Strongest Boss System

Chapter 1303: Fengtianyu's plan

Speaking of the Twelve Immortal Realms, Fengtian Realm is the most unlucky one. (. 有.) (. 意.) (. 思.) (. 书.) (. 院.)

As the earliest four immortal realms, the other three immortal realms have found a suitable residence through their own way. Only Fengtian Realm encountered a hard idea and was beaten back by others.

Although the other fairylands in the late Nether seem to be in a hurry, they have already explored the news of the Nether before, or they will find a no-man's land, and it is related to joining forces with the forces of the Nether, and even The Golden Horde and the Eastern Jin Dynasty had the forces of Xianyu to join them. Only their Fengtianyu was the most unlucky. They were forced into the corners of the two Taos and looked very sad.

Situ Ming knocked on the table and said, "What shall I do now? As for the strength in Xianyu, my Fengtianyu is not the strongest, but it is not the weakest. It ’s nice to be mixed, but now we are mixed with this virtue, it is just ashamed to go home! "

Chang Kun Shen said: "Of course, I can't just continue to do this. In fact, there is a place for us.

"Where?" Situ Ming asked.

Chang Kun's eyes flashed a touch of fine mang: "Jiannan Road where Yi Jianmen is located!

Yijianmen has developed for thousands of years, and its mountain gate is a treasure land. Although the warriors of Jiannandao adore many sworddos, the so-called sworddo and sworddo are all the way of soldiers and soldiers. Jianmen can also attract many outstanding disciples who are suitable for practicing sword skills.

The most important thing is the strength of Yi Jianmen. Now we can solve it easily.

I heard that the head of the Xuanxin Sword Master ‘Xuanxin Sword Master’ Meng Jingxian is a horrible talent who has been in a thousand years. Although it is Zhenwu, its strength is second only to Shenqiao.

If it was Meng Jingxian, we would not dare to play the game of Jianmen, but now Meng Jingxian entered the fragment of the immortal realm by following the gods in the lower realm.

Now that Xianyu has begun to collapse, that place is just a fragment of Xianyu. Do you think it can survive?

In my opinion, I am afraid that Meng Jingxian will not be able to return in a lifetime, so this Yi Jianmen can be used as the home of my Fengtianyu! "

They can't stand the sword sword league of South Henan Province, and Di Jingfei's strength is also a powerful metamorphosis. Even if they are together, they don't have much confidence.

The two major gates of Jiannan Road, the famous Jianshanzhuang has an old-fashioned true martial artist Ying Qiange. Let's not talk about the strength of the other side first. Its foundation and connections alone cannot be aroused by Fengtianyu.

Therefore, the first Jianshan Villa was ruled out by Chang Kun. In this way, only Yijianmen was a good choice.

It was only with the words of Chang Kun that Situ Ming, who had always been more irritable and even acute, hesitated.

"Old, have you heard of a rumor about Yi Jianmen? Have you heard of the master of the Northwest Road, the sister of Su Xin, the" blood sword **** ", is Yi Jianmen's disciple. Will it cause Su Xin to be unhappy? "Situ Ming asked hesitantly.

They have also been in the lower realm for so long, and they also know a lot about rumors and materials on the rivers and lakes.

Feng Tianyu also said that there are two powerful forces in Zhenwu. Ordinary people don't look at them.

But the problem is that the other party is Su Xin, the master of the Northwestern Road. They did not forget the scene where Su Xin had fought with Zhao Jiuling on Tianyuan Wuliang Mountain.

Zhao Jiuling, who is well-known among the immortals, is the person who carries the tripod in the vein of the immortal gates. What happened? In the end, Su Xin suffered both defeats. It is said that he is still staying in Xuantian Yu to heal himself.

Although Situ Ming's character is somewhat arrogant and overbearing, he is not an idiot. He is a figure of the level of Su Xin, and they can't afford it at all.

Chang Kun smiled and said, "How can I not think of all the things you can think of? In fact, all the forces of Xianyu are coming together to the lower bound, which is also an opportunity for us, because we had no allies before, but now we can find A few allies come to help us.

Although Su Xin's strength is strong, the strength of our allies in Fengtianyu is not bad. "

Situ Ming looked at Chang Kun with a look of surprise: "Chang Chang, aren't you talking nonsense? Allies? We still have that thing in Fengtianyu?"

Feng Tianyu ’s popularity in Xianyu has never been very good. The reason is very simple. The warriors from Fengtianyu are more domineering and irritable.

Martial arts will subtly affect the character of the warrior. This is common sense, and the warrior actually subconsciously chooses martial arts that suits his personality.

The sword intention is originally a kind of martial arts, so most of the martial arts soldiers in Fengtianyu will be ethical, this is obvious.

Of course, not all of them, such as Chang Kun is a special case.

