Strongest Villain System

Chapter 525: Demon Festival

ps: Thanks to book friend Nan Jiatong for his reward of 10,000 starting coins.

The protagonist in the battle of Fengxue was originally the five strong men in the Yang Shen Realm, but now it has become Su Xin, and he has attracted countless eyeballs alone.

Fighting with the power of divine power to fuse the divine power, how many people can do it on this river?

Prior to Su Xin's beheading of Xuan Guan, there were many factors, so it was a special case, and the number of people watching the battle was very small, and they were all Su Xin's enemies, so the original scene would definitely be slightly exaggerated.

For example, Dai Moyan and others have deliberately increased some of Su Xin's strengths after fleeing. Of course, they did not promote Su Xin, but just to find a statement for their failure.

When so many of them tried to kill Su Xin, they were still defeated by Su Xin ’s killing. If they did n’t speak so hard, wouldn't it seem that they were incompetent?

Now that there are so many people watching the battle outside, this is the time to reveal Su Xin's true strength.

Now when I look at Su Xin's hands, all the warriors secretly said in their hearts that this list did not exaggerate Su Xin's ranking.

Although Su Xin is now besieging Su Mingyuan with Dugu Yan, the role he can play is not inferior to Dugu Yan.

When Su Xin was working with Xuan Guan, although Xuan Guan was old and was suppressed by 50% of the power in Qin Guang ’s night sphere, Xuan Guan ’s already completed King Kong ’s magical power was still better than nine. Ninety percent of the warriors.

This caused most of Su Xin's attack methods could not hurt Xuanguan.

But now facing Su Mingyuan is not the same.

In terms of attack power, Su Mingyuan is naturally stronger than the old Xuanguan who was suppressed in the past, but in terms of defense, Su Mingyuan is not as good as one thousandth of Xuanguan.

All he had to do was a blood hole on Su Xin's sad little arrow.

Su Mingyuan's powerful martial arts, Su Mingyuan, did not dare to deal with it easily. If he was not careful, it would be the wounded end.

If this is the case, he is confident that with his own strength, he can completely stop Su Xin's attack.

But now there is a lonely Yan, and the two sides have not yet fought. Su Mingyuan is already in danger.

Facing the sword of Ducheng Yan, Su Mingyuan cracked and pointed out. Instantly, Qiankun was upside down, and the yin and yang were disordered.

But behind Su Mingyuan, Su Xinyuan's blood-stained sword came out of the sheath, and suddenly the blood river rolled back towards Su Mingyuan.

He turned around and punched out, as if the rising sun lifted off, and the endless rays of light flourished, tearing the blood river directly.

However, at this time, Su Xin suddenly struck his flying blood sword, and a blood rush appeared, and Su Mingyuan's rib was immediately penetrated!

Su Xinfei's sword hurts people. This is not to use the Qi sword, but to shoot his flying blood sword with the arrow of the sad little arrow. Unstoppable, the unbreakable and sad arrow will be brought directly to Su Mingyuan's body. A blood hole.

The real strength of the sad little arrow is never the bow and arrow in his hand, but his own arrow trick.

It can hurt people without arrows, and the small sad arrow after Dacheng takes itself as the bow, and the heaven and earth as arrows can also shoot the sad little arrow.

Su Mingyuan looked at Su Xin with red eyes. He did not hate Duguyan, because after all, Duguyan's son died in the hands of his Su family, and Dugu clan had an irreconcilable conflict with them.

But he hated Su Xin!

He thinks he hasn't done anything sorry to Su Xin.

Even when Su Xin was allowed to enter the secret family of the Su family at the beginning, the cultivation was based on his own opinions. This allowed the ancestors and others to agree, but no one expected that Su Xin would kill him this time, and he had not kept the slightest!

The cooperation between Su Xin and Dugu Yan gave Su Mingyuan a smell of death. He has been scarred by Su Xin all over his body. The most serious is the shoulder blades and the two blood holes under his ribs. These are all It was caused by Su Xin.

Moreover, the attack of Dugu Yan was not wasted. He was covered with dozens of stab wounds, which looked extremely miserable, but the most serious one was the hard injury caused by the sword of Dugu Yan.

The flames burned the city and could not be extinguished until it was consumed.

With each cut of Duguyan, there will be a scorching force infiltrating Su Mingyuan's body, gathering less and more, and finally, like a flame burning the city, burst out until it is burned to ashes!

This is the terror of the Burning City sword.

As the Duke ’s inheritance of the most powerful martial arts for thousands of years, although the Burning Sword Technique has burst fiercely and looks magnificent, its true power is revealed internally.

Su Mingyuan already felt that he would not be rescued until the power of Burning City broke out in his body.

And now that he can't escape this scenario, he can only pull one person to death, that person is Su Xin!

Su Mingyuan connected with his left and right hands, and suddenly he pointed out several fingers of the split god, directly driving back Dugu Yan.

