Struggle in Soviet Russia

Chapter 597: lift off

A weak country has no diplomacy. This is a truth that will not fail at any time. It is like a weak person cannot survive in a society without legal constraints. A weak country lacks the protection of the international order. , and there is no room for survival, but the sad point is that the international order of this world has always been established by the great powers.

Take Iran as an example. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the whole of Iran has been divided up by Britain and Russia. The north belongs to Tsarist Russia and the south belongs to Britain. This situation continued until Reza Khan launched a rebellion and seized the Iranian regime. .

By the beginning of 1921, with the outbreak of civil war in Soviet Russia, Reza Khan signed the Iran-Soviet-Russian Treaty with the then Soviet-Russian government. According to the provisions of this treaty, Soviet Russia recognized the independence of Iran and transferred all the countries that had been established during the imperial-Russian period. The seized Iranian oil fields, industrial and mining enterprises were returned to the Iranian government, and at the same time, all the unequal treaties previously signed by the two countries were also abolished. Because the southern part of Iran was still under British control at that time, and at the same time, the British were still supporting the white bandits in Russia and Russia with great fanfare. Therefore, in this treaty, the two countries also determined a principle, namely If Iran's territory is used by other countries to oppose Soviet Russia, and at the same time, when Iran cannot protect its independent status by relying on its own strength, the alliance has the right to temporarily send troops to Iran.

It must be emphasized that this "Su-Yi Friendship Treaty" was the only equality treaty signed during the Pahlavi dynasty's rule of Iran. Since then, even if Reza Khan brutally suppressed the Persian Soviet society led by Kuchek Khan There have also been no major changes in diplomatic relations between the communist republic, the Union and Iran.

However, although the forces of the alliance withdrew from Iran, the independent status of Iran was obviously not recognized by the British. Although Reza Khan took tough measures to kick out the British who had served in the Iranian government and army, It also forcibly disbanded the "South Persian Rifle Team" directly under the command of the British, and threatened to nationalize the oil fields, forcing the British to make concessions to Iran in terms of oil profits, but these measures also caused the British to oppose it. Reza Khan's hostility.

During the 20 or 30 years of Reza Khan's reign, the rebellions in various parts of Iran have never stopped. Whether it is in the Kurdish region, or in Rulistan and Khuzestan, armed rebellions supported by the British can be described as one after another. , In order to fight the threat from the British, Reza Khan chose to move closer to the Germans, so...

Therefore, in 1941, the most direct motivation for the British to march into Iran and dismantle the Reza Khan regime was not simply to fight against fascism, of course, nor simply to support the alliance. They had long wanted to do this. Anti-fascism is nothing more than a high-sounding excuse, at least to a certain extent.

Taking advantage of this fact, Comrade Vyshinsky, the coalition's representative to the United Nations, offered a public criticism of the British presence in Iran, and in this regard clearly declared the coalition's position on the Iranian issue: unless the British completely withdraw from the political presence in Iran , and return its existing rights and interests in the Khuzestan oil field to Tehran, otherwise, the alliance will think that there are foreign forces in Iran that are hostile to the alliance. Under the Su-Iran Friendship Treaty of 1921, the alliance has the right to maintain a military presence in Iran as long as hostile forces in Iran have not withdrawn.

In the final analysis, the coalition's position on the Iran issue, in addition to being influenced by the southward policy, is also directly related to the British presence on the ground, and, fundamentally speaking, the coalition's confrontation with Iran is actually a relationship with the United Kingdom. Human confrontation, what Moscow really needs to do is not to control Iran, but to drive the British power out of Iran.

Comrade Malenkov was obviously more concerned about the situation in Iran, and he asked Comrade Beria about the situation in Tehran in detail, but the information that Comrade Beria learned was not very specific. According to what he said , just know that the Pahlavi royal family seems to be seeking support from the Americans, hoping to use the American intervention to force both the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union to make concessions on the Iran issue.

Just when Comrade Malenkov and Comrade Beria were discussing the Iran issue, Victor's thinking diverged.