So for so many years, the strength of Fengtianyu has not been too strong, one of which is their own reasons, and the other is that they offend too many people, and they will inevitably be suppressed by others.

Chang Kun said indifferently: "I have a bad connection with Tianyu. That was before. Now Twelve Immortals have lower bounds. I think there will be people who need allies more than we do."

Situ Ming could not help asking: "Who is it? Is it Xuantianyu that was just hit by Su Xin?"

In Stuart's view, only Xuan Tianyu is now qualified to compete with Su Xin on the rivers and lakes.

Although Zhao Jiuling in the previous battle did not win, but he did not lose, and if there was not Da Zhou in the end to intervene with the magic gate, Su Xin's men would have suffered very serious losses.

If Xuan Tianyu is willing to join forces with them, then they are not unsure of Shangxin.

Chang Kun shook his head and said, "You don't have to count on those cow noses. Their own affairs haven't been dealt with yet. I mean Huang Tianyu."

"Huang Tianyu?" Situ Ming's face showed a weird color.

After all, after the old emperor, the prestige of Huang Tianyu in the entire immortal realm actually has some.

Just as warriors, everyone is still accustomed to speak in terms of strength. It is not enough for Emperor Tianyu to have only one queen, otherwise the immortal realm would not be divided into twelve forces.

In the past, they also split from the Emperor Tianyu. Coupled with the character of the warrior in Fengtian Yu, the relationship between the two parties has never been good. They can only say that there is no deep hatred.

Now Chang Kun has said that Huang Tianyu can become an ally of Fengtian Yu, but Situ Ming is not convinced.

Chang Kun said indifferently: "There is nothing impossible in this world. Huang Tianyu hopes for his allies even after the lower bound.

In Xianyu, Huangtianyu was still a royal vein, but now? The dynasty of the First Dynasty has long disappeared, and the descendants of the emperor of the lower world have long disappeared. Who is the most respected dynasty now? It's big week!

The strength of Huang Tianyu is stronger than Da Zhou, but now it is just a martial arts force. Except for the high-end combat power, they are stronger than Da Zhou. Which of them can be compared to Da Zhou?

And if the Daomen Union incident does not happen, I guess Huang Tianyu will still fight toughly with Da Zhou, but now, people in Huang Tianyu should know that these strong men on the rivers and lakes do not allow a monopoly The appearance of the Daomen also prevented the reappearance of the former dynasty.

So I guess that the current Emperor Heaven Realm needs people's support very much. As long as they want to recreate the glory of the former dynasty I, they will either cultivate a strong heavenly power. Or they can only slowly strengthen their strength and let their forces and allies spread throughout the rivers and lakes, to the extent that they can completely crush their opponents.

At this time, Feng Tianyu leaned forward actively. Do you think Huang Tianyu will accept it? "

Situ Ming nodded slightly hesitantly, he was never too lazy to think about such complicated things, but now listening to Chang Kun's words, it seems quite reasonable.

Chang Kun Shen said: "The strength of Huang Tianyu is definitely better than that of Na Su Xin ~ ~ With Huang Tianyu as an ally, you and I do not have to be so afraid of Na Suxin.

Of course, for a strong man in Shenqiao Realm, we had better not be guilty but not guilty. We sent the soldiers first and sent them to notify Yi Jianmen to let them go.

If the gang of sword-hardened people do not intend to roll, then we should pay attention to it when we start, and do not hurt the sister of Su Xin, and return it to Northwest Road intact.

In this case, although we can be regarded as offending Su Xin, but we will not offend him, coupled with the presence of Huang Tianyu behind us, Su Xin probably does not even come to the door to ask the crime. "

Situ Ming shook his head and said, "I'm too lazy to think about these complicated things. Anyway, how do you always say, I will do it."

Chang Kun nodded and said, "Since this is the case, I'll take a trip to Jiangnan Road where Huang Tianyu is located, and you will send someone to send a letter to Yi Jianmen. Remember, if you want to be the last, you have to start, Do n’t hurt Su Xin ’s younger sister, otherwise, once you have died with Su Xin, even Huang Tianyu will not be able to keep us. ”

For Su Xin, Chang Kun didn't despise half of it. After all, it was an existence that could be defeated with Zhao Jiuling, the master of Xuantianyu.

This time, if it wasn't for Chang Kun's alliance with Huang Tianyu, he would not even dare to offend Su Xin.

In the case of a backing behind him, he dare to offend Su Xin a little. Of course, if Su Xin was offended to death, he would not have the courage to face revenge from a strong man in Shenqiao.

After all, everyone on the rivers and lakes knows that Su Xin's sister is his inverse scale, and whoever moves or dies will definitely face Su Xin's craziest revenge.

Repeatedly told Situ Ming that until the other party was a little impatient, Chang Kun set off for Jiangnan Road to find the people in Huang Tianyu.