Strongest Boss System

Chapter 1076: Identity exposure

When Su Xin shot, Xuan Su stood beside Kong Yuan, but he didn't mean to shoot. (Yes) (meaning) (thinking) (book) (institute)

This empty Yuan just said the words without permission, relying on his own generation to rely on the old to sell the old, it is also time to teach him and other empty-word warriors.

It wasn't until this sword had arrived in front of Kong Yuan that Xuan Su was ready to shoot.

He was prepared to teach Kong Yuan a lesson, but he could not let King Chu Jiang really kill Kong Yuan, otherwise where would their Shaolin Temple put their face?

Although they have lost enough of Shaolin Temple's face, letting an outsider kill their Yanglin Warrior in Shaolin Temple at the entrance of their Shaolin Temple, this face has been lost enough.

Of course, the more important thing is that this King of Chujiang is a man of the Prefecture. Once the King of Chujiang killed Kong Yuan, his resentment between the Shaolin Temple and the Prefecture will end completely. In this way, Xuanzang will never be able to return. To Shaolin Temple.

Therefore, when Su Xin ’s sword was approaching, Xuanku chanted a Buddhist chant, and the golden light of the whole body bloomed, and Luo Han's golden body was cast out. The ice **** extended to Xuanku's body and could no longer move forward. The ghost image of King Jiang gradually dissipated in the Buddhist chant.

Kong Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, but at that moment he really felt the horror of death, and almost made him breathless.

But at this moment, Su Xin's eyes suddenly reflected a terrible killing power, and a small ice sword suddenly appeared in the dissipated Chujiang Wang Xuying.

The ice sword is not an entity, but it is completely condensed by the power of the elemental god. It transcended space and time in an instant, and immediately penetrated into his mind before the elementary reaction came, killing it completely. !!

Kong Yuan's eyes widened, a layer of frost emerged from his body, and he fell to the ground without any vitality.

Mysterious complexion changed suddenly, he just wanted to give some lessons to Kong Yuan, but whoever thought that the king of Chu Jiang in this place actually killed the king and killed Kong Yuan.

"So daring!"

One step out of mystery, the golden gods around him shone, and the punch that broke the meaning of dawn broke out, and suddenly the powerful power went straight to the sky, the night was torn, and any power would be crushed under this punch!

The statue of King Chu Jiang emerged from behind Su Xin, and Frozen Hell was held in his hands. Immediately, the ice splattered and the endless forest cold burst out. Su Xin's body was suddenly repelled ten More steps away.

After all, Xuan Su is a strong man in the Shenqiao Realm. Simply speaking of strength, he has far surpassed Su Xin. After the punch, Su Xin's slump is very obvious.

Immediately, the mysterious figure came to Su Xin's body. His hands were printed, and the countless Buddha kingdoms bloomed. The whole world was shrouded in endless sounds of the Buddhist voices.

But at this moment, a slender and white hand suddenly appeared as China in Infinite Buddhism Kingdom, holding a lotus flower print, falling suddenly, and the Buddhism Kingdom disappeared instantly.

Mysteriously looked at the Tibetan King Shen and said, "You want to stop me?"

The Jizo King said indifferently, "I am the Jizo King of Jifu, and he is the King of Chujiang in our Jifu."

In a word, the Jizo King has clarified his position very clearly.

At this point Xuan Zhen gritted his teeth and stared at the body of that empty Yuan.

He didn't mean to seek revenge from the king of Chu Jiang in that place now, and he couldn't wait to give the idiot's body to Wandan!

Had it not been for him to step up and say those words that he did not know, maybe Brother could return to Shaolin.

It is because of him that the last trace of hope is gone now, and my brother and Shaolin have completely broken!

Unlike the somber complexion of Shaolin Temple disciples, the face of the King of the Tibetan Plateau still had the peaceful feeling like a spring breeze.

"Brother, my cause and effect have been cut off, and there is no need to say more about returning to Shaolin. On the contrary, your obsession is too deep. This time you are breaking the bridge of God, you are forcibly suppressing your mood?

If the idea is unreachable, you will break through forcibly. You know the hidden dangers. God Bridge is not the end. I also know that you are not willing to stop now.

Putting down your mind, you still have the possibility of detachment, otherwise I don't know if you will revitalize the Shaolin Temple, but you may be dragged down by the Shaolin Temple. "

Xuan bite a glance at the people in Shaolin Temple, and he shook his head helplessly: "Some things, I can't put it down."

The Jizo King smiled arrogantly, and took Su Xin directly to turn away. The cause and effect have been cut off. He is now the Jizo King of the prefecture. He should have said what he should say. It is useless to say more about your own choice.

Although the warriors of the Shaolin Temple with empty characters all looked at Su Xin's back with their hatred, none of them dared to say anything.

Fang Cai Su Xin has already told them how much the gap between Zhenwu and Yangshen is.

It's just that these people dare not take action against Su Xin, but they have some resentment and don't take action.

