Strongest Boss System

Chapter 538: collapse

The unstoppable situation on the side of Su Xin has caused many people's ideas.

The Xiao family was relieved. Fortunately, Xiao Huang was more cautious. At the beginning, he did not directly put all his power on. Otherwise, these people in the Xiao family could not escape by Su Xin. Situation.

The Cui family ’s warrior in a state of divinity is old, and before being severely injured by Su Xin, he can play 50% of his peak combat effectiveness.

After entering the area of ​​Su Xinhan's ice hell, the warrior of the Cui family's divine realm suddenly felt a strong force of ice cold mixed with hell's vitality, and the two were intertwined, even The meridian blood in his body was frozen.

Su Xin ignored the warriors who transformed the gods directly. The strength of these people in the ice **** has been weakened to an extreme, and Su Xin's consumption is not small.

He wants to kill the warrior who has absorbed the spirit after his internal power is exhausted, so that Judge Cui has a chance to kill several others.

Su Xin printed his hands with his hands. This is a very complicated printing method.

It should be said that the ancient martial arts similar to the true solution of the ice **** are very complicated, and there is no simple one.

Why are ancient techniques gradually being eliminated? Not because their power is no longer possible, but because such ancient techniques are no longer up to date.

After ten years of evolution, the current exercises have become more and more concise and easy to understand, but the ancient exercises are just the opposite and obscure.

Therefore, in the same practice, ancient exercises can exert great power, but they must be shocked to be able to practice.

After several generations of sages have simplified and rearranged their skills, they can exert their power of nine points, but a mediocre generation can also cultivate.

Not to mention a one-point gap, even if there is a three-point gap, people will choose the latter.

How difficult is it to find a martial artist who is amazing? Even if you find it, he has carefully cultivated him into talents by using ancient techniques, resulting in his strength being invincible, but I use the current simplified techniques to find dozens and hundreds of mediocre talented warriors. Quantitative change causes qualitative change, to see who is the best of the two.

However, the reason for the elimination of ancient techniques is not applicable to the prefecture.

Those who can qualify to enter the prefecture are the strong among the strong, and they are definitely those who are amazing.

These slightly tedious exercises are no different to them than ordinary exercises.

Although Su Xin is named the Blood Sword God Finger, his main accomplishments are also above swordsmanship and fingering, but this does not mean that he is short-formed elsewhere.

Right now, Su Xin ’s hands are almost astonishingly fast. A complex set of handprints has been formed in an instant.

As soon as the seal fell, there was suddenly a mournful mourning ringing in it.

Frozen **** is coming, hundreds of ghosts are walking at night, and all demons are crying. This is one of the strongest killing tricks in the true solution of ice hell, the mark of ice hell!

The Cui family's warrior in the spirit of horror was terrified. This imprint of power was enough to threaten the warrior in the spirit of renunciation. Not to mention he was seriously injured now, and his strength was less than 50%, even in his heyday. Grasp and resist.

But you ca n’t stop it.

The Cui family's fused gods warrior slaps his palm as a knife, not that he does not have weapons, but that he does not use weapons for this trick.

His pair of flesh palms glowed with a faint golden light, shrouded in divine light above them, and one palm opened up to the sky, and suddenly a breath of destruction came, and the void shattered, and the divine light shone to the world.

But under the seal of Su Xinhan's ice hell, the palm of the open sky was directly frozen.

Hell's deadly energy poured into the body of the warrior who melted into the gods instantly, causing him to utter a scream of sorrow.

When Su Xin moved, the icy sky fell like an arrow rain, and his martial arts poured out like a torrential rain. The warrior who melted directly into the gods vomited blood and receded. There was almost no room to fight back.

The martial arts spectators outside suddenly widened their eyes. The people in this place are a bit too powerful / perverted, right?

This is a warrior who melts into the realm of God. Now it seems that in the hands of King Chu Jiang, there is no power to fight back, and he will be killed.

Those remnants of the Cui Jiahua Divine Realm could not help each other when they saw the existence of the Divine Realm. They could only bite their teeth and rush up.

Unfortunately, it is still useless.

Cui Jiaqiang is strong because their meridian width is much larger than those of the same ranks, so the explosive power is very strong.

Unfortunately, compared to Su Xin, what is their explosiveness?

Su Xin didn't care at all about these people who could be killed easily. He had his hands sealed. This time, it wasn't the cold **** seal, but a more evil seal.

Su Xin's hands were dancing quickly, the sky full of ice burst in the ice hell, and the endless dying spirit rose and mourned.

The original range was ten miles of ice hell, and the area of ​​ice and **** suddenly began to shrink. With each minute, the coldness and **** in the ice **** became stronger.

