Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1007: Fall of Zhenwu

PS: Thanks to the leader 0o Yu Xiaomo o0 twenty thousand starting coins for the reward.

Di Jingfei has a hole card in his hand. Su Xin knows it. It should be said that almost everyone in the field has a hole card, except for Ren Pingsheng, the others have hidden their hole cards. Everyone thinks carefully that Su Xin knows that their hole cards will never be used until the last minute.

Just like Shen Wuming, even though he has been vomiting blood by Mo Gebang now, he still hasn't used his hole cards.

However, now that Su Xin and Di Jingfei have reached a consensus, both sides will shoot together. At this time, if they go to hide again, it is purely trying to die.

Mo Ge's eyes now showed a touch of silver goddess. The eyes looking at Su Xin and Di Jingfei were like looking at two ants, indifferent and ruthless, with an indifferent atmosphere.

Sirius screamed, Mogo's figure directly transformed into a giant wolf that could swallow up the sky in ancient times, crossed the void, and instantly appeared in front of Di Jingfei, punched out suddenly. A powerful force burst out, this force does not belong to Mo Ge, not to this side of the world, but to the Moon Lord Wolf, one of the 72 demon kings of ancient times!

Di Jingfei's eyes also changed a little at this time, but the original green eyes suddenly burst into a touch of golden light.

He transformed the blue dragon with the technique of transforming dragons, but after the transformation of the dragon, there was still a hidden change in his body. The dragon's shape turned into a sword, the keel was winding, the blade was like the wind, and the blue dragon turned sword!

In an instant, all the momentum in Di Jingfei's body was introverted into the sword, Long Yin roared, and the sky burst in an instant!

Everyone on the rivers and lakes knows that Di Jingfei does not use weapons. His dragon-changing technique can make him a blue dragon, and his melee ability is extremely powerful, so he is the best weapon himself.

But no one expected that Di Jingfei, who has never used a weapon, turned out to have a sword skill in the final hole, a sword skill that is extremely powerful!

The blue dragon's sword tore through space and time, any force was cut into two pieces in front of a sword, as if this sword was the sharpest sword in the world.

Mogo's consciousness was a bit unconscious under the blessing of the wolf power that day, but his fighting instinct was still there, and because of abandoning all emotions, he gave everything to his fighting instinct. There was no life or death. The anxiety and entanglement in between made him appear decisive when he shot.

But even so, he could feel the power and horror of Di Jingfei's sword, so Mogo's figure flew back, and retreated!

But then Su Xin also shot.

The sword in his hand was shaking, and the heavens and the earth were shaking, as if everything in this world was shaking under the sword.

At this time, Shen Wuming, who was lying on the side, felt the strong sword in the middle of the air, and their complexions suddenly changed.

With Su Xin's sword falling, they suddenly widened their eyes.

This is not the sword at all that can be used by people, but the sword of the fairy above nine days!

A sword is coming from the west, and flying fairy!

Di Jingfei used his hole card, and Su Xin naturally did not hesitate.

Although five-star consumables require 1280 villains, fortunately, the current accumulation of Su Xin is rich enough, and once in a while, it is still affordable.

Di Jingfei's Qinglonghua Jianfeng is extremely sharp, as if he can cut through the world.

Su Xin's heavenly flying fairy does not seem to be like the swordsmanship of the world. He has used the sword to the extreme and is invincible.

In the eyes of other people, these two styles are just the ultimate sword skills of Kendo. They collided with Mogo and suddenly a powerful power broke out. The sword gas scattered in an instant, centering on the three of them. For more than ten miles, the ground collapsed, revealing huge cracks.

Such a horrifying power changed the people present, and they were also winging in the middle of the heart. The combat power of Di Jingfei and Su Xin was so abnormal. Now that he has all his cards out, should Mogo be completely killed?

But when the smoky dust of the sword spread away, what everyone saw was a scene that nobody had thought of.

Di Jingfei was covered with blood, and the physical meridians had been torn because he could not bear the powerful force just before.

His blue dragon sword is extremely powerful, which is one of the sharpest kendo secrets in the world, but his physical body is also a great disadvantage. After all, he has not practiced physical body exercises, so in this kind of The physical body was also extremely damaged under the level collision.

On the other hand, Su Xin is much better. After all, he has both Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong and Vajrayana is not bad, so under the impact of this force, only the internal damage is caused, and his complexion is a little pale, not like Di Jingfei That miserable.

However, the original thought was definitely dead. Mogo did not die at this time, but some mutations occurred on his body.

At this time, Mo Ge's whole body was extremely miserable, and he could no longer see his original appearance. Even his vitality was very low, and he felt that it might dissipate at any time.

