Strongest Villain System

Chapter 947: Last hope

ps: This chapter is for the reward of 10,000 starting coins for book enthusiasts. ? Bayi Chinese W? W? W ?. ? 8㈧1㈧Z? W㈧. ? COM

Looking at the happy Buddha that was destroyed by Su Xin, there was a resignation in the eyes of His Holiness the Dragon and Tibetan.

Does the foundation of Huanxi Temple disappear for thousands of years?

Without the tantra protection in West Xinjiang, they could n’t walk in the happy temple, and Su Xin talked. As long as he dared to go to the Central Plains to preach, he would make them look good.

In this way, there was no place for them to enjoy the temple in heaven and underground, which also raised a feeling of despair in the heart of His Holiness.

After a long while, His Holiness Longzang said, "Take me to the retreat of the abbot."

All the people present were stunned, weren't you the abbot? Where are you going?

Then they reflected that Lord Dragon and Tibetan were not talking about themselves, but they were very happy.

It is a great joy that although Rohan has been in retreat for a hundred years, in fact, he did not hand over the abbot's position at the beginning, so whether it was Ye Canaan or the current Dragon and Tibetan lord in the later period, they were not actually the abbots, but the acting abbots.

Now I heard that His Holiness Longzang wanted to go to the retreat of Lohan. They subconsciously wanted to stop, but then everyone laughed bitterly, without obstruction, but obediently took His Holiness Longzang to the back of Huanxi Temple. In a cliff, this is where the happy Luohan retreat.

In the past, they were unwilling to open the retreat of Daxian Luohan in order to maintain a sense of mystery, so that people outside think that Daxian Luohan is still alive. They also have a half-step true martial arts powerhouse in their happy temple.

But now this kind of trickery is no longer meaningful, this time they are happy that the face of the temple can be said that Su Xin peeled clean.

Su Xin had already reached the doorstep of the house, and he was very happy that Luo Han hadn't shown up yet. What was he that was not dead?

So this matter is actually not so important to Huanxi Temple.

Everyone helped His Holiness Longzang to the place where he rejoiced, and His Holiness waved, "You go first. Regardless of whether the host is dead or not, I will close my life and death here, and after that, the Temple of Happiness will be handed over. You take care of it. "

The crowd at the scene was shocked and said quickly: "Abbot ..."

His Majesty the Dragon Tibetan said lowly, "I said it! The matter of Huanxi Temple is entrusted to you to take care of, you can all go."

The crowd had no choice but to leave, and they also knew what His Majesty Longzang meant.

For the great joy of Luohan, in fact, there are still some fantasies in the warriors of these happy temples.

If this place of retreat is opened, they now rejoice that Luo Han is truly dead. This kind of stimulation is not acceptable to ordinary people, and even many disciples of joy in the temple will be completely despair.

That's why His Majesty the Dragon and the Tibetans let them leave, leaving them a hint of hope. If you want despair, let alone despair.

Of course, Lord Zangzhuang did this because of one point, but he didn't say it explicitly, it was because he was now obsolete.

Although he wasted his martial arts in order to save the entire Huanxi Temple, there are still a few martial arts in the Temple of God at present.

Now they are impressed by the grace of His Holiness the Dragon and Tibetans, so they are willing to let him continue to control the temple of joy, but how long has it been? Will these people have other ideas?

In the past, the Lord Zongzang was too lazy to think about it. Anyway, when Ye Canaan was there, he just shot.

However, now that the Temple of Happiness has undergone major changes, the disposition of His Holiness the Dragon and Tibetan has also changed dramatically, becoming more sensitive and suspicious.

After everyone had left, Lord Zangzhang walked in front of the cliff, his hands were sealed, and the cliff's cliff wall cracked a gap, and a passage appeared in front of Lord Zang.

The retreat of normal martial arts cannot be opened from the outside, only with the permission of the master.

But I am very happy that Luo Han closed the life and death barrier. This kind of life and death barrier has always been to die more, live less, but to choose desperately.

Therefore, this place of retreat can also be opened from the outside, in the event that the retreat accidentally dies, people outside can also enter and collect his body.

His Majesty the Dragon and Tibetan entered the passage, and the rear door closed.

The entire passage was only a few dozen feet away. When the Lord Zangzang walked to the deepest part of the closed chamber, his eyes flashed with despair.

In the closed chamber of dozens of feet, a strange skull was sitting in a coil.

The skeleton seemed to be made of colored glass, exuding brilliant colorful light, and looked extremely gorgeous and dazzling.

The bitterness of His Majesty the Dragon and Tibetan, the clothes worn on these colorful skulls are the costumes of the old happy Luohan. They rejoice that the last hope of the temple is that the happy Luohan has already become dead bones!

Historian Longzang shook his head, and he knew, where is Zhenwu Realm so good at breaking through? Hundred years have passed, and I am glad that Rohan must have died a long time ago.