The other warriors of the Cui family and the warrior who blended in the gods wanted to resist, but unfortunately they found that their power was like shaking a tree compared to Su Xin, and it didn't work at all!

A fierce expression appeared in the eyes of the Cui family's Rong Shen Jing Wu.

Anyway, he is so old that he won't be able to survive for a long time, so he has to die for a wave. How can he give them a little life to the Cui family!

The blood mist rose around him, and even started to burn the essence.

But at the moment when he was just starting to burn the essence, the shrinking speed of the ice **** suddenly increased by hundreds of times!

In an instant, the huge ice **** turned into a frozen tomb the size of more than ten feet. The Cui family warrior and the warrior warriors were frozen in them, and they looked like life.

Su Xin's hands clenched, and hell's death was released like a sharp blade. The frozen tomb was shattered, and the Cui family's warriors were also torn apart, but even a drop of blood did not flow out.


This type of martial arts by Su Xin is called funeral. With one move, he buried a warrior who melted the gods and several warriors who transformed the gods.

However, Su Xin's face was a little pale under the mask.

The true solution of Ice Hell has four and a half levels of power according to the system evaluation. These ancient powers are powerful, but they also consume a lot.

At least it was only that battle that had consumed Su Xin's internal strength.

Now that he has solved these people in the Cui family, the rest of the matter should be handed to Judge Cui, believing that the battle on his side is almost over.

Su Xin guessed quite well. The battle over Judge Cui was indeed about to end.

The five enemies and one Cui judge can still draw five of them, and now there is one less, and it has become a direct suppression.

Several people collapsed just after the Cui family warrior who killed him was killed.

Xiao Huang's brow frowned. Only the judge Cui could stand on the side of the Cui family and protect the Cui family.

But now there is another powerful Chu Jiang king over the local government, and in the blink of an eye, so many people of the Cui family have been killed. The Cui family is no longer badly injured, and it is almost overthrown.

Therefore, the Xiao family has no reason to continue.

Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with their Xiao family, but was caught in the pond fish.

Let them help the Cui family as much as they can, and, by the way, keep their own Xiao family.

But the problem is that the Cui family is now coming to an end. Xiao Yingguang obviously lost to Judge Cui, and the next time they hit the Xiao family, they would be injured. This is absolutely unbearable for Xiao Huang.

Therefore, Xiao Huang made an immediate decision and let Xiao Yingguang quit the battle group directly. The people who led the Xiao family quit without leaving a word.

Neither the Cui family nor Sima Yan, or the warriors watching the war on the outside, thought of this move.

The Xiao family was too decisive, but this time the Cui family suffered.

Looking at the stunned Cui Nanting and others, the corner of Ms. Cui's mouth showed a smirk: "If you are going to perish your Cui family, why are you struggling? Isn't it good to be obedient to die?"

The words fell, and the judge in Cui's hand stroked the void, as if a long sword fell in the air, and the endless sorrow of death burst out. A little life and death sentence, Cui Nanting spit out blood and flew out.

Sima Yan didn't want to run. He wanted to save the Cui family, but at this time, Su Xin, who had recovered some authenticity, stopped him.

Sima Yan's eyes were filled with anger: "I understand the people in your prefecture ~ ~ You are different from Tianting. Tianting has great ambitions, but your prefecture rarely dies and kills innocent people. .

The Cui family did something wrong today, but do you have to kill everything? Isn't that enough for all the Cui family warriors to die in your hands? "

Su Xin shook his head and said, "Do you know what kind of people I hate the most? It's the kind of person you rely on to sell the old, always pretending to be a noble person.

What happened to the rivers and lakes, what do you think you are, and when are you entitled to talk to other people about what is wrong?

This kind of hatred will only accumulate and deepen, and will not be resolved by your sentence.

If people in this world are so easy to forgive, what else does Shaolin Temple do about the Scriptures? Isn't it safe to train a bunch of monks directly in the relics? "

Sima Yan's complexion turned red, which was enraged.

He was not pointing at his nose and scolding him for what he was, but he was insulting his ideals.

He was born in Qinghe Road. Over the years, Qinghe Road has not produced too many ancestral gates and too strong characters. Qinghe Cui's ability to sit in the position of six family members in the past is considered to be the sky.

Therefore, he also mediates the dispute over the martial arts forces in the Qinghe Channel. He also does not want to let the Qinghe Channel consume its power in the internal fighting. He actually wants to make the Qinghe Channel more powerful.

It's just that his approach won the praise of Qinghe Road, but it was worthless by Su Xin spray.

PS: Please pay attention to WeChat platform, account number fengqiyue321, WeChat name is: Feng July

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