But they clearly saw that if Xuan Su had shot to intercept the Chu Jiang King earlier, it would be that Chu Jiang Wang used the sword of the Yuanshen, Xuan Su could be intercepted, not as close as it was, Mystery is too late to intercept, even Kong Yuan can't even hide.

Xuan Kuan looked back at many of the warriors in Shaolin Temple, and said in a deep voice: "Go back, starting today, Shaolin Temple will be closed for half a year."

It was not long before the year when the mountain was closed last year, and Xuan Su ordered the mountain to be closed again.

It was only that the mystery was sealed in order to avoid the humiliation of gossip on the rivers and lakes, but now it is for the Shaolin Temple to accumulate strength.

He has now been promoted to Shenqiao, and although this time the Dao Buddha battle did not begin, it will not end.

With the rise of their Shaolin Temple power, there will inevitably be many conflicts between Shaolin Temple and the Daomen, and these Shaolin Temples must be prepared.

And this time he was promoted to the God Bridge, he also needs a period of time to stabilize his realm. It should be almost half a year.

At this time in a branch of Tianting, more than ten martial arts such as Tiandi were all here.

The Arctic Ziwei Emperor said to the Emperor Tian with a gloomy face: "The strength of the Earth Mansion is indeed much stronger than before. After this battle, Si Mingxing Jun and other seven warriors of the Divine Realm were killed.

The king of the kingdom was beheaded by the equal king of the prefecture, and the three soldiers who melted the gods such as Yu Shi also died at the hand of the prefecture.

No one was killed in Yang Shen Jing Wu, but the strength of Meng Po and Houtu in that place should not be underestimated. Emperor Zhenwu and others were slightly injured.

The most serious is the Emperor Qinghua of the East Pole. He was not badly injured by Yan Luo Tianzi. I am afraid it will take a year to be able to cultivate. "

The emperor was wearing a mask, and no one could see what he was thinking at this time, but it could be seen from the gloomy momentum of the emperor's whole body. At this time, the emperor was very angry.

This level of loss is already very serious for Tianting, because it is a hundred times or even a thousand times harder for Tianting to train a warrior!

For the other Zongmen, they died only a warrior who transformed into the **** state, but for the heavenly court, they died an elite warrior with the potential of the sun **** state.

Generally speaking, they were still ambushed by the land government this time. If the land government was expected to take the shot, the court would either dispatch all the staff or only the existence of the true martial realm, instead of the low-level martial arts damage as it is now. Large and advanced martial arts were also seriously injured.

"How many people are hurt over there." Tiandi asked in a somber voice.

The Arctic Ziwei looked ugly: "There is no specific statistics, there must be some injuries, but less than us."

The Emperor Tian breathed out a breath: "This time the power of the prefecture has been taken out, and after that, the position of the Second Palace of Heaven and Earth will be completely equal, and you must be careful, otherwise you will not be so easy to leave the ambush of the Prefectural Government Take off. "

Emperor Ziwei nodded, but he suddenly said: "Master Tiandi, I seem to have guessed the identity of the people in the land."

With this remark, the warriors of many local governments turned their attention to the Arctic Purple Wei Emperor.

The identity of the people in the prefecture is mostly a mystery. The existence of the level of the king of the Tibetan Plateau does not really care whether his identity has been revealed. UU 看书 www. uukanshu. com, but others are different. If you make good use of it, it can cause great harm to people in the local government.

For example, the people in Tianting accidentally learned the identity of Yan Luo Tianzi. They used this to calculate that Yan Luo Tianzi was besieged by Wulin Zhengdao, which almost caused Yan Luo Tianzi to die.

The only pity is that they did not expect that there is such an unimaginable supernatural power in the blood magic script.

If this time they find out that the people in the local government are on the rivers and lakes, once they have made use of it, they can have many articles to do.

"Who is that person?" Tiandi asked.

The Arctic Ziwei Emperor Shen said, "That man is Su Xin, the northwest king of the imperial court! King Chu Jiang, the newly-developed Zhenwu realm in the government, is Su Xin!"

As soon as this remark was made, the heavenly powerhouses present were suddenly stunned. It can be said that they never thought of Su Xin as the Chujiang King of the local government.

Du Erxing, who had dealt with Su Xin, wondered: "Su Xin is the King of Chu Jiang? Emperor, what do you infer, time?

If calculated in terms of time, it is true that Su Xin had just been promoted to Zhenwu, and a Chujiang king in Zhenwu came out of the local government. But the question is, when did the Chujiang king break through Zhenwu? Like the Yan Luo Tianzi, we do n’t know when he was promoted to Zhenwu. If the King of Chu Jiang had already broken through Zhenwu, the time would be countless. We can only say that Su Xin had some suspicions.

And when it comes to the conditions of being included in the prefecture, this Su Xin is even more unlike.

But Su Xin was very beautiful on the rivers and lakes, and he acted without fear. Tu Zong destroyed the door. How many seniors have become his stepping stones, and even his virtue can be called a sad person? If he could be considered sad, wouldn't we all cry to death? "