Strongest Villain System

Chapter 1219: Mo Wuwei

Although Mo Wuwei is known as a casual man, he also wears a robe on weekdays, but he is not a Taoist.

According to Mo Wuwei, although he is not a Taoist, he is also a Taoist, but he is not a Taoist of the Fourth Avenue.

At this time, in the game against Lu Xuanfeng, the two men were originally in a close match, but I don't know why Mo Wuwei suddenly took a stinky chess move, which also caused his situation to be at a disadvantage.

Lu Xuanfeng smiled and said, "Brother Mo, are you still worried about the situation in Baidi City?

Although the competition in Baidi City is fierce this time, maybe something like this will fall on whose head, sometimes it is better to force it.

By the way, do you have Brother Wu Ling Mo? If not, it's better to get one from my Dragon Tiger Door. "

The Shenwuling that caused countless scrambles outside the world is not a rare thing for the Fourth Avenue Gate. At least these years, they will send people to pay attention to these Shenwuling on the rivers and lakes, and try to collect them. .

And not only these deities 'orders. In the past, Daomen was the state religion of the first dynasty. It also contributed to the first dynasty. They themselves received a lot of deities' orders as a reward, so they are not Short.

However, there is no shortage of return. Lu Xuanfeng will give Mo Wuwei a magical command at random, but imagine the relationship between Mo Wuwei and the Fourth Avenue Gate.

Before Lu Wuxuan's retreat in the past, Lu Xuanfeng only entered the real martial arts shortly before, but Mo Wuwei sent him many martial arts insights about refining the true martial arts realm to help Lu Xuanfeng consolidate his foundation.

Regardless of whether Mo Wu had other profound meanings for this move, at least Lu Xuanfeng inherited his feelings.

Many people outside the world say that Mo Wuwei is a hypocrite, but even if he is a hypocrite, some things that Mo Wuwei has done over the years are disgusting.

He is a hypocrite to those who are so calculated, but to friends such as Lu Xuanfeng, Mo Wuwei is a person who can be trusted and made a deep friendship.

So at that time, people with good eyes had already seen it. Mo Wuwei was not a hypocrite, nor was he a really good person. He was just a wise man who knew exactly where he should stand, who he should associate with, and what he should pit. Kind of person.

So in the era of Mo Wuwei in the past, this person had the most friends and connections on the rivers and lakes, but also the most people who hate the itch of his teeth.

At this time, when he heard Lu Xuanfeng's inquiries, Mo Wuwei shook his head and said, "I already have the **** martial arts. I visited Li Boyang to teach before, and there are many **** martial arts orders in the Tao of Fortune. He has given me one.

It's just that I don't know why, but now I feel a little uneasy, as if there is something important to me that will happen, in short, it will not be a good thing. "

Hearing Mo Wuwei's words, Lu Xuanfeng was also a **** dropped, and his eyes were dignified.

Speaking of intuition is a bit ridiculous, but the higher the level of the warrior, the deeper the understanding of this side of the world, they will whim, and give birth to a different kind of intuition.

This intuition is generally very accurate. Since Mo Wuwei has this intuition, it is likely that something big will happen.

At this moment, a disciple of the Dragon Tiger Door suddenly came over and saw Mo Wuwei was here. In his eyes, a hesitant expression first appeared, but he gave a piece of paper to Lu Xuanfeng before retreating. under.

Seeing the contents of that note, Lu Xuanfeng's complexion changed slightly.

He hesitated for a moment, then said to Mo Wuwei: "Brother Mo, I have a message to tell you, and I hope you can hold on, don't be impulsive."

Mo Wuwei felt a little bit unfortunate, but he squeezed out a smile and said, "Whatever you say, brother Lu."

Lu Xuanfeng said: "A few days ago, you sent your uncle's grandson, Mo Chen, to the Western Regions to put pressure on Su Xin, so that he should not abandon the ram. Now there have been news on the rivers and lakes. The ram was abandoned by Su Xin. Beheading, under the pressure of the Soviet Union, Variangar even beheaded all the warriors in the black water.

The people sent by Wei Jiuling and Chen Xuanzong were also scolded by Su Xin, with a very tough attitude.

But Brother Mo Chen, your grandson, was directly killed by Su Xin because of conflict with Su Xin's words. "

The voice fell and Mo Wuwei's complexion suddenly changed. He was still holding a sunspot in his hand, but the sunspot was instantly evaporating directly from his hand, not even a little dust!

Seeing this scene, Lu Xuanfeng also sighed and said nothing.

In fact, the process of this matter Lu Xuanfeng was very clear. Even Mo Wuwei made the decision to put pressure on Su Xin.