However, at this time, there was a mysterious power covering him, so that Mogo did not die, but became more shy.

At this point Mogo's eyes had become a greenish color, as if hungry wolf.

The nails in his hands were also skyrocketing, and the whole man looked like a beast.

Su Xin and Di Jingfei, who had almost lost his fighting power, looked at each other, including Shen Wuming and others who almost guessed why Mo Ge became this picture. It seems that things have gone awry.

Originally under the intensity of the attack between Su Xin and Di Jingfei, even if Mo Ge was a strong player in Zhenwu Realm, it would be deadly.

However, the power of the teeth of the howling wolf king did not melt away, but instead protected Mogo's last vitality, and even directly integrated into his body, making Mogo into the current picture.

In fact, Mogo's consciousness is now obscured. He is like a puppet. He is now completely controlled by the power of the ancient demon king of the past and turned into a beast that only knows to kill.

It's just that Su Xin is the only one who can have some combat power, and Su Xin looks better than them. Let Su Xin in this state face Mo Ge. Can he win?

And before everyone thought about it, Mogo's mouth was a screaming scream, like a hungry wolf, his body moved, almost teleportation, and flew directly towards Su Xin!

But at this moment, Su Xin's mouth showed a chilly smile, and the result was actually the best.

If other people still have combat ability, he is not good enough to openly take out the blood of Zhenwu Realm in Mogo.

We must know that the blood of Zhenwu Realm is very rare. I don't know how much power he can get after converting it with Dashen Blood Exchange.

As for Mo Ge, who had lost his mind before him, Su Xin did not take it into his eyes.

Mogo in Zhenwu Realm is terrifying, but Mogo, who has been driven by power now, is weak. He is not weak in power, but in his mind.

Su Xin's hands were sealed, and countless blood danced around Su Xin at the same time. At the same time, the blood and blood of that Mogo's body were involved, and the breath in his body boiled instantly, impacting all the meridians in his body, making He suddenly screamed and fell directly from the air to the ground.

This is the evil blood robbery in the sacred heart tactic, which can provoke the blood in the opponent's body, which is very strange.

Su Xin's body moved and he did not retreat. His hands were imprinted, and a golden **** Mount burst into bloom. A golden **** appeared behind him, using the power of the Yuan **** as a guide to break the gods. !!

This is the sacrifice of the sacred heart among the four sacred hearts, and it is the strongest attack method that Su Xin can perform on the Yuanshen.

In the face of this attack, Mogo basically had no defense at all, and Yuan Shen was immediately smashed by that sacred god, and the breath in his body fell to the extreme in an instant.

The crowd at the scene suddenly hesitated, so Mo Ge, who combined the power of the demon king, was just passed away by Su Xin's two moves? Is it so easy?

In fact, the people present were caught in a misunderstanding, that is, the power is not terrible, the person who manipulates the power is terrible.

If Mo Ge still has a sense of mind, he will not be firm in the face of Su Xin's evil blood robbery, but will first give up attacking Su Xin and instead suppress his own blood.

If Mo Ge feels that he can't stop him, he will also take the time to defend or retreat, instead of hard-wired Su Xin.

However, at this time, although Mo Ge's Yuan Shen was completely destroyed by Su Xin, the wolf teeth on his chest flashed a scarlet light, and more power was injected into Mo Ge's body.

Di Jingfei said in a deep voice: "Destroy the wolf teeth! Otherwise he would completely transform Mo Ge's body into a scumbag."

The flying blood sword in Su Xin's hand came out of the sheath, and UU read the book A nose **** suddenly emerged, and the boundless blood engulfed Mogo, and the blood sea sword screamed for a moment, and Mogo's blood was stabbed directly into the killing. In the chest, shatter that mace completely!

However, at the same time as breaking up the wolf's teeth, Su Xin's long sword also began to **** the strength of the blood and blood in Mogo's body, but he didn't **** more, just inhaled two-thirds.

If Su Xin really sucked Mogo into a dead body, it is easy to be suspected, so he still left one-third of the blood. As for the two-thirds of the lost, it was easy to explain, naturally Su Xin evaporated with the power of evil blood.

Anyway, everyone who saw the power of evil blood robbery saw it. Although it was also a different method, it was not a genus of magic and had nothing to do with blood demonism.

Feeling almost the same, Su Xin retracted his flying blood sword, Mo Ge's body exploded to the end, the existence of a true military realm fell completely, which made everyone feel relieved when they were relieved.

PS: I counted yesterday, and there are still a large number of people who choose to save the manuscript. Then this week, there will be no outbreak. When the climax plot comes again, there will be a big outbreak, just in May, not too far.