Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1138: Demon's plan

PS: Thanks to the readers of the book reader WeChat user 11 * 536 who read QQ, congratulations, and congratulations to become the second owner of this book to read in QQ. (This book friend is sorry, the pit father's background system often does not see the reward information after the update, and the reward on the 6th is only seen now ... and not only does it not show the nickname, even an asterisk is added in the middle of the ID. ← _ ←)

The five demon kings all left, and the split-wind tiger king glanced at the silver-winged wolf king and said: "You said that the human race is coming, and you have to step out of Yunmengze to make fun, now you also see these human warriors. The strength of this is here, and whether there is a stronger one is unknown. What do you want us to do with the demon? Unless we invite the old dragon king, how else do we fight? "

Warriors such as Shi Daoxuan and other demons look at the demons with a complex envy. The warriors of their tribe want to cultivate to the bridge of the gods. It must be through thousands of choices and countless lives and deaths before they can reach today. At this point.

Otherwise, there are so many warriors in the whole world, why is the existence of Shenqiao Realm less than ten fingers?

Like the demons, as long as they are of good origin, they can also achieve the demon king as long as they lie down. This situation is indeed enviable.

But everyone knows that the demon clan like the King of the Wind Tiger is also envious and jealous of the clan.

Shi Daoxuan only saw the powerful talents and powers inherent in the demon tribe, but he did not know that it was such powerful talents and powers that held them back like cages.

Those demon clan who have very powerful power at birth, are destined to be demon kings forever in the future, just like King Jinpeng. His clan is descended from the ancient Tianpeng, but after the end of the ancient war, he This family is left with him alone. It can be said that as soon as he dies, the pure-blooded Tianpeng family will be completely destroyed.

Although other demons are more powerful than humans than they are, they want to go further and are more difficult than humans. The control brought about by racial issues is more talented than human warriors.

For example, the three-eyed king of the five demon kings is only an ordinary snake demon at the beginning, and the strongest in the future is just the realm of the demon, all relying on his own hardship and various opportunities. This can reach the realm of the demon king.

Even the legendary Northern Dragon King, the strongest demon now, is not a noble blood dragon, it is just an ordinary dryland dragon, which is stronger than the ordinary snake demon, but he can go to this Close to the level of the Great Holy One, he also relied on himself.

There were so many demons in the world in the past, but being able to break through the racial restrictions like the North King Dragon King and the Three Eyes King to reach the peak of their own ethnic group, such existence is always a minority.

Of course, compared with the human race, the devil's most lacking is time, and the most lacking is also time.

The existence of the realm of the Zhenwu Realm Law is only five hundred years old, compared to the tens of thousands of years of life of the monster tribe, which is too few.

However, although the time of the same demons from childhood to adulthood is different, they are all based on the millennium.

The human race is different. In a century, a generation of powerful people can be achieved. Even on the rivers and lakes, such as Su Xin and Meng Jingxian, they can achieve true martial arts before the age of 100.

This discovery also caused some frustrations for the King of the Wind Tiger and others, and it is the trend of the people to become popular. This is seen from ancient times, and now it is only a little more certain.

At this moment, the silver wing wolf king's eyes flashed with a hint of unknownness: "Don't worry, you have seen the strength of the human race now, not too strong, at least the current human race is not the former emperor at the time That strong human race.

Do n’t forget that there is still a terrible human race. Even if the human race can survive this calamity safely, they will surely be severely damaged. At that time, my demon tribe fell into the ground and was still a human race.

So do n’t worry. During this time, as long as we are securely standing on these rivers and lakes, it is enough to find opportunities to weaken the human race at any time. "

Hearing this from the Silver Wing King, the Tiger King of the Wind just snorted and stopped talking.

In fact, for him, he did n’t want to care too much about the demons. In the war of ancient times, the demons were defeated a little bit. Although it would not scare the King of the Wind Tiger, it also made him a little discouraged. It's cold.

Earlier, the Silver Wolf King taunted human races. In fact, weren't they the same when the demons started out?

If they were able to unite in the beginning, how could they rise when the human race was the weakest?

In the past, the seven saints of the demons had different faces and hearts. At first, the strength of the emperor was strong, but it was impossible to be strong enough to kill the seven saints of the demons at the same time.

