Strongest Villain System

Chapter 262: Make a rule

The new rules proposed by Su Xin made many of the martial arts forces present at the scene somewhat agitated, but before Wen Mingyu and others echoed them, the representative of Jiuxuan Jianzong stood out and said coldly, "I don't agree!"

Everyone looked at the Jingxuan Jingwu of Jiuxuan Sword Sect. Only then did they want to open their heads and closed their mouths.

The three first-class forces have dominated the Jiangnan Road for hundreds of years, and they have been long established.

Even now, due to the emergence of Su Xin, the rules of the other party have been completely broken, but in the eyes of everyone, everyone still has a bit of jealousy about them. When they hear each other's words, they immediately stop talking.

The representative of Jiuxuan Jianzong said coldly: "Wulin in Jiangnan Province was naturally responsible for it by myself. Wulin, Jiangnan Province, of course, this rule was also determined by myself. It's too wide? "

There was a cold smile on Su Xin's face: "The tube is too wide? Is there no king of earth in the whole world? Is there any place in the Jiangnan Road where my six doors are not qualified to manage?

Of course, you can also abide by the rules formulated by Su Xin, but if you do n’t follow the rules, you will die! "

The voice fell, Su Xinjian pointed out, and the majestic sword qi broke along the body of Su Xin's fingers, invisible and silent, unable to be phaseless, only the purest sword qi!

The Jiuxuan Jianzong's Jingong Jingwu did not expect Su Xin to be so overbearing. He actually took a shot on such occasions, and he quickly drew out a sword from his waist to resist.

Jiuxuan Jianzong's swordsmanship is extremely profound and complicated. The sword in his hand wields an endless sword, trying to resist the invisible and invisible aspect in front of him, but he can feel the amazing sword-like sword spirit.

But the two are opposite, the result is under the bursting sword air hedge, the long sword in his hand was shattered, the body meridians were smashed into the body by the sword air, exploded, and a burst of blood spewed out.

Seeing this scene, the whole audience was shocked, especially some warriors with swords, looked at Su Xin with suspicion.

Su Xin's nickname is the Blood Sword God's Finger. Everyone knows that Su Xin's sword skills are very powerful, but he did not expect that Su Xin could realize the sword skills to such an extent.

There are many people using swords on rivers and lakes, and there are also many people who use swords, swords, and other things.

However, in their perception, Su Xin's sword qi was incomparably pure, as if Su Xin itself was a scabbard, there were countless horrible sword qi in his body.

Looking at the shrine fighter who was seriously wounded by his sword energy, Su Xin was satisfied with the power of the invisible sword energy congenital.

There are five levels of congenital broken body invisible sword air, but now Su Xin is just getting started.

And even the first use of the congenital broken body invisible sword Qi is not as small as the current sword Qi. When the real battle is taking place, dozens of sword Qi are vertical and horizontal, and the sword will be played to the extreme. Real innate broken body invisible sword energy.

When the fifth realm is reached, the sky full of air is overwhelming, and the whole space is covered by sword air. This power is almost like a demon.

"I do n’t want to follow the rules I set. Let your Jiuxuan Sect's Yuanshenjinghuaji talk to me. A guy sent to inquire about the news dare to yell with me, do you deserve it?"

Su Xin's cold voice came to the Luoyu Villa and the Ram's family, and immediately the two guys who were still preparing to protest immediately retracted. Immortal Training

Su Xin is right. He is the chief catcher of Jiangnan Province, and it is the first-class forces such as Sun Qian who are qualified to talk to him, not them.

Although Zongmen sent them, they also knew that this time they came to inquire about the news. What Su Xin said was that they would go back and copy it again. A person like the Jiuxuan Jianzong rashly jumped out of his head and ended up. It's miserable.

Su Xin knocked on the table and said, "Okay, now we start to talk about the rule I just set. Who agrees, who is against it?"

Many of the forces present shook their heads. This rule is not harmful to them. Why should they object? Anyway, as long as the person in charge of life and death does not favor any party, they have no opinion.

Seeing that there was no objection, Su Xin nodded. Apart from damaging the interests of the three first-rate forces, this was good for other second-rate and third-rate schools.

The purpose of Su Xin's visit to Gangnam-do was to revive the prestige of the six gates in Gangnam-do. His purpose was not to destroy Gangnam-do, so there was no need to keep on provoking and make the entire Gangnam-do battle endless.

Moreover, if this battle is really continued to the end, maybe there will be several first-class general forces in the entire Gangnam-do at that time.

By that time, everyone's strength has reached a balance, then it is doomed to fail, but facing a number of first-class forces, Jiangnan Province did not know where to start, so that would really be self-defeating.