At the same time, Su Mingyuan's body appeared with a horrible atmosphere. A horrible shadow behind him appeared, but he was in a state of worship. A horrible atmosphere of evil and terror erupted, exposing the surrounding miles. Contaminated with horrible magic.

Among the many martial arts present, there were righteous forces and casual martial arts warriors, and there were also many bandits who did a lot of evil in the usual way, such as Taihang cottage, but there were no magic martial arts warriors.

But now looking at the power that Su Mingyuan has revealed, it is called a magical flame, so evil.

However, those who understand the history of the Su family understand the actions of Su Mingyuan very well.

For the Su family in that era, the distinction between the positive and the magic is not so obvious. For a family of this level in the Su family, there must be a lot of positive and magic exercises in the family. They will not distinguish between the positive and the magic. Law can only be distinguished by power.

Zhengdao Gongfa has a solid foundation but is slow to enter the country. Although Modao Gongfa is dangerous but powerful, Su Mingyuan's desperate hole card is a horrible ancient magic Taoist skill, a long-lost demon sacrifice!

Incarnate as a demon and sacrifice ‘self’, this martial art is extremely evil, but in return, it is a weird and powerful force like a demon.

Behind Su Mingyuan, the horrible shadow of the ghost gradually looked up, and suddenly the flames were soaring, the breath of terror came suddenly.

Tokgo Yan Yi looked away and pulled out.

The so-called joint effort between him and Su Xin is totally unreliable.

In any case, it seems to him that Su Xin and the six doors behind him are also antithetical to Du Gushi. It is not bad for him to fall into the hole, and it is impossible for him to resist Su Mingyuan who is already furious.

However, Dugu Yan was clever, but Su Xin was not stupid. Su Mingyuan desperately struck him but he did not intend to resist. When Dugu Yan moved, Su Xin also moved, and rushed directly to the place where the soldiers of Dugu were gathered together. go with.

Seeing this scene, the lonely Yan suddenly scolded Su Xin in his heart.

Su Mingyuan would not have any preferential treatment for his solitary loneliness. When the two of them were together, it was natural that solitary solitude would be solved together.

Dugu Yan wants to run, but there are few who can surpass Su Xin in the speed that erupts in an instant. His shape is just like the shadow, and he is close to Dugu Yan.

At this time, Su Mingyuan was moving.

The demon shadow behind him raised his head completely, the demon flames around him could not see his face, he could only see two scarlet colors, very different.

The magic shadow pointed out, and the void suddenly trembled, and the dark magical energy passed through the void, leaving an indelible mark.

Everyone can even clearly feel that the place where the magical qi has begun to eat away the power of the surrounding heaven and earth, and the confrontation with the heaven and earth has not merged into the heaven and earth.

Who can resist such a terrifying force? But the one finger of this demon shadow came straight towards Dugu Yan and Su Xin, and the demon qi blocked the void, allowing them to escape and escape!

It's a matter of life and death.

He yelled directly, and the sword cut through the void, like a round of hot sun falling, burning the sky to cook the sea, and the sword was like a rainbow!

However, the dark magic is like a hot knife inserted into butter, which directly and easily penetrates the sword of Duguyan, which makes Duguyan's complexion change suddenly.

He slashed with a long sword, but the sword did not come out, but the meaning of the sword had been shaken in the void, and traceless.

Under the misty slash, the horrible enchanted meal seemed to be weakened, but the prefecture-level long knife in the hands of Dugu Yan burst into pieces, and he himself spewed blood and flew out.

Burning the essence can only be exchanged for pure strength promotion, but this Su Mingyuan's demon sacrifice is extremely horrible, burning himself to sacrifice himself.

No one knows whether the legendary demon exists or not, and Su Mingyuan's demon sacrifice is not really sacrificed to the demon.

The essence of the demon sacrifice is to turn itself into that horrible ancient devil ~ ~, and then sacrifice itself as a sacrifice, in exchange for the physical body, blood, and even the full promotion of the spirit of qi. It turns into the purest magic.

This magic qi is not the true qi that can be cultivated by itself, but the most evil force in the world.

Dugu Yan was only seriously weakened by the power of that magic gas, and Su Xin's expression was slightly dignified.

There is no simple generation in the existence of these gods. At the beginning, the metaphysical conception was about to die, and it was able to burn the Yuanshen to evolve into a state close to the golden body of fighting. Now there are countless ancient mysteries on Su Mingyuan. Much more than Xuanguan.

Dugu Yan retreated. The magical energy directly locked Su Xin, and the speed suddenly accelerated a bit. After all, Su Xin was Su Mingyuan's real goal.

When the magical qi came, Su Xin suddenly burst out in front of thousands of sword qi, but the sharp and innate broken body invisible sword qi, although constantly weakening the power of this magic qi, could not stop it at all.

Su Xin's blood-stained sword came out of the sheath, and Wushuang Sword suddenly mixed with the monstrous Blood River burst out. The blood evil spirit intersects with the magic phase, and the scene seems strange for a while. (To be continued.)