Strongest Villain System

Chapter 674: You are going to ruin Su's house!

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Since the last time Su Xin forced those martial arts forces around Wutong Mountain, although some martial arts forces have already left, most of the martial arts forces have still taken root here, which has made Wutong Mountain much more prosperous.

Recently, a new restaurant under the Wutong Mountain was named Fenghuanglou, which was actually related to the Phoenix blood incident that Su Xin had made last time.

Although the phoenix blood was completely shattered after the First World War in Wutong Mountain last time, no one suspected that the phoenix blood was fake. Therefore, some low-powered martial arts practitioners wandered around this Wutong Mountain all day long, looking forward to themselves One day, you can find traces of this blood.

And because of the good signs, this Phoenix building often has a lot of warriors in and out, and the business is very good.

At this time, in the Tianzi Room No.6 of Fenghuang Tower, Su Mingqi sat inside and thought about who was going to see him, and he was able to help them turn around.

Thinking about it, Su Mingqi thinks that the most likely one is Beigu Dugu.

Wouldn't someone else be dormant beside the couch? Beiyuan Dugu was the one with the most hostility towards the Su family.

The original capital of Dazhou was located in Beiyuan Road. After all, the gap between Dugu and Dazhou was too large, and it was so big that Dugu couldn't even raise the mind of opposing Da Zhou.

But the Su family is not the same, but the strength of the Su family is even worse than the Dugu family, so if there is an opportunity, the Dugu family will certainly not let go of the Su family.

Su Mingqi even had a plan in his heart. If he is really a Dugu clan, as long as the opponent is not the ancestor of Duyang's Yang Shenjing, then Su Mingqi must kill him on the spot!

It is true that Su Mingqi wanted to completely turn the blood of the Su family's sidelines, but he did not want to destroy the Su family.

If the other person is really a dugu, then the other person is obviously trying to plot the entire Su family.

At that time, if the people of the lineage are dead, relying solely on their sideline bloodlines will definitely not support the Su family. By then, their Su family will be swallowed up by Dugu.

Su Mingqi wanted to obtain the proper status of the side blood, but he did not want to use this method to achieve his goal.

As the so-called cold lips and cold teeth, at least now the interests of the Su family's lineage and the sidelines are tied together.

While Su Mingqi was thinking wildly, the door of the private room was pushed open, and Su Xin came in.

The moment Su Xin came in, Su Mingqi exclaimed: "How are you !?"

Su Xin closed the door and asked, "Why can't it be me?"

Su Mingqi looked suspiciously at Su Xin. He did not expect that this person would be Su Xin.

After all, Su Xin's strength is here, and without borrowing the power of Da Zhou, what does he do against the Su family? There aren't enough people for his six doors.

Moreover, the last time of the First World War, Su Xin took the opportunity to attack the Su family, which caused the Su family's vitality to be shocked. Everyone said that Su Xin was bold.

But now that Su Xin is here, he even wants to use the contradiction between the Su family and the Su family to calculate the Su family again. It can no longer be described with boldness.

However, Su Mingqi also looked at Su Xin with complex eyes, with a little envious look in his eyes.

The enemy of Su Xin is the bloodline of the Su family, not their bloodline.

Su Xin used to kill the Su family ’s bloodline. As for their bloodline, Su Xin did n’t kill it.

And strictly speaking, Su Xin is actually a side blood of the Su family, but his talent is very good, and the blood concentration is even the same as that of the blood of the sacral line.

What Su Mingqi envied was that Su Xin could not rely on the Su family, relying on himself alone to cross the rivers and lakes, and to make a great fame and towering power.

On the other hand, they are now in the bloodline of the Su family. They have no experience in fighting with people. If they do n’t hold a group, they will be killed if they go out alone to break through the rivers.

After calming down, Su Mingqi looked at Su Xin and said in a deep voice: "Su Xin, what do you mean when you ask me to meet you? You can blend in the blood line between Sujia and the collaterals?

Unless you can use the power you used to destroy the Qingcheng sword faction last time, you wo n’t be able to deal with the Su family, and you are not your opponent alone.

Although you could have severely injured him last time, if it was a life-and-death fight, it would definitely be you.

Moreover, you should not deliberately split the Su family. What I want is a strong and prosperous Su family, not a complete extinction of the lineages of the Su family and let the Su family decline. "

Su Xin looked at Su Mingqi and shook his head: "You should know the intelligence of the six doors. Although it was not long before your Su family stepped into the rivers and lakes, all the six doors of your Su family have been understood, including your Su Mingqi information. . "

Su Xin stared directly at Su Mingqi and Shen said, "To be honest, you can bear it. The Su family has set you up so much that you can practice to this point, which proves that your talent and perseverance are really amazing.

