Strongest Boss System

Chapter 374: trouble

As a master of the refiner, Su Xin can see that the loss of Yu Yu also has the strength to transform the peak of the gods.

Of course, as a master of the refiner, strength is also part of the means to ensure the refiner.

Since ancient times, a mighty warrior may not be a powerful master of warcraft, but a master of warcraft must be a powerful warrior.

Otherwise, watching the scene where the public transport loses heat to the stove, it would be insufferable without a strong internal force foundation.

And if your strength is very weak, it is impossible to cast a sword with a sledgehammer of 100,000 pounds like Yu Gongyu.

Moreover, for some swordsmiths, if you do not understand swords, why do you cast swords again? Therefore, every master of the refiner who specializes in casting swords is a master of kendo, such as that of Li Dao'an.

According to Hou Tu, the public loser in front of him said that although he was a master of the refiner, he was no less inferior to the master of the refiner in the sword-making, but it was only due to bad luck that he did not make a heavenly blade. Just prove his own strength.

The jingling percussion in the courtyard lasted for a quarter of an hour before it stopped, and the iron embryo under the Yu Yu hammer also became the prototype of a sword.

The official reporter Yu put down his sledgehammer, wiped the sweat from his head, and pulled a pile of messy ore chops in the small courtyard to the side, revealing the stone table and chair, facing Su Channel: "Sit."

Su Xin didn't show any affection, but sat down directly on the stone chair, which was still full of dust.

Gong Yu Yu took out the letter written by Hou Tu before and after, his eyes showed the color of remembrance. After a while, he said, "Is she okay now?"

Su Xin knows that the ‘she’ said by Gongsu Yu is Houtu, but the problem is that Su Xin does not know who the true identity of Houtu is, or does Gongsu Yu know about the local government?

So Su Xin had to say, "Not bad."

As a strong man in the state of Yang Shen, Difu's presence is second only to that of the Jizo, and Houtu should live well.

Fortunately, the public did not ask Yu any more. He just sighed and said, "Since you were introduced by her, I will definitely make a sword for you, and take out the wreckage of your soldier that day. Let me take a look at the fineness first. "

Su Xin nodded, and handed the sword tip to Gongyu Yu.

Gongyu Yu took it for a moment and carefully looked at it and said, "Yes, this sword tip was a top quality soldier before it was destroyed. The materials are very good, and the blood on it is also the true Zhenwu realm.

She said that 30% of the ground soldiers forged from this heavenly soldier's wreckage can be promoted to heaven soldiers, but that is only the skill of the old man ten years ago, and now the old man has forged it, at least 50% of it! "

Speaking of which, Gong Yu's face could not help showing a touch of color.

Su Xin didn't expect that there was such a heavy surprise, he arched his hand and said, "It will be a trouble for the master to lose."

Gongyu Yu said: "No need to be courteous, just trust the people. Now you first talk about what style of sword you are used to, long sword or epee?"

Su Channel: "An ordinary seven-foot sword is sufficient."

The official loser nodded, but pulled an epee out of the mustard bag: "Let's fight first."

Su Xin suddenly hesitated: "What does this master mean?"

Shouldn't the master of the refining equipment be attached to the refining equipment?

Yu Yu was n’t good at saying: "Since it is a weapon built for you, of course, it must meet your own characteristics.

It ’s just that you do n’t understand, you need to try it yourself to know. "

Su Xin nodded his head, deserving to be a master of the refining equipment, and really professional.

"By the way, just use swordsmanship, don't use other martial arts." The public loser Yu also urged.

Su Xin nodded, and the congenital broken body invisible sword gas burst out in an instant, which suddenly frightened the public loser Yu.

The sharp sword flew across the sky, and the epee power in the hand of Yu lost to Shen Ruoshan, but was still stepped back by that sword.

Just after shooting Su Xin, I felt a little wrong, and quickly recovered some power, or else Yu Fei had to be severely injured under the congenital broken body invisible sword energy.

He also forgot that although Yu Yu is also a **** of transformation, after all, he is only the master of the refining tool, which is what he is good at.

His martial arts are reasonable because he has the inheritance of the Bashu sword pavilion, but the combat experience and so on, he is not even as good as those martial arts warriors from Xiaomen.

In this way, Su Xin only used 30% of his strength to fight against the public losing Yu, covering up the blood river Excalibur and the destruction of the sword to the public losing Yu.

Stopped, Yu Gong rubbed his numb arm, but he did not complain that Su Xin was too heavy. He was just a little surprised, surprised at the strength of Su Xin.

For so many years as a master of the refining industry, there are many people who have asked the Yushou Yu to help the refining industry to cast swords. Of course, each Yusuo Yu will need to try his skills to determine what kind of weapon to refinish.

