Struggle in Soviet Russia

Chapter 420: Moscow Secret Conference

"...Of course, I am willing to give up this sense of justice of the British," the document records Churchill's speech in the first person. "However, as I announced in Tehran, our government has always opposed large-scale Executing the Germans, because one day, the British public opinion will be in an uproar. Our opinion is that we should kill as many enemies as possible on the battlefield, and other people can use forced labor to compensate for their damage to other countries..."

Victor put the paper back on the table, took a pack of cigarettes in his hand, lit one, frowned and took a sip.

He also attended the original Tehran meeting, and knew most of the content at the meeting. He also knew what Churchill was talking about here.

The content involved in this passage is the first conflict between Comrade Stalin and Churchill during the Tehran Conference. It was the evening when President Roosevelt had just moved into the Soviet embassy and the embassy held a reception.

During this reception, Comrade Stalin talked about the mass killings committed by the Germans in Ukraine, Belarus and other places. He therefore suggested that after the war is over, the Allies should start a historic trial of German war criminals. At least 50,000 German war criminals will be executed.

This was probably a joke at the time, but Churchill obviously drank a little too much, and shouted emotionally on the spot, opposing Comrade Stalin’s proposal and thinking it was a massacre. So the atmosphere on the scene was then Froze. In the end, Roosevelt came out and said that the execution of 50,000 people was too much, so he should execute forty-nine thousand five thousand.

To be honest, as far as the situation was concerned, no one knew whether Comrade Stalin's proposal was genuine or a mere joke, but such statements have really not been heard from him since then.

This time, Churchill visited Moscow and brought up old things. His goal should not be to talk about how many Germans were executed. The focus of his remarks was on the second half, that is, to recognize the Soviet Union’s forced labor of prisoners of war. Compensate them for the destruction of the Soviet Union.

Considering that what Churchill was talking about before was about Italy and Bulgaria, his purpose was naturally revealed. Churchill hoped to keep Italy from being encroached on by the Soviet Union. At the same time, he also wanted to strengthen the British presence in Bulgaria.

Victor continued to look down, and then he saw the part recorded in the file showing that Churchill suggested that he had already said a lot and asked Comrade Stalin to give his views. Combining the context of the document before and after, Victor can guess that when Churchill said these words, Comrade Stalin should have clearly expressed dissatisfaction. Therefore, Churchill chose to back down.

Sure enough, what appeared in the next document was Comrade Stalin’s objections to the Bulgarian issue. The strong leader told Churchill outspoken that the existence of the British in Bulgaria was not as great as Churchill himself said. In addition, Bulgaria is a Black Sea country, and the Black Sea is very important to the national security of the Soviet Union. Therefore, the alliance cannot accept the presence of the British in Bulgaria.

At this time, Churchill suggested that the British had fought in Bulgaria for three years. Now that the war is about to end, they should always keep something in this place where they shed blood.

Comrade Stalin immediately proposed that the Soviet Red Army had also fought in Iran for several years. After the war, should the Soviets also leave something in Iran? In addition, there is Turkey. Are the British not afraid of what the Soviet Union will do to Turkey?

Most importantly, Comrade Stalin pointed out that the alliance cannot accept Bulgaria’s continued retention of their monarchy. As Bulgaria’s royal family, Simeon II must accept the punishment for Bulgaria’s side with the Germans in both world wars. . Of course, considering that Simeon II is still young and the issue of war decision-making has nothing to do with him, the Alliance will not seek personal punishment for him, but it is imperative to end the Bulgarian monarchy.

In the following document, most of the text is a record of the dispute between Churchill and Stalin on the issue of several European countries after the war. In the process, Churchill even mentioned the independent state of Macedonia, thinking that this country should be allowed to remain independent after the war. status.

From this question, we can see the true nature of the British people. You must know that this so-called "Independent State of Macedonia" is a group of Macedonian nationalists hurriedly formed with the support of the Germans. After the outbreak of the anti-German uprising in Bulgaria in September, they established the country on the former Yugoslav territory occupied by Bulgaria and set the capital of Skopje. However, on the fifth day of their announcement of the founding of the country, the Yugoslav guerrillas led by Tito captured it. This city, in other words, the so-called independent state of Macedonia has existed for five days from beginning to end.

