Strongest Villain System

Chapter 296: Getting started tasks

PS: This chapter is a reward for the ten thousand starting point coins that sighed by the bookmate's death.

After Judge Cui told Su Xin everything, he asked, "How is your ice **** really practicing?"

Su Xin nodded and said, "Internal skills have just begun to get started, and martial arts are even worse, only three disciplines have been cultivated."

Judge Cui gave a surprised look. The speed was not slow. It seems that the Shishu judgment of the local government is indeed correct. Su Xin's natural understanding is definitely of the first class.

"Well, it seems to be almost the same. I'll take you to pick an introductory task first. With your current strength, that introductory task is basically just a cutscene." Cui judge said.

Su Xin nodded, and he was ready to return to Gangnam-do after completing the mission as soon as possible, and take back his own position.

Judge Cui took Su Xin to the square covered with bronze, and the simplest tasks hanging on the outer periphery were specially issued to the outer members.

However, peripheral members are not eligible to come to the prefecture, so these tasks are selected by the inner members of their prefectures, and then sent to their favorite peripheral members.

Judge Cui took a look and took off a paper saying: "This task is very urgent, and the difficulty is not too great. I just handed it over to you and put your token into the groove of the bronze pillar. In fact, the person who posted the task will naturally know that his task has been picked up.

You can also do the same after you complete the task. At that time, the person who posted the task will know that your task has been completed. Similarly, the adults of Houtu and Mengpo will also be prompted. After they have completed the review in accordance with the rules , You can get the reward for this task. "

Su Xin nodded and glanced at the task written on the paper.

The task's publisher was Xie Bi'an, the impermanence of Bai in the legend of the land government.

The content of the task is to let Su Xin rescue some of his favorite peripheral members. Because he has recently been unable to separate things, he can only ask other colleagues in the local government to help.

There are instructions on how to contact those peripheral members, but this impermanence seems to be really urgent, and the handwriting is abnormally scribbled.

As for the reward of the mission, it is also very interesting. It turned out to be a reward in his treasure house.

Judge Cui laughed: "Xie Bi'an prefers to collect some messy things. Tiannan Haibei runs around. There are really a lot of good things in his treasure house. Of course, there are more wastes. If you don't know what to choose when you choose , I can help you with reference. "

Su Xin nodded and placed his token on the stone pillar, a gleam of light lit on it, and it was printed on the token.

Judge Cui said: "The tokens in our prefecture are very different, not only proof of identity, but also the key to enter and exit the prefecture.

And if you have any important issues that you ca n’t post to the prefecture, you can also write the task well and infuse it with the token, and the token will automatically transfer the task paper to this bronze pillar.

However, doing so consumes internal force, which is nothing to us. Well, it is estimated that half of the internal force in the body will be evacuated. "

Su Xin nodded, playing with the token in his hand, he did not expect that this little thing was so amazing.

The ancient array method is incomplete. Like the array method with its own space function on the token, it is estimated that few martial arts forces can inherit it. Exhausting the world, you alone

It is estimated that the top major gates of things like these matrix methods have been studied, but the deepest research is still on the number of Momen and Tianji Valley.

However, it is estimated that even with the strength of Mormon and Tianjigu, it is impossible to make such a small, but carry a variety of tokens.

At the same time, in a burrow in Nanman, a man wearing a white robe and wearing a spooky horror mask was constantly digging down.

He sucked it with one hand, and the horrible internal force suddenly burst out. He was sucked out by the huge lumps of tens of feet in size, as if it were a hill, and crushed directly into a pile of **** powder and discharged out of the burrow.

At this moment, the token around his waist shone with a bit of light, and Bai Wuchang pierced his spirit into the token for a moment. "Oh? My mission will be picked up so soon? Or King Chujiang? I remember King Chujiang There is no one now. Are there any new members?

Forget it, leave it alone, those little bunnies will be dealt with by the new buddy. I'll dig it up quickly, otherwise the hour will come and it will be useless to dig it out.

His grandma, if you die, you die, and you buried yourself so deep, you still want to be an emperor under the ground? "

Bai Wuchang scolded and continued to dig down.

On the other hand, Su Xin is about to leave the prefecture. His token has the power to break open space, but of course not where you want to go.

This space was originally left by the ancient Xizong gate ‘Difu’. It was free to come and go as long as it was within the coverage of the ‘Difu’, but in remote places, it was impossible.