In Victor's view, the alliance's entanglement on the Iran issue reflects the contest between Moscow and London in the Middle East. The alliance hopes to use Turkey and Iran as springboards to expand its influence in the Middle East, while the British are trying their best to contain the alliance and try to exclude the alliance's power from the Middle East. Therefore, they are not only on the Iranian issue. Rejecting the existence of the alliance, it has always insisted on not making concessions to the alliance on the issue of Turkey.

But on the whole, the British are currently not having a good time. They face not only competition from the alliance in the Middle East, but also the dismantling of the Americans. Most importantly, with the end of World War II, the Middle East, especially In the Arab region, a large wave of national liberation movements has risen. At the same time, Arab countries have begun to consciously unite to keep warm. The establishment of the League of Arab States is the most obvious and good sign.

Of course, it's not just the UK that's having a hard time right now, it's even more so in Turkey. Today's Turkey is not only criticized by the alliance, but also deteriorating in its surrounding environment. Because of its geographical location, it is not only under the geopolitical pressure from the alliance, but also from Western European countries. The rise, its position in the Middle East has also been directly challenged, this is definitely a difficult time for Turkey.

As mentioned before, the current era is an era of violent turbulence in the international political landscape. The strength of the old world hegemons has declined, and their own capabilities have been unable to maintain the old international order. The Soviet Union and the Soviet Union are ambitiously building a brand-new international structure according to their own interests. In the process, various conflicts and conflicts have converged. The contradictions between the two countries, the national liberation and anti-imperialist and anti-colonial struggles all over the world to get rid of colonialism and disguised colonial rule, etc., etc., all these contradictions and conflicts are concentrated in this period of time, and it naturally seems that the whole world is Quite a mess.

As a rebirth, Victor knew that such chaos would continue for a while, until the Americans officially activated the button of the Cold War, dividing the whole world into the socialist camp and the capitalist camp. In the era of outbreaks, because of the mutual restraint between the two poles of the world, the world is actually safer.

The alarm sound of "Di Di" pulled Viktor's thoughts back from thousands of miles away, and he focused. He raised his head and looked towards the opposite podium. At this moment, outside the French window in front of the podium, a huge tinted glass curtain wall was standing. Slowly descended, covering the entire wide floor-to-ceiling window. According to the introduction of the previous technicians, this tinted glass curtain wall is made by a special process, and its hardness is very high, which can play a certain explosion-proof effect.

The long-awaited ten-second countdown finally began. Victor reached out and picked up the telescope on the table in front of him, held it up in front of him, and looked at the launch site outside the floor-to-ceiling window.

As the countdown entered zero seconds, a strong light suddenly flashed in the field of view of the telescope. Immediately, an astonishing wave of dust rose up from the launch site, rising like a mushroom cloud over the rocket launch site. After about three or four seconds, The floor-to-ceiling windows of the command center began to make a "humming" sound. Sitting on the rostrum, Victor could feel the tremor on the ground getting stronger and stronger.

Almost at the same moment, the rocket, which had already been erected with the flatbed truck with its arrow pointing upwards, struggled to break free from the shackles of the earth's gravity, soared into the sky, and ran towards the sky overhead at a slightly inclined angle.

At this time, the entire command center was silent, and everyone's eyes were chasing the rocket that was rising higher and higher. After a series of successful ignition, lift-off and other links, the rocket launch test also entered the most dangerous stage. , If there is a problem in the previous link, the launch test can also be suspended, and the launch can be restarted after the fault is cleared, at most, the launch time will be postponed. But if there is a problem in the later link, then there is really no chance of recovery.

Fortunately, until the rocket that flew away finally disappeared from sight, and the center console did not report any fault information, so Comrade Korolev with sweat on his forehead stood up and applauded, the whole There was thunderous applause in the command center - of course, it is still too early to say that the launch test was successful at this time, and the command center still has to wait for the feedback from the shooting range.

For the research and development team of Comrade Korolev, this launch test is completely different from the previous tests. The previous two generations of rockets, whether it is the R-1 or the improved version of the R-2, because of the range, Neither has attracted the attention of the Kremlin, and this time, the range of more than 900 kilometers has proved the importance of this technology. Therefore, whether the test is successful or not is related to the follow-up development of the entire project. At the same time, it is also related to to the fate of many.

Success, everyone gains honor, failure, everyone gains shame, this is the rule of the game, no one can escape.