Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1023: Impermanence

ps: This chapter is for the reward of the leader oo 雨 小 莫 oo. ΩΩΩE novel WwΩW. 1XIAOSHUO. Com

Xuan Guang was unpleasant to see as a monkey play in the magnificent Buddhist temples. Now as soon as they walk down the mountain, they can see all the people under the martial arts.

Xuan Guang was very angry because those people could sit on the floor or set up tents to watch the jokes of their Shaolin Temple.

Mysteriously indifferent: "Why should I care about the eyes of others? This thing I do well in Shaolin Temple, just ask for conscience, then no one can see my jokes in Shaolin Temple, they want to watch monkey drama, they really do n’t know about monkey drama They did it. "

Regarding Xin'er, Shaolin Temple didn't think they had done anything wrong, even if they knew that Xin'er would attract revenge from Su Xin and Meng Jingxian, but they still did, because when they wanted to come, they This is for the stability of Wulin in the Central Plains, and also for merit accumulation.

Xuan bitterly sighed: "From today on, every hall and courtyard will reduce the number of downhills, until this matter is resolved, everything will be done with care."

Meng Jingxian said that he did not know the rules, but he knew that Su Xin was definitely not the rules, so he was also afraid that Su Xin would attack their ordinary disciples in Shaolin Temple.

When I think of it, the sadness on Xuanku's face becomes stronger.

There has always been a very bad hunch about this matter. This is a kind of intuition of the true martial arts strong man, but he ca n’t say anything to him, so as abbot, he can only tell his disciples to be careful. a bit.

Zhenwu Realm is also a human. Even if the strength is far greater than that of Zhenwu Realm, he still cannot take care of every disciple of Shaolin Temple.

What I didn't know was that he was really wrong this time.

Su Xin did, but Su Xin was ready to play a big game, not to kill the low-level disciples of Shaolin Temple to vent their anger.

At this time, Su Xin did not come directly to Henan Road after leaving the prefecture, but first came to Shengjing City.

He also notified Cai Sanyuan, Ji Wuyue, and Yue Dongliu, three warriors of the Yang Shen Realm, who brought Li Bad and hundreds of dark guard elites to Shengjing City to join him, and other Northwest army strongman Su Xinze It was Gao Changqing who led and gathered at the northwest border.

Su Xin came to Shengjing City not to ask for help, but to find someone to settle accounts.

In fact, this is a private matter of Su Xin, and it also involves Shaolin Temple, so it is useless for Su Xin to ask for help.

Just look at the performance of the imperial court now. This matter has been circulating on the rivers and lakes. It is impossible for the imperial court to not know, but in the end the imperial court did not have the slightest movement, and even no one came to ask Su Xin. This can already show the court's attitude.

In general, this matter is still a private matter of Su Xin. If the Shaolin Temple itself wanted to attack the northwest, the court would definitely do it in order to protect its own interests and face.

But now it ’s just that Su Xin ’s sister was taken away by Shaolin Temple. Su Xin herself wanted to go to Shaolin Temple to dig someone, so there was no reason for the court to help Su Xin fight against Shaolin Temple. Although Su Xin was a great minister of Da Zhou, he had not yet To this extent.

Just when Su Xin wanted to enter the city, a six-door warrior who turned into a god's realm suddenly came over. This man Su Xin vaguely remembered, it seemed like a person of the Iron Family, but Su Xin could not name it.

The iron warrior of the Iron Family arched at Su Xin and said, "Sir, Master Tiezhan, let me bring you a sentence. This time, it is not convenient for the court to take shots. The same is true for the six doors, but wait for Su Adults, when you go to Shaolin Temple, the Iron War adults will go the same way.

And this time you have come to Shengjing City to understand the purpose of the iron warriors. Some people have broken the rules, then they are no longer the six gate people. What to do is to be handled by the master. "

Su Xin exhaled, "Tell Master Tiezhan for me, I am Su Xincheng."

The disciple of the Iron Family nodded, and turned to leave directly. Su Xin looked at the back of his departure, but his eyes were much deeper.

It seems that the rift between him and the Ji family a year ago was deeper than he thought.

Originally, due to the relationship between Su Xin and the Six Doors, the other forces in the court, Su Xin, could not borrow them, but the Six Doors were not a problem.

But now Tiezhan sent someone to spread the word, and the Six Doors could not help Su Xin this time. Obviously, there was already a word on the side of the Royal Family of Ji, and the imperial forces were not allowed to blend into such private matters as Su Xin.

Of course, Tiezhan said that he would shoot. It was only for personal reasons. After all, Su Xin was closely related to the six doors.

At this point Li Bad and they had all reached the Shengjing City, but Su Xin did not go to them first, but went to the transit headquarters of the secret agent in Shengjing City.