The peripheral members of Su Xin's help this time were all in Jiangdong Road, not far from Jiangnan Road. Judge Cui left after teaching Su Xin to use the token to specify coordinates.

After Su Xin input his qi into the token, he experienced the feeling of shuttle space again. When he opened his eyes again, he had already come to a barren mountain in Jiangdong.

Put on King Chu Jiang's mask, Su Xin took out a black Jinhua suit from the mustard bag and put it on.

This black Jinhua suit is also a welfare of the members of the prefecture. Although it has no defensive power, it has the effect of covering up the breath. It is said that as long as you wear this black gold suit, even the warrior in the yang **** realm cannot see your cultivation as breath. .

After dressing, Su Xin went straight to the place given in the mission.

At this time, in an inn in Goyang House, Jiangdong Road, three warriors in the Jinggu state sighed frantically in the house, all anxiously.

One of them was handsome, and the younger warrior sighed, "Brother, there is only one day left. If we don't give up anything again, the third brother will be dead."

A pretty-looking woman among the three said in a crying voice: "It's all my fault. If I hadn't trusted the **** so easily and let him join in, things would not have changed now."

The handsome-looking young man sneered: "Qing Lian, you love to believe in foreigners so much. I told my third brother that the boy was not a good person at first sight!

Born in San Xiu, he is very embarrassed by those big disciples. You look so embarrassed. You do n’t even believe us, now you are well, let people eat black!

But the problem is that even if we want to turn things over for the third brother, I ca n’t take it out. Whoever thinks that the thing has turned into a demon, he still takes it away. "The **** of war is immortal

When the young man said this, the eyes of the pretty-looking woman turned red, and she almost cried on the spot.

Seeing this picture of the two, the young man who has not spoken among the three said, "Okay, Qing Lian is not intentional, and I didn't expect that the boy was so greedy, and he was still among the seven gangs in the world. Jinyulou relationship. "

The appearance of this young man is about thirty, but his appearance is very weird. He has some characteristics of Westerners in the Western Regions and is obviously a mixed race.

In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the mixed-race like this youth was the most despised by the Central Plains, and it was considered a hybrid after being barbaric.

At that time, some big families like to collect several Western dance dancers. If they accidentally have children, those dancers' daughters will not even have the qualifications to practice martial arts.

Now that the 36 countries of the Western Regions have become independent, and the Da Zhou Dynasty did not threaten other people, their status has risen a lot, and their titles have also changed from barbaric to non-Hu.

However, despite this, once the young man went out, it was still necessary to be pointed and even laughed at.

Seeing the crying Qinglian, the young man said: "Don't worry, I have informed Master Xie Bi'an to come and help us. The Lord once said that once we have something, we can inform him. If he cannot come, he will be organized. Other adults come over.

Based on the strength of the members of the inner circle of the organization, let alone the other party is only a master of Jinyulou, even the entire Jinyulou organization will not be taken into account. "

But the young man was skeptical at this time: "Big brother, do you really believe what that person said? He always said how powerful his organization was, not even Shaolin Temple and the Tao of Taoism.

But if his organization is so strong, why haven't we even heard of it? Not even the rest of his organization had seen one. "

When the young man said this, the young man immediately yelled, "Second brother, be careful! Master Xie Bi'an's strength is beyond your imagination!

Moreover, when we took the master's method, we all agreed to join the organization. We are also the people of the organization, and then you and me are divided. What does this sound like? "

The young man was relatively majestic among the three. When he scolded him so suddenly, the young man was afraid to speak.

But he was still muttering something in his mouth ~ ~ being convinced.

But when he looked up, he suddenly startled him.

I don't know when, on the chair in his room, there was a mysterious man wearing a black Jinhua suit and wearing a mask of the King of Chu Jiang, exuding a strange and ethereal and frosty atmosphere all over his body.

At this time, the woman named Qing Lian and the young man also saw the existence in front of them, which made them take a nap.

You must know that they have been talking here for a long time, and they haven't even realized when this mysterious man was sitting here. How terrible is the strength of this man?

But when the young man was surprised when he saw the mask on Su Xin's face, he immediately saluted: "Telussi joins King Chujiang!"

He clearly remembered that Lord Xie Bi'an had said that their organization was called the Land Government, and all of them were named after the title of Yin God of the Prefecture. (.)