The British proposed to recognize the existence of the independent state of Macedonia after the war, so there is no need to ask, the Balkans in the future will still be a powder keg, because this will inevitably involve contradictions between Bulgaria, Macedonia and Yugoslavia. This is a regional turmoil. source.

On the issue of Hungary, Churchill believed that after the war, Britain should retain 50% of the country’s interests. Get pardoned.

Hungary is a very interesting country. It is a kingdom, that is, the Kingdom of Hungary. But as a kingdom, it has no king. Before the war broke out, it had only one regent, Horti Miklos. What’s more interesting is that Horti, who exercised a dictatorship in Hungary, is still the country’s admiral. Well, one thing that must be remembered is that Hungary has no navy and its only port, Fiume, as early as 1920 Ceded out.

Horti was the Hungarian ruler who was leaning towards the Germans. He was put under house arrest some time ago because he wanted to betray Hitler, and this is the reason why the British asked for an amnesty.

However, Comrade Stalin naturally rejected Churchill's proposal. He could accept the British partition of Hungary with the Alliance after the war, but he could not accept the amnesty for Horti.

After that, it was the division of the rights and interests of the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union in Yugoslavia, Romania, and Greece. Churchill exchanged control of Greece at the cost of relinquishing Poland and Czechoslovakia. In Yugoslavia, the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union each accounted for 5%. Ten, Romania is 90% of the Soviet Union, Greece, in turn, the British occupy 90%.

In the end, the Soviet Union made certain concessions on the Hungary issue and the British on the Bulgaria issue. To Hungary, the two sides were divided equally, each occupying half, while in Bulgaria, the British only retained 25% of the existence. All the rest belonged to the Soviet Union.

At the end of the document, there is a so-called "agreement", which is also the simplest and most unconscionable agreement Victor has ever seen. In the agreement, only the names of a few countries are listed in one block, followed by a few percentage figures written in pen, and at the bottom, there is a tick drawn in pen.

According to the records on the document, the percentage figure was written by Churchill, and the check mark at the bottom was drawn by Comrade Stalin, indicating that he agreed to the agreement.

In his previous life, Victor knew about the existence of a "percentage agreement". Now, as a rebirth, he has personally experienced this history. At the same time, many of the things he has come into contact with will be in the near future. Buried.

For the current Victor, he has seen many things from this documentary document, the most important of which is that the current alliance between Britain and the United States, at least in the alliance relationship, is far less than that of later generations. As close as possible. In this regard, it can be understood that the British are unwilling to give up their status as world hegemons, at least they are unwilling to give up the status of European bosses, and they are also wary of Americans.

At the same time, it can also be understood that the British leaders of Churchill's generation still have a little sense of honor and shame, and they can't hold back their face to follow the Americans as a pet dog that only knows how to bark.

Extending from this, in Victor’s previous life, after the war, the Iron Curtain speech made by Churchill was not necessarily purely for anti-Soviet and anti-communism. Perhaps, he himself also instigated the US-Soviet struggle for hegemony and helped Britain profit from it. the goal of.

Of course, that era was a bit too long, and Victor was not immersed in the scene. Perhaps Churchill's ultimate goal was only known to him.

From a personal point of view, as far as the secret meeting between Churchill and Comrade Stalin was concerned, Victor also saw one point, that is, Comrade Stalin at this time, and the Moscow government represented by him, had not yet controlled the entire post-war period. Eastern European ideas,

Otherwise, Comrade Stalin would not recognize the interests retained by the British in Romania, Hungary, Yugoslavia and other places.

In addition, Victor did not agree with Comrade Stalin’s attitude towards Greece. He believed that the reason why Churchill bypassed Roosevelt this time and went to Moscow alone to talk with Comrade Stalin about the problems of post-war Europe was that he did not want the Americans to interfere in the post-war European situation. On the one hand, it was possible to prevent the Soviet Union from gaining support from the Americans.

You must know that at the Tehran meeting, Washington did not blindly support certain requirements of the British. On the contrary, the American government represented by Roosevelt tried to suppress the British in many ways. This is an obvious fact. .