As two important organizations that constitute the Six Doors, secret detectives and herdsmen's hunts are not located in the headquarters of the Six Doors because some offices are too large. They are on the edge of Shengjing City.

The headquarters of the secret agent is located in the east of the city. Every day, the information from the 19th Dao Road is gathered here, and then analyzed and organized by the secret agent here. Some of them must be passed to other channels, some The big thing is to be directly handed over to the four gods to catch.

Su Xin, the person who had pressed Xiner's birth information, had already been found. As soon as he informed Qi Long, Qi Long immediately gave the news to Su Xin.

The local secret agents in Runan Road did not violate the situation with Su Xinyang. They did follow Xiner honestly. When the problem appeared, they reported the news directly and passed it to Sheng Jingcheng's secret agent headquarters for them. Transfer to Northwest.

But the problem was here. When the news arrived in Shengjing City, it was immediately suppressed, and it didn't reach the northwest at all.

Right now, there are several chief arresters in Shengjing City, but the strongest and the most powerful, and the only one who is hostile to Su Xin is Yin Wuchang. Su Xin doesn't need to guess who knows who did it.

At this time, the general department of the secret agent for suspicious affairs saw Su Xin coming, and the secret agents for suspense immediately took a look, and then saluted in a respectful manner: "See Master Su!"

As a secret agent, they may not know others, but now they cannot help but understand this adult.

As far as status is concerned, the current Supreme Master Su can be on par with their six-door chief hunter.

Su Xin nodded, in a tone without emotion: "Let Yin impermanence roll out to see me."

The crowd at the scene was abrupt, because Su Xin was not saying 'let Yin Wuchang come out to see me' but let Yin Wuchang 'go out' to see me, but what he said was not polite.

The detectives who were present also couldn't figure out how Yin Wuchang had offended Su Xin.

You should know that Yin Wuchang is the old man of their six doors. Although Yin Wuchang is only a blend of divine spirit, the iron war also has to give Yin Wuchang a three-pointed face. After all, his qualifications are there.

Although Su Xin's current status and status are far from impermanent, he used this tone to make Yin impermanence come out, but it is a bit inappropriate.

Seeing that the people present were not moving, Su Xin frowned. "Did you all hear me? Would you like me to invite him out?"

The detective in the presence nodded quickly and turned to find impermanence.

One of the detectives was an impermanent confidant. He naturally knew why Su Xin was here.

So he came to the impermanence's house in a panic, and didn't knock on the door. Instead, he pushed open the house and shouted in panic: "Master is not good! Master Su came to the door!"

Yin Wuchang glanced at him, and said lightly, "Find the door, come to the door, what are you panic about?"

Ever since Yin Mochang made that decision, he already had the consciousness that Su Xin would come to him, so he had already thought about this countermeasure, and Su Xinnai didn't want him.

When Shi Shiran stepped out of the door, Yin Wuchang said with a bright smile on his face: "Master Su came, there is a far away welcome, and please forgive me. I don't know what advice Master Su came to this time?"

Su Xin stared blankly at Yin Wuchang, and said coldly, "Yin Wuchang, how dare you count me, really tired?"

Yin Wuchang said with a startled expression, "Why did you say this, Master Su? You and I are all colleagues of six doors. Have I ever counted you?"

Su Xinyi glanced at Yin Wuchang without a trace of emotion: "Don't you suppress the secret information that Runan Road passed to me?"

Yin Wuchang was suddenly stunned by Su Xin's eyes, but then he showed a bitter smile: "It was because of this matter, you Master Su, you are really wronged."

I have been the chief arrester of arrests for so many years, but no one's intelligence has ever been suppressed. This time it was just a misunderstanding, which happened to catch up with the damage of the formation channel of the detective agent. This led to the transmission. The news of Shengjing City was lost.

After knowing this, I immediately arranged for people to repair the formation, UU reading www.uukanshu. It's a pity that com was too late at that time, and the information that should be passed to Northwestern Road was completely lost. "

Yin Wuchang's excuse is very clumsy. He knows that Su Xin will not believe it. In fact, he did not expect Su Xin to believe it.

What he said was just an excuse for the six doors.

He Yin impermanence is an old man with six doors. In the past, he had a lot of credit for the six doors, so now even the iron fights have to make him three points.

Su Xin's strength is better than him. It's true that his status is higher than him, but everything must be disciplined. He has enough excuses. Su Xin can still kill him on the spot?

You must know that the six doors are taboo for the same room. Even if the existence of the four major **** catching levels wants to kill a master catcher, it also needs a reasonable excuse.

Su Xin wanted to kill him, but Yin Wuchang did not have an excuse for Su Xin to shoot, so Su Xin could not kill him.

Because of this, Yin Wuchang has the confidence to appear in the eyes of Su Xin.