In fact, the emperor originally killed the seven saints of their demons. After killing four people in succession, the remaining three saints finally couldn't help it, so they joined forces to prepare to deal with the emperor. Unfortunately, the final three The alliance of the Great Saints was also completely beheaded and killed by the emperor. This battle reversed the power gap between the human race and the demon race, and also established the human emperor's status.

Anyway, for the future of the demons, the King of the Wind Tiger is completely discouraged. Now he only wants to be happy and care about what he does. This time, his main purpose is just to want to come out and stroll around. Nothing else is secondary.

At this time, on the side of Su Xin, after everyone had dispersed, Su Xin took Lu Potian all the way to the small city where Feng Tianyu was before.

At this time, the small town was empty. Only after coming here, Su Xin discovered that Feng Tianyu actually left all the resources and other things here, but only took all the warriors in Feng Tianyu to Yijian Gate.

Lu Potian sighed, "Master, you are getting rich."

Su Xin also nodded. With so many good things, he almost ignored it before. He thought it was an empty city.

It seems that Feng Tianyu was very confident in capturing Yi Jianmen before, and the other party was obviously waiting to completely occupy Yi Jianmen before moving, so the small city where Feng Tianyu was located was not guarded by anyone, and the other party was also confident. People dare to move things in front of them.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Even if Fengtianyu took people away, no one dared to come and steal things.

When Su Xin slashed the real power of Feng Tianyu, and no one dared to touch anything in it when the rest were captured, for them, the small city where Feng Tianyu was located had already defaulted to Su Xin's loot, who People dare to move? So the stuff here has remained until now.

According to the previous disciple of Chang Kun, the inheritance of Chang Kun's pulse was placed in his residence and guarded by the formation method.

Su Xin and Lu Potian went straight to the middle courtyard of the town. The biggest place was naturally where the two domain masters Chang Kun and Situ Ming lived.

There are two houses in the courtyard. The first thing Su Xin found was Situ Ming. There are some good things, but not many. They were directly taken into Su Xin's pocket.

The other is Chang Kun. In his study, Su Xin and Lu Potian easily found some of the things he guarded with matrix formations.

Lu Potian hesitated to look at the array: "Master, are you proficient in array formation? I would have brought an array division master before I knew it."

Su Xin shook his head and said, "Although I am not proficient in formation, I can break the formation."

Lu Potian wondered: "You don't understand how to break up?"

"Of course it was a strong attack," Su Xin said of course.

Lu Potian was speechless for a while: "In case Chang Kun sets up some self-destructing things on top of this formation, isn't there nothing left in the attack?"

Su Xin said indifferently: "No, these things are related to the inheritance of Chang Kun's own teachers. A self-destructive formation method has been set up. If he accidentally destroys all these things, he is reluctant."

Speaking of which, Su Xin directly captured the instructions of the gods, but Lu Potian wanted to stop but was too late.

However, the formation method is exactly like Su Xin said, and there is no such thing as self-destruction. Under the finger of Su Xin, the formation method dies out, revealing its contents.

Chang Kun ’s inheritance of Shimen is very simple. There are only three things, one of which is a booklet. Su Xin and Lu Potian roughly glanced at it. Among them, they recorded a variety of magic ways, but each All of the exercises seem to be incomplete, and some of them are empathy.

The other two are boxes, one large and one small, large and long. After Su Xin opened it, it revealed a long knife, but when they saw the shape, Su Xin and Lu Potian were all surprised. : "The magic dragon takes the sword!"

Su Xin once saw the Demon Dragon Heart Sword on the ancient battlefield ~ ~ Now that sword is being mastered by Ye Changge, the master of the Temple of Heaven and Demons.

And Lu Potian, who is a preacher of the devil's path, naturally also saw from the books of the blood demon cult the ancient soldiers of the old days and the shape of the magic sword.

It was just a surprise that both people also found out that this magic dragon sword is actually a fake, but an imitation.

However, the level of the person who imitates this magic dragon sword is very high, so that this imitation dragon dragon sword has the level of the magic soldier.

The only pity is that this imitation Demon Dragon Heart Sword seems to have been severely damaged. It has fallen from the magic soldier to the level of the heaven soldier, and even the spirit of the device is completely dead. Only if there is an existing master level of the refiner can it be repaired.

Putting down this magic dragon to grab the heart knife, Su Xin and Lu Potian felt a little strange. The inheritance of the magic path in this fairy sphere seems very simple. It is impossible for the inheritors of the Datianzun to be familiar with the refining methods of Datianzun. 8)