Struggle in Soviet Russia

Chapter 634: change

In the summer, the rainy days did not bring any coolness to Moscow. On the contrary, due to the high humidity, the dry and hot weather turned into sultry heat, and the humid air was viscous like sauce. In the absence of air-conditioning, if you move a little, you will sweat sticky, which is unbearable.

Inside the Kremlin, Victor quickly walked out of the Grand Kremlin, handed the document bag in his hand to Varenka who was waiting under the steps, and then walked towards the white office building.

In a few days, the 2nd Congress of the Supreme Soviet of the Union will be held. This is the largest state-level meeting held by the Union after the end of the Self-Defense War. Comrade Stalin did not propose to reopen the Central Plenary Session. , the Supreme Soviet Congress this time should be the most important and influential meeting of the Alliance in name.

Victor's identity as the representative of the Supreme Soviet has been confirmed. However, the meeting just held in the Grand Kremlin has nothing to do with the Supreme Soviet Congress. Important staff of the secretariat became non-voting members of the meeting—forty-seven representatives from all parties and government departments of the alliance also attended the meeting as non-voting delegates.

Judging from the size of the non-voting members, this meeting is not a simple Politburo meeting. It can be regarded as a small-scale meeting of the Central Committee. In fact, in the past few years, because the Central Plenary Session has not been held for a long time, A small-scale meeting like this, to a certain extent, replaces the role of the Central Plenary Session, and to a certain extent, it can also be regarded as an enlarged version of the Central Committee Presidium meeting.

This meeting started the day before yesterday and has been held for three consecutive days. There are many issues discussed at the meeting, and many decisions have also been made. Among them, the most important thing is that the issue of the reorganization of the People's Committees has been finally determined. Comrade Stalin announced that after nearly four months of hard work, the reorganization of the Union People's Committees has officially ended. From now on, the People's Committees will act as the One institution was completely banned from the organization of the Union, and replaced by the Union Ministerial Conference.

Of course, the reorganization from the "People's Committee" to the "Council of Ministers" is by no means a simple matter of changing its name. It involves a lot of content. Take the appointment and removal of cadres and the change of institutions as an example. In the past, Comrade Andreyev’s positions were member of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, chairman of the Central Supervisory Committee, member of the Standing Committee of the Soviet People’s Committee, and agricultural people of the Soviet Union. Committee members.

At present, his positions have not changed. He is a member of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union, a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, and the chairman of the Central Supervisory Committee. The two positions of the Standing Committee of the Soviet People's Commissariat and the Soviet Agricultural People's Commissar have been removed. In their place were the positions of Vice-Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and Chairman of the Committee on Collective Farm Affairs of the USSR. Of course, the work he is mainly responsible for has not undergone substantial changes. The work he focused on in the ministerial meeting is still the agricultural restoration work of the Alliance.

As far as the Politburo members are concerned, it is the three comrades Khrushchev, Kaganovich and Malenkov who have really changed their positions.

Comrade Khrushchev's position as the first secretary of Ukraine was removed. This decision was the result of the vote of the entire Politburo, because of its poor performance in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine, even Bulganin. Comrade, there is no way to cast a negative vote for him, except for one abstention vote by Comrade Khrushchev himself, the rest are all votes in favor.

After losing the position of the first secretary of Ukraine, the position held by Comrade Khrushchev became much weaker. As a member of the Politburo, he only served as the chairman of the Ukrainian Council of Ministers. His personal prestige and status of the party committee are very unfavorable. If he cannot reverse this situation in a short period of time, perhaps there will be no place for him in the future Politburo. If this situation continues for too long , many people will become his strong competitors in the Politburo, such as Woznetsensky, Kuznetsov, Ponomarenko, Popov, etc., and even will replace Kuz Netsov, Popkov, who holds the post of first secretary of the Leningrad Oblast and Municipal Party Committee, will threaten his position.

It is foreseeable that Comrade Khrushchev, who is far away in Kyiv, must not be in a very good mood at present. However, he can at least breathe a sigh of relief. After losing his post as the first secretary of Ukraine, he finally does not need to serve Ukraine. The poor agricultural situation has worked hard, and his replacement will be his old superior, Comrade Kaganovich.

Yes, Comrade Khrushchev was replaced as the new first secretary of Ukraine, and it was Comrade Kaganovich who looked old and strong. Oh, as a cadre born in 1993, he is only in his fifties. Comrade Kaganovich is really not very old, and it seems a bit too much to say that he is old and strong, but when I say he is old here, I mean his thinking, at least that's how Victor sees it.

To be honest, Viktor is not very optimistic about Comrade Kaganovich's trip to Ukraine. The old comrade's thinking is still in the 1930s. He likes to regard all problems as nails, but he He regards himself as a hammer. When solving problems, he doesn't care about strategies and tactics at all. He just picks up the hammer and smashes it. It seems that this violent method can solve any problem. But the reality is that today’s alliance is no longer the alliance of the 1920s and 1930s, and today’s Ukraine is not the Ukraine of the 1920s and 1930s. Compared with that year, the problems of the alliance and Ukraine are all responsible. There are so many that it cannot be solved by means of violence alone.

Viktor believes that perhaps Comrade Kaganovich will smash his head in Ukraine, and what's more, he will become a "bearer" to replace the already devastated Comrade Khrushchev. The black pot of the series, and finally fled back to Moscow in despair.

As for Comrade Malenkov, his situation is similar to that of Comrade Khrushchev, and he is also a relatively disappointed person, because he was removed from an important position in the Secretariat of the Central Committee - the position of the head of the Organization Bureau, which is the management of the party. One of the central positions of the internal cadres was removed, which means that his presence in the Central Secretariat has been greatly reduced.

However, unlike Comrade Khrushchev, Comrade Malenkov's sense of frustration should not be so strong. This is something that Viktor has never understood very well. This deputy secretary of the Secretariat, who has great prospects for development in the Politburo, actually He has no interest in party affairs, but is eager to go to the post of chairman of the Council of Ministers. It is almost well known that he admires Comrade Kosygin. Of course, in Victor's view, it is estimated that Comrade Kosygin was already scolding his mother when he got the