And you can hold back for decades, and immediately take a shot when you find an opportunity, which proves that you are also decisive, but unfortunately, you are still decisive and insufficient.

Yesterday, if you could be tougher and toughen it directly to see if the ancestors of the Su family would retreat, you may have some bloodlines in your sideline.

But at that time you flinched. The best opportunity passed. You didn't have a chance. "

Su Mingqi sneered: "It's easy to say, you Su Xin is not growing up in Su's family, and I don't know the ancestor's power in Su's family. If we really broke our face with our ancestor yesterday, he would really kill!"

"Kill?" Su Xin sneered: "Let him kill him, don't look at yourself too low. Now the backbone of the Su family is you, not the blood of the sidelines. If the ancestors of the Su family dare to kill you, That Su family is not far from decay. "

"You're gambling! Bet on our bloodline lives!"

Su Ming said sarcastically, "It wasn't you who did it at the beginning. Of course you can say such things with peace of mind."

Su Xin shook his head and said, "Instead I and I will still bet, because if we do not know each other by life, the blood of the collaterals of your Su family will have no chance.

What's more important is that you hesitated, but now it's not even the last chance. Even I can guarantee that the Su family will never keep you for more than a year. "

Su Ming's face suddenly changed: "What do you mean?"

Su Xin said indifferently: "What do you mean? You should know, Su Mingqi, the fierceness of the Su family ancestors, you should know it. Although he is the Su family ancestor, he is also of the Su family, so he must first maintain it. It is the interests of the Su family.

This time, you led a lot of side disciples to push the palace, showing your strong ability to control the side disciples and your own unsteady ambition.

In short, you have become a thorn in the eyes of the Su family ancestors, leaving you uneasy in the hearts of the Su family ancestors, so within a year, the Su family ancestors will find an opportunity to get rid of you sooner or later! "

Su Mingqi's eyes flashed with suspicion, but he still shook, "It's impossible, my ancestor couldn't find a reason."

In fact, it is rare for the Su family to kill each other for so many years. Su Mingqi has endured this for a long time, including Su family ancestors and other Su family disciples. Strong prestige among the disciples.

But even so, the Su family just crowded him out and refrigerated them, but never shot him.

Su Xin shook his head. He said before that Su Ming's chess was forbearing, but not fierce enough.

He has stayed in the Su family all these years, unlike those outside the military who have gone from weak to strong, experiencing countless intrigues and countless traps.

It can be said that those warriors of the six great families have cultivated from the day after tomorrow to the realm of fusion. They not only have to fight against the enemy, the biggest threat is actually from the inside, instead they are not as simple as Su Mingqi thought.

Su Xin sneered: "Can't the Su family ancestors kill you?

In the past, the ancestor of the Su family didn't move you because he couldn't feel your threat ~ ~ but you happen to make him feel the threat today.

Because of the power of Su's ancestors in Su's, he wanted to kill someone without any reason. "

Su Mingqi was a little pale and his face was full of scars, but at this time he suddenly looked up and said, "You are provoking my relationship with Su Jia's relationship, and the relationship between the relationship between the relationship between the relationship between the relationship between the line of blood and the line of blood is completely torn You are trying to ruin the Su family! "

Su Xin's resentment against the Su family knew that it was an endless existence.

Now that Su Xin said so, he was trying to stir up the life and death battle between his family and his neighbors. Su Xin was good at revenge, but this was absolutely not allowed by Su Mingqi.

Su Xin shook his head and said, "I didn't want to destroy the Su family. I just wanted to kill the blood of the Su family.

Moreover, for the current Su family, it is these bloodlines that hinder the development of the Su family.

The number of them is obviously small, but they hold the most cultivation resources. It is because of them that the Su family will be half dead as they are now. "

Su Mingqi even said: "If you want to kill the bloodline of the puppet system, then you will destroy the Su family! Even if the ancestor is seriously injured, it is also a strong man in the state of Yang Shen. Only he and those strong puppet bloodlines can save the Su family, otherwise In this troubled river and lake, what protection does my Su family take? "

Su Xin stared directly at Su Mingqi, Shen said, "No one is born with noble existence. From the time of your birth, those bloodlines have instilled a kind of thought into you, making you think that you are inferior to them.

But in fact, if you think about it, they are actually afraid of the rise of blood beside you. Otherwise, why do they set up obstacles for you?

Now I dare say at least that under the same conditions, the future success of your bloodlines may not be lower than them. "(To be continued.)