules? Who will obey those **** rules in Shaolin Temple? There are rules in rivers and lakes. My fists are bigger than you. My strength is stronger than you. If I speak, That ’s the rule! You have lived for hundreds of years, do n’t you know these things?

I'm curious who gave you the courage to speak to a land fairy in Zhenwu Realm. Since you are so tired and immortal, I will complete you today! "

The words fell, and the ice **** erupted beneath Su Xin's feet. A virtual shadow of Chu Jiang Wang, who was contaminated with endless coldness, emerged, holding the sword of ice, tearing the void and slicing into the sky!

Don't say this sword is the current empty Yuan, even if it is the heyday of the heyday, he can't stop it.

In the face of this sword, Kong Yuan's eyes revealed endless fear.

It ’s true that his birthday is about to run out. It ’s true that he has lived well for many years. It ’s true that he has n’t stepped out of the Tibetan scripture hall for more than ten years. It does not mean that he can look directly at death.

There is a big fear between life and death, even the Yangshen Realm warrior who has lived for hundreds of years can not see through.