Struggle in Soviet Russia

Chapter 413: progress

In a country like the Soviet Union, no, it should be said that in all countries in this world, political correctness is a very crucial position, and what can represent political correctness? This is often known only by reading the frequently promoted content in the newspaper.

Major Bobanski led his only force to the Warren region. The new task he received was to cooperate with the local border troops to carry out a full-scale suppression of the Ukrainian rebels.

At first, he was really suspicious, because before Germany launched a full-scale offensive on the Soviet Union, the Soviet Red Army, which occupied West Ukraine at that time, was biased towards the Ukrainians in its position. He was not sure that the official attitude of the alliance would be. Such a big change has taken place.

But in the next few days, the various newspapers and broadcasts he had access to seemed to prove this point. Moscow did indeed lose its patience against the Ukrainian rebels and various forms of anti-government guerrillas in the West Ukrainian region. Comrade Stalin, including Comrade Stalin, clearly stated their position, that is: the various nationalist guerrillas, mainly the Ukrainian rebels, that are active in West Ukraine, West Belarus, and eastern Poland, are all slaughtering the Soviet people. The executioners were all rebels who conspired to divide the territory of the alliance. The NKVD issued an order requiring paramilitary organizations such as the Ukrainian Rebels, the Polish National Army, and Lithuanian Nationalist Guerrillas operating in the area to report to the local garrison, border troops, and internal affairs by the end of September and early October. The People’s Committee surrendered. After October 5th, the Alliance will no longer accept the surrender of any military organization.

Starting in mid-September, the Workers’ and Peasants’ Police Headquarters was responsible for the specific implementation, and the NKVD began a comprehensive census registration operation in Western Ukraine, censoring those suspects who had concealed their identities and were hiding in various places.

At the same time, starting from mid-September, in accordance with the order issued by Moscow, a large number of Red Army troops were transferred from Odessa, Kiev and other directions to Western Ukraine to participate in the suppression of bandit operations in the region.

As for the National Security People’s Committee, it is naturally impossible to relax. Since Victor obtained the portrait of Kalpenko from Lieutenant Anita, the entire Internal Intelligence Agency has taken action, with Warren State as the center, launching a comprehensive inventory operation, the purpose of which is to hide this deep demon. Ferret out.


Entering Wakar Pakqan in October, the weather has been cold day by day, just like the vertical and horizontal water network not only brings abundant water resources here, but also brings cold currents one after another.

Khurst, a small town near the border area in southern Ukraine, Carpathian.

This year's Wakarpaqian cannot be said to belong to Ukraine. This place is located at the junction of five countries, namely Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Ukraine, Romania and Poland.

For a long period of time in the past, Zakarpatnam belonged to Czechoslovakia, but after Czechoslovakia was annexed by Germany, this area belonged to Hungary.

Not long before, the Soviet troops entered Hungary, which caused Hungary to re-choose its position and stand on the front against German fascism. Therefore, the German troops quickly seized this strategic area and tried to rely on the blockade of the East Khalpa Mountains. Restricted the northern soldiers peak of the Soviet army.

However, it must be admitted that today's German army has no advantage when facing the Soviet Red Army. Although the Soviet army made some mistakes in the process of attacking the East Carpathian Mountains, the Germans did not. Still unable to stop the advancement of the Red Army, by mid-October, the Soviet army had fully occupied the Zakarpatnam area and advanced its troops into the territory of Czechoslovakia.

Bringing a drizzle of cold rain, covering the streets of the small city of Huster, perhaps because of its remoteness, or perhaps because of the relatively small size of the city, Huster seemed particularly quiet, despite the large number of Red Army troops. I just passed here a week ago, but the residents of the small town still seemed calm, as if the war was always far away from them.

Victor's jeep drove slowly across the slab-paved street. He sat in the back seat of the car and looked down at the buildings on both sides of the street.

Although the entire city seemed very quiet, the war still left traces in the city. Some buildings destroyed by shells on both sides of the street and bullet holes left in the walls are the most obvious evidence.

The body of the jeep bumped a little, and then stopped on the side of the street. Varenka, who was in charge of driving, jumped out of the car for the first time, went around to the back and opened the door for Victora, and waited for him to bend down and drill out. He also stretched out his arm to support his arm, which provided him with a place to borrow strength.