At that time, Lu Xuanfeng actually persuaded Mo Wuwei to let him be cautious before deciding, it is better not to mix in this matter.

What strength and personality Su Xin is, how difficult he is, Lu Xuanfeng is more clear than Mo Wuwei.

A century of time is enough to give birth to more than five generations of young warriors. Even for the existence of these true martial arts, the century is almost a fifth of their lifetime. How many people have been promoted to Zhenwu and fallen in the century?

Therefore, the rivers and lakes are not the same as those in the Mowuwei era. At that time, Mowuwei was able to walk up and down on the rivers and lakes. As a fisherman, although he was a monk, he had a reputation that was not inferior to those of the big martial arts. By.

But now the times have changed, and he is still acting with the thinking of that era. Although he seems to have listened to Lu Xuanfeng's advice on the surface, he still didn't take it seriously in the heart, and now something really happened. And things are not small.

For other families, dying a tribe is not a big deal. Those families have a large number of people, such as the existence of the six major families. Even if the blood of the lineage is killed, the two sides will not rise to immortality. Endlessly.

But Mo Wuwei is different. Mo Chen is the grandson of his bloodline, and may even be Mo Wuwei's last bloodline.

The stronger the warrior, the more difficult it is to have a son-in-law. Mo Chen's father was born when Mo Wuwei had just been promoted to Zhenwu, so his son-in-law did not come easily.

But unfortunately, his son-in-law's character is not like him at all, but rather like those martial arts idiots. He has not learned the exquisite methods, but he has learned to challenge others everywhere or conflict with others.

Later, Mo Wuwei retreat and retreat, his son was equally unsettled, and he was killed while working with those barbarous tribes in Dongyi.

Mo Wuwei's son was originally a martial artist, basically not close to female sexuality. He was married under the intimidation of Mo Wuwei, and after the birth of Mo Chen, there was no more.

Although Mo Chen's personality is high-profile and publicity, he is not so exclusive to women, but he is still young, and he has not left any children. As a result, he was killed by Su Xin. To be extinct.

Lu Xuanfeng doesn't know what to say now, he just sighed: "Brother Mo, please mourn."

Mo Wuwei's face didn't have any anger, nor did he yell like to swear to kill Su Xin.

At this moment, his eyes were only indifferent, and even the breath on his body did not change at all, still looking quiet and inactive.

It's just that Mo Wuwei's heart is still quiet, that's an unknown.

Mo Wuwei rushed to the Xuanfeng Gong archway and said, "Brother Lu, I'm afraid I can't play chess with you anymore, and I also want to control Brother Lu to borrow something."

"What?" Lu Xuanfeng asked.

Mo Wuwei said in a deep voice: "Su Xin information, detailed information, especially above his martial arts."

When he heard Mo Wuwei say that, Lu Xuanfeng immediately knew that he was still going to shoot at Su Xin, and it was still endless.

Lu Xuanfeng could only sigh and persuade: "Brother Lu, you need to seek revenge on Su Xin. This is your personal complaint. I will give you the information based on your friendship with me over the years.

But I also want to warn you that Su Xin is not easy to mess with, and I wo n’t say much else, because he has offended almost half of the people in the rivers and lakes for so many years, but he is still alive. , And still living well, you should be able to guess how difficult this person is.

And behind this Su Xin is the Difu. Although the Jizo of Difu is just a junior to you, the martial arts can never be explained with age. The existence of Shenqiao Realm is definitely standing on the rivers and lakes. In addition to being the strongest in the Shenqiao Realm, UU Kanshu may only be able to mobilize all the powerful realm realms on the rivers and lakes to solve it.

So Brother Lu, you can take revenge, but you must be careful and cautious. Unless you are sure to kill Su Xin in one fell swoop, it is best not to take action. "

Mo Wuwei nodded expressionlessly, and Lu Xuanfeng didn't know whether he heard it or not.

At this time, Su Xin naturally did not know what happened at the gate of Longhu Road. After solving the ram abandonment, Su Xin also returned to Northwest Road and was waiting for the White Empire City to open.

During this period of time, nothing happened. Su Xin also took the stillbirth he had dug out of the ram's abandoned body, and was ready to study what it was.

This thing seems a little weird to Su Xin, because it is simply a mass of death force, but it is not a simple force, but it seems that there is some spiritual wisdom, and it will struggle, like a living thing.

Just when Su Xin was thinking about where to go to study this thing, she had been retreating before, and now Qingli, who was finally out of the house, pushed in the door, and she exclaimed when she saw the stillbirth in her hand: "Nine dead births Where did you get this stuff? "