Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1168: Please Su Xin shot

PS: Thanks to book friends 20170701013849443 for the reward of ten thousand starting coins

Six gates have complaints against the court. In fact, after Su Xin's incident, both the six gates and the military actually complained about the court.

After all, if the court did not do anything at first and was more generous, where would he rip his face off with Su Xin and finally make Da Zhou a mess?

As a result, it can be said that there are more internal and external problems in Da Zhou. Now the Golden Horde and the Eastern Jin Dynasty have sent troops to watch over the border, and the two sides have begun small-scale fighting and friction.

After such a thing, now that Zhao Wunian and Xue Zhenyue are preparing for the Golden Horde in North Xinjiang, Tie Ao should actually guard for the Eastern Jin Dynasty in Eastern Jin now.

It is only because the Eastern Jin Dynasty is now much less aggressive than the Golden Horde, Tie Ao took the time to go back to Da Zhou to deal with the Bailian religion. I did not expect that Ji Xuanyuan was still shirk her responsibility.

Hearing Tie Ao ’s words, Ji Xuanyuan took a deep breath, and he also knew that he was a bit ill, so Ji Xuanyuan said directly to Tie Ao: "I am sorry, Lord Tie, it ’s really awkward for Bailian religion, and I am also anxious. Now. "

Before he was promoted to Zhenwu, Ji Xuanyuan devoted only part of his energy to Da Zhou. The rest of his time was spent practicing martial arts.

As a result, he now feels a little tricky when Ji Xuanyuan takes over all the affairs of Da Zhou.

Some things can't really be solved with strong strength, just like he is now, even if he is strong, but facing these miscellaneous things is a headache.

Tie Ao Shen said: "Master, now Da Zhou is a real internal and external problem. The two fronts have dragged on most of Da Zhou ’s strength, and some of the internal martial arts gates have begun to make some changes. They are constantly provoking Da Zhou. authority.

Now that Da Zhou wants to mobilize his power to suppress Bailian religion, there are only two options. One is to negotiate with the Golden Horde or the Eastern Jin Dynasty and exchange them for a certain price in order not to take action. Then we can free up our strength to deal with Bailian. teach.

The second option is for you to take the power of Sheng Jingcheng to suppress Bailian religion. "

Upon hearing Tie Ao's suggestion, Ji Xuanyuan immediately frowned. Although these two suggestions were the most practical for the current big week, Ji Xuanyuan did not want to choose either.

Choosing the first one is absolutely intolerable for Da Zhou.

After all, Da Zhou is now a dynasty of the first dynasty.

And the Eastern Jin Dynasty is a dog of the bereavement. If it wasn't for the internal disturbance of Da Zhou itself, it is not certain whether there is an Eastern Jin Dynasty in this world.

If Da Zhou is under pressure to make peace with the two parties, one can imagine how they will lion open up, and Da Zhou cannot afford to lose this person.

As for the second one, it's not very reliable. Don't look at Ji Xuanyuan now staying in Shengjing City doing nothing, but in fact he is the most important part of Da Zhou.

Sheng Jingcheng is the core of the big week, and it must have the strength to stay at any time.

If once Ji Xuanyuan took the forces staying in Shengjing City to suppress South Hunan Road, what should Shengjing City do? Once there is a problem in Shengjing City, it will directly affect the rule of Da Zhou.

After being silent for a long time, Ji Xuanyuan shook his head and said, "Neither of these methods will work. Da Zhou will never bow down with any forces. Similarly, the strength of Sheng Jingcheng cannot be easily transferred."

It was only at this moment that Ji Xuanyuan knew that Bai Lian taught these guys how difficult it was.

The choice of Sanxiang's underground hand Bailianism is certainly well thought out.

One is that the current strength of Sanxiang is very weak. It is very difficult for Bai Lianjiao to take the land completely.

The other is that the land of Sanxiang is the land of Longxing in the past. After all, do n’t look at the current situation of Daxiang, but it is also the face of Dazhou. Teach occupation, shame is still Da Zhou.

Therefore, the current big week is a bit difficult to ride a tiger. Losing the land of Sanxiang actually has no substantial impact on Dazhou. After all, the output of Sanxiang is not so important to Dazhou.

But if you don't care, the big week will lose all face and have a lot of influence on the rule of the I dynasty.

Tie Ao was silent for a long while, but then he suddenly said, "In fact, in addition to these two points, I have another way."

Ji Xuanyuan asked, "What is it?"

"Please ask Su Xin to solve Bailianism!" Tie Ao said in a deep voice.

"what did you say!?"

Ji Xuanyuan's eyes flashed a flash of light. For the current big week, what the two letters of Su Xin represent is self-evident.

A big-week traitor, a person who just hit Da-zhou, but now Tie Ao said that he wanted to ask Su Xin to solve the White Lotus, and it's no wonder that Ji Xuanyuan was discolored.

Tie Ao is not as excited as Ji Xuanyuan, he just said lightly: "Why not? There is no eternal hatred in this world, at least for Da Zhou and Su Xin.