When His Holiness Longzang died, he wanted to completely close the retreat and waited to die here. He looked at the skeleton like colorful glass and suddenly felt something wrong.

The warriors' physical bodies are powerful, especially those of them who are from tantra, almost everyone will practice some exercises.

At the peak of the joyful state of Luo Han, they have condensed their blood as thick as lead and mercury, and even the blood can be turned into glazed crystal for an hour.

And this level of warriors can almost quench their bones like gold and iron, so although the strong man in Yang Shenjing died, it is impossible to keep the body from decaying for thousands of years, but it is not a problem to keep it for hundreds or thousands of years. .

Even if this great joy Luo Han died just when he closed his life and death, it is now only a hundred years. How did he become a dead bone in such a short time?

His Holiness closed his eyes and let out the power of his primordial spirit.

He was just abolished Dantian, which is equivalent to the destruction of the body, but the power of his Yuan Shen is still there.

In Dragon God's perception of the Yuanshen, this is no longer a closed chamber, but a magnificent bliss world!

There are goddesses dancing, birds singing, no sickness and suffering, gold glazed everywhere.

But at this time, the paradise world is full of death, an empty death, only in the deepest part of the paradise, can the Lord and Tibetan faintly feel a faint heartbeat Here it comes.

Opening his eyes, Lord Longzang suddenly burst into laughter, and at the end he even caused internal injuries and spit out two blood.

"Elysium, it turns out to be Elysium!"

The big joy Luohan once explained to them how to go after the peak of the warrior Yangshen in the Huanxi Temple, and the big joy Luohan chose was spiritual disengagement, traveling in the bliss world, first promoting Zhenwu spiritually, and then driving the body.

It's just that I'm happy that Luo Han's retreat hasn't come out for a hundred years. His Majesty Longzang and others thought he was dead, and he went the wrong way.

So on the last night, Canaan took a more aggressive sword and chose to practice the magic of Blood Demon.

It's just that they all thought wrong, including the joy of Rohan himself. They went the right way in the first place, but later they took their own way.

His Majesty Longzang looked at the glazed corpse in front of him, his face without sorrow or joy.

He is different from the warrior Xiao Moye who later joined the Temple of Happiness. He grew up in the Church of Happiness since he was a child. His master is also a warrior who is happy with his peers. After entering the realm of sacrifice, Shou Yuan was exhausted and died.

The Huanxi Temple is a support for His Holiness the Dragon and Tibetan, so he can destroy martial arts for the Huanxi Temple.

Now he knows even the future of Huanxi Temple, whether he can succeed or not. He may even lose his life for this, but His Holiness still wants to try, otherwise They rejoiced in the temple, but there was no chance.

With a sigh, His Holiness sighed, he even cut his wrist directly, and suddenly a thick stream of blood like lead and mercury poured out continuously, infiltrating into the skull of the great joy Lohan, making the colorful skull stained with a trace Scarlet, as if with some vitality.

His Holiness closed his eyes, he did not care about the continuous loss of blood in his body, he just felt that there was a trace of vitality in the bliss world, and the sound of heartbeat deep in the bliss world seemed to be clearer. some.

At this time, Su Xin naturally did not know what happened to the Huanxi Temple. Anyway, with His Holiness the Dragon and Tibetan self-defeating martial arts, the whole Huanxi Temple can be said to have no threat to its own strength.

At this time, Su Xin even destroyed the joy teaching, and finally forced the joy of the temple on behalf of the abbot of the Tibetan monk to deprive himself of martial arts also spread to the rivers and lakes.

If Su Xin had done this kind of thing in the past ~ ~ Some neutral rivers and lakes warriors would only sigh that the power of Su Xin was so powerful that they would destroy a top rivers and lakes force by their own power, but the right way warriors He would scold Su confidence for being fierce, setting off rivers and lakes, and so on.

It is just that few people on the rivers and lakes will scold Su confidence for being fierce. On the contrary, many people applaud Su Xin. Although Su Xin is also a scourge of rivers and lakes, this time it can be regarded as a disaster.

The things that Huanxiangjiao has done over the years have not been criticized by the right way martial arts, but they have settled in a place in Longxi Road. Those who dare to come to Central Plains to do things are naturally strangled by the right way martial arts in the Central Plains, but they are on their own site. Nonsense, those who do the right way dare to come directly to the door and destroy them?

Therefore, these years of joy and teaching are all done by those disgusting people. They do not pose a threat to the strength of the right way. It is not cost-effective to work together to make a big move. But if they let it go, the predatory things they do also make people Unusual anger.

This time Su Xin's annihilation of joy and joy was really a big scourge for the rivers and lakes, so the curse was less.

Of course, for Su Xin, people on the rivers and lakes scolded him too much or praised him. Su Xin did not care, anyway, he did not rely on reputation to confuse the rivers and lakes.