Seeing that everyone agreed, Su Xin continued: "In this case, let me talk about the second rule, that is, I am going to send a six-door arrest fast in all major schools to monitor at any time. .

You should know that the recent Jiangnan Dao has been rumbling. There are those who continue to stir up the wind and rain, even bewildering some martial arts forces against my Da Zhou, and doing things that hurt the enemies, and this kind of scene, I can Don't want to see it again. "

Speaking, Su Xin also showed a sad expression, and saw Wen Mingyu and others twitching at the corners of his mouth.

The sect gates you destroyed are clearly a big hat of Wu Guoyu's collusion you arbitrarily buckled. Those Wu Guoyu's sins have long gone, but they want to collude. Where can I find them?

Su Xin looked utterly: "So it is also for the good of everyone to set up six gates in each major gate. This will not only prevent the infiltration of the remaining sins of Wu Guo, but the presence of these surveillances will also prove your innocence . "

As soon as this word came out, the heads of all the martial arts forces in the audience shook their heads to oppose, and the whole hall seemed like a frying pan.

Each martial art has its own secrets, how can it be shown to others casually? Moreover, this person is still a person of six doors.

Nian Gang willingly sent six doors to the station for monitoring. That's because the transportation is too sensitive. As long as the Nian Gang wants to mingle in the Da Zhou Dynasty, it must follow this rule.

What's more, the monitoring of the annual gang is only a matter of luck. They will not move or look elsewhere.

But they are different. What's so nice about their ancestors, why do they have to send arrests to come and monitor them?

Therefore, no one agrees with this article, and even Wen Mingyu and others are somewhat repelled.

After all, no one likes a guy who is not under his control to hang around in his own door. Wang Junkai: That she

Looking at the crowd in the lobby, there was some excitement, Su Xin knocked on the table and hummed, "Shut up!"

"You all seem to be dissatisfied with the rules I have set." Su Xin looked around and said lightly.

One of the homeowners of the second-rate forces stood up and arched his hand and said, "Sir, it is not that we disagree, but this is really inconvenient.

You also know that there are some taboos in our martial arts that cannot be seen by outsiders. If you send an arrest to my gate to monitor, in case he wants to forcibly look at these things, do you say we want him to see or Keep him out?

In addition, some of our martial arts skills are also secretly transmitted. When disciples are taught martial arts, outsiders must be dismissed. What if these are monitored and arrested soon? This is inconvenient, but too much. "

As soon as the owner said, all the other martial arts forces also followed suit. Even in the strongest period of the six gates, they never directly entered their gates to monitor the situation.

Su Xin knocked on the table and said, "This is indeed a point I don't think about. In this way, the six gates will not enter the gates of everyone. They will only monitor outside the gates. If they find out, If there is anything wrong, I need to ask you, and I ask for your cooperation.

I Su Xin is a very credible person. As long as you follow my rules, I will also do things in accordance with my rules. You can rest assured that the six-door monitoring and catching is only for supervision and will not be made. What an excessive thing came. "

Seeing Su Xin speak so well, the crowd was overjoyed, and they hurriedly said that it was okay, but when they sat down, they didn't feel right, and a bitter smile appeared on their faces.

After countless calculations, in the end, this Su Xin gave a pose.

It is estimated that Su Xin did not have any extravagant hope that he could directly enter their ancestral gate for supervision, but only hoped to restore the original supervision right.

In the past, when the six doors of Gangnam Province were the weakest, even this basic monitoring right was gone.

Those who were arrested soon came to monitor the news outside the major martial arts forces. When they were found light, they were expelled, and they were beaten directly. Zhao Yiming's men had encountered this kind of incident, but because the six doors were weak at the time, they had to yield. Forbearance ~ ~ Since the authority of the six doors is enough, the original rights should naturally be taken back.

You are not allowed to monitor me at the door, and I have compromised. If you do not allow me to monitor you at the door, that is to hit me in the face of Su Xin again, and you will think carefully.

None of the people present were stupid. Su Xin's move was not new, so they understood it after a little thought, but no one dared to object.

As the power of the six doors became stronger and stronger, the prestige was to be taken back sooner or later. Now even if it is blocked, it is useless, so it is to give Su Xin a face.

There was a smile on Su Xin's face, "You guys, there are just two of these new rules announced by my six doors. I don't want to restrict you any more.

Gangnam-do is not only Gangnam-do, but also my six-door Gangnam-do. It is also the Gangnam-do of the imperial court. We all work together to manage it. This is what everyone wants to see. "

After playing for a while, Su Xin beckoned the guests off, which made those in the martial arts sigh of relief, and quickly and politely left. (.)