Don't forget that Su Xin still bears the name of the King of the Northwest, and he has not directly established himself as a king. This shows that there is still a little room for rotation between Da Zhou and Su Xin.

And what happened in the Sanxiang area this time, the Bailian religion also attracted Su Xin, so now only the southern Hunan area is very peaceful. The people of the Bailian religion were slaughtered by Su Xin ’s dark guard. They Naturally there is no chance to do things.

Moreover, the previous two methods were only to temporarily split the power of Da Zhou to suppress the Bailian religion, and the power they could mobilize was also limited. Only Su Xin could truly compete with the Bailian religion. "

Tie Ao's words silenced Ji Xuanyuan immediately, because what Tie Ao said was true.

Even if he had Ji Xuanyuan take Sheng Jingcheng's elite to Xiangnan, it would not necessarily be able to teach Bai Lian to suppress it.

After all, it is rumored that the Virgin Mary has been healed. At the peak of the Virgin Mary, she dared to provoke Da Zhou's existence, and even arrogantly used to fight with several real soldiers of Da Zhou before being seriously injured by Xue Zhenyue.

At that time, Ji Xuanyuan didn't say that it was Zhenwu. He wasn't even a **** of the sun, so now in the face of the Lady Bailian who has recovered her strength, Ji Xuanyuan is also at a loss.

On the contrary, Su Xin's strength is recognized as a strong man on the rivers and lakes. With him and the dark guards under him, it is still possible to suppress Bai Lian.

After a long while, Ji Xuanyuan said, "But are you sure that you will let Su Xin do something to Bai Lianjiao?"

Tie Ao said indifferently: "Su Xin will not do anything that is not good, so you must also prepare for Su Xin's big opening."

Ji Xuanyuan gritted his teeth and said, "In this case, then you should go to Su Xin and take a shot. Of course, his conditions are not too much. If he is a lion, I would rather go to Dongjin and the Golden Horde. Sum! "

If things really have other methods, Ji Xuanyuan is also unwilling to bow to Su Xin.

But it's difficult for Dazhou to ride a tiger now, just as Tie Ao said. In this case, it may be most appropriate to ask Su Xin to take a shot.

At this time in the southern Hunan Province, Su Xin's operation with the dark guard strangling Bailian religion is still ongoing.

Su Xin estimated that Madame Bailian would come to trouble him, but he did not expect that Tie Ao would come first.

The six-door chief catcher Tie Ao's name has made a world of fame, especially for some small gates.

This time Su Xin killed Fang Xianlong, the head of the Shonan Road, in public. No matter how he saw it, he felt that he was going to hit six doors in public.

"Master Tie, haven't seen you for a long time, don't come without a problem?" Su Xin said lightly.

Compared with the nervousness of others, Su Xin is calm, because he knows Tie Ao's personality well.

If Tie Ao was really going to turn his face with him, then Tie Ao would shoot directly, instead of looking light and easy as now.

Looking at the people around him, Tie Ao said, "Go and find a quiet place to talk."

Su Xin nodded and took Tie Ao directly to the back mountain of Shangshan City. Here is a cliff, and the conversation between them could not pass into the ears of others.

"Isn't Master Tie Xing's teacher asking for guilt this time?" Su Xin asked.

Tie Ao said indifferently: "Why do you say more now that you have seen it? Fang Xianlong's waste is not for you to kill, and I will kill it. A corpse veterinarian cannot represent the face of my six doors. This time I came It ’s because of the court. UU reading ”

Su Xin wondered: "What happened to the court?"

Tie Ao nodded and said, "The White Lotus Church is in trouble in Sanxiang. Now the court has no time to crack down on the White Lotus Church, so the court wants you to take the initiative to suppress the White Lotus Church."

Su Xin heard sneer and said sneer: "It was a good idea to fight the court. When I used it, I was a courtier of the court. I wanted to kill them for life.

When I do n’t need me, I am a rebellious thief, and I will be wiped out by the army of the imperial court. I am not an idiot. Su Xin is enough to do this kind of thing once. Do I want to come again? "

Tie Ao Shen said, "This time, it is my idea. I know what you did to Bailian religion in South Hunan Province. Bailian religion is definitely not a patient to swallow it. Maybe now, Madam Bailian has planned to treat you. Shot.

Don't underestimate the Virgin Mary, you should have played against him, but Virgin Mary was not in its heyday at that time, she should still have some unhealed wounds.

Until the time when Madam Bailian is going to take action against you, at that time, Madam Bailian is at its peak. Although your strength is strong, you may not be able to beat her 100%.

And this time the court asked you to do nothing for Sanxiang's land, and the conditions can be driven by you. Of course, the court that is too excessive cannot agree. "

Su Xin did not agree directly. He just asked: "With the strength of the imperial court, not even a white lotus can't be suppressed? Master Tie, you led six doors and shot. Can't you suppress a white lotus?"

Tie Ao paused, this is the way: "Most of the court's power is now being dragged by the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Golden Horde. I appeared here one day, and there was a crisis in the Eastern Jin defense line, so although I could shoot, I was afraid of being attacked The Bailian religion is dragged here, affecting the situation in Eastern Jin. "

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