However, among so many people, Su Xin's strength is definitely the strongest in Hua Shen Jing, and it is difficult to imagine that Su Xin had only broken into Hua Shen Jing less than a year.

Moreover, Su Xin ’s nickname is the blood sword god, and he just showed his sword skills.

"Okay, your strength old man knows, and leave the rest to me."

Gongyu Yu said that regardless of Su Xin, he began to search for some materials for casting swords directly in the yard.

The public defeat Yu casts a sword here, and Su Xin finds a corner to start meditation practice.

Although there must be many places worth visiting in such a large area as Ba Shu Jian Ge, Su Xin didn't go there to make it lively.

Outsiders from Bashu Jiange seek swords here all year round, and most of them are disciples of famous schools. Perhaps some of them can find some guys who have resentment with Su Xin, such as the Qingcheng Sword School, Qixiong Club and so on.

It is also a trouble if they go out and meet them. Although Su Xin is not afraid of them, he does not want to cause more trouble.

But sometimes things are so coincidental that you don't go to trouble, but trouble comes to you.

Refining a ground-level weapon is not so simple. The matching, calculation, experimentation of various materials of the refiner, and the real start to build, even if the public loser is the master of the refiner, it takes more than ten days or even a month to do it. .

And this is quite short, and some even take a few months or even a year to make a sword.

Therefore, in the Ba Shu Sword Pavilion, most swordsmiths have one or several swords waiting to be cast.

Prior to Su Xin's arrival, the public lost Yu was casting the sword, but because Su Xin had the post-earth correspondence, naturally he had the right of priority. The public lost Yu then built that sword into a sword embryo and put it down. , First build Su Xin's sword.

However, just as Su Yu just built Su Xin's sword into a sword embryo, a disciple suddenly reported, saying, "The elder, the elder deacon lets you put your affairs in front of you and help a distinguished guest. Build a sword. "

The official loser Yu Leng hummed: "Tell him I'm not free. If you want me to make a sword, I'll wait until I finish casting the sword."

Although the deacons and elders of Ba Shu Jian Ge may be inferior to them on the refining machine, they were the people who were in charge of Ba Shu Jian Ge's affairs when the head of Ba Shu Jian Ge was absent.

If the other party makes such a request in the ordinary times, the Yufu Yu will give him a face.

But the problem is that Su Xin was introduced by him now. If he still doesn't care about Su Xin's sword here, first go and help others cast the sword, what will he think of himself? Therefore, this point of Yu Yu will never agree.

The disciple looked at the Gongyu Yu in a little embarrassment, but the deacon's elder said that he must first help the distinguished guest to make a sword.

In addition, among these masters of smelting tools, when it comes to casting swords, the strongest under the Grand Master is the public defeat Yu, and the other party also named him and invited him to cast the sword. It was unexpected that the public defeat Yu would not give the deacon the elder face.

The disciple suddenly saw Su Xin beside him, and his eyes couldn't help flashing.

If Su Xin voluntarily gives up, then it is naturally difficult for Yu to lose.

So he walked over to Su Xin and arched his hand, saying sincerely: "This senior, since you are here waiting for the elders to cast swords, there must be nothing important to do, I wonder if you can wait for a while, Give this opportunity to others first? "

Su Xin smiled ~ ~ and then shook his head and said: "Sorry, because I am waiting for the sword here, that means that I am also anxious. This may be how long it will take. "

The disciple had no choice but to shake his head to report to the deacon elder.

He is not an idiot, and even if Su Xin does not let this position he dare not threaten.

Although he doesn't know who Su Xin is, he has the practice of turning the divine realm so that the master of the alchemy loses Yu to cast swords for him. Obviously, he is not a simple generation. It is up to the elders to decide.

But within a quarter of an hour, a middle-aged man brought a Taoist old man and a similarly dressed Taoist young man into the courtyard of the Gongyu Yu.

The middle-aged man snorted coldly: "Brother, what do you mean? Can you put the things in front of you first, and then make a sword for my distinguished guest of the Bashu Sword Pavilion?"

The official reporter Yu sneered: "Sun Wuyan, don't think I don't know the set you made, what is the distinguished guest of the Ba Shu Jian Ge, clearly your own distinguished guest?

You have received what you want, so I can make a sword. I will sell this face to you, but you must also follow my rules. If you want me to cast a sword, wait, otherwise roll it for me! "

The deacons and elders in Bashu Sword Pavilion have some hidden rights. For example, someone goes up the mountain to ask for a sword and gives them some secret rewards. These deacon elders will first let the swordsmith make the sword for you, and let you choose the sword yourself. division.

If this is the case, it will be the usual case.

But unfortunately, this time the public defeat Yu was looking at casting a sword for Su Xin on the face of Houtu. This face can't be lost, so he ignored Sun Wuyan's order directly. (To be continued.) Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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