At this moment, Victor had an injury on his right arm. The injury was not very serious. It was the middle section of the forearm of his right arm, which was scratched by shrapnel and sewed four stitches. He has not healed yet. The injury came from an attack on the Uzh River in Uzhgorod.

Three days ago, Victor’s convoy arrived on the Wuri River. At that time, the Klokhov Bridge on the Wuri River had been blown up by the Germans and had not been completely repaired. Although the Soviet engineers erected a temporary bridge on the river, but Because no large-scale troops passed there, the bridge was very simple and it would be dangerous to drive past.

In order to avoid distress, Victor walked across the bridge. As a result, he was attacked by a cannonball just before he walked over the transition bridge and before he reached the embankment. Fortunately, except for a scratch on his arm. Apart from the injury, he was not in any serious trouble.

Getting off the jeep, Victor raised his hand and touched the brim of his military hat, before he stepped into the roadside building.

This building is a three-story building. In the past, it was supposed to be the City Hall of Hurst, but now, the sign hanging at the entrance is marked with the sign of "Ukraine National Committee of Zakarpatnam".

In the current major cities of Zakarpatnam, there is no legal government agency, and it is the "Ukraine National Committee of Zakarpattia" temporarily established by the Ministry of Internal Affairs to manage the main work of the city. This department has a lot of power, and it is responsible for everything from people's livelihood to the military, from justice to public security.

However, in addition to the "Ukrainian National Committee of Transkarpatnam", in the current major cities of Transkarpatnam, there is also an "illegal" government agency, which is the provisional government formed by the Czechoslovak government-in-exile. .

Similar to the situation in Poland, when the German army almost swept Europe, Czechoslovakia also had a government in exile. Initially, it was established in Paris, but after the surrender of France, it moved to London.

However, compared with the leaders of the Polish government-in-exile, the head of the Czechoslovak government-in-exile, Edward Benes, is much smarter. After the battle of Stalingrad, he was sensitive to the direction of the situation and believed that the Soviet Union was inevitable. Victory in this war will be won. At the same time, the Soviet Red Army will become the main force in the attack on Berlin. Therefore, the liberation of Czechoslovakia will rely on the Soviet Union to a greater extent.

For this reason, Benes traveled far and wide to Moscow during the battle of Kharkov, and signed a mutual guarantee treaty between the two countries with the Soviet Union, confirming that the Soviet Union will become a security guarantee for Czechoslovakia after the war. country.

Not only that, after returning to London, Benes extended an olive branch to Czech communists in exile in the United States in order to restrict the Czechoslovak communists exiled to Moscow, and invited a large number of Czech Communists from the United States to join his provisional government. Soon afterwards, he moved the interim government from London to Moscow and formally merged with the Czech Communist Party in Moscow.

In other words, there is only one government in exile in Czechoslovakia today, and that is the provisional government headed by Benes, which is the only Czechoslovak government in exile recognized by Moscow.

The formation of the Polish interim government obviously gave the Benes government strong confidence. Therefore, during the East Kharpat battle, the officials of the Benes government had already arrived in the Zakarpatnam area. People are almost in action with the Soviet army. Which city the Soviet army liberated, they established a provisional government in which city, and this approach showed Nenas’ ambition—his ambition was to overthrow the Munich Agreement. ", to restore Czechoslovakia's borders to the state in 1937.

But the reality is that Benes obviously thinks too much. Although Moscow has chosen to support him politically, in terms of interests, the position of the alliance is obviously different from that of Czechoslovakia. There are contradictions between them. The issue of Zakarpatnam, Moscow's attitude, is to include this region on the territory of Ukraine and make it a part of the Union of Ukraine.

Of course, these issues are diplomatic issues and have little to do with Victor. He came to Zakarpatnam this time because of good news-the leader of the Ukrainian rebels nicknamed "Kalbach", Sri Lanka Jepan Bandera’s security adviser, Ivan Dicchuk, was captured by the NKVD, and the location of the capture was the address he provided—Tatar Village, Przekov Town, Hust .

The arrest of Ivan Dichuk is not only good news for Victor, but also good news for the entire NKVD. It is for this reason that Comrade Merkulov will receive the news after receiving the news. The first time he rushed over from Warren, he didn't even bother to walk with Victor, otherwise, Victor would not be attacked in the Wuri River.

In addition, a large number of reporters from Moscow and Kiev have come to Hust in the last two days. For Moscow and Kiev, the arrest of Ivan Dichuk is good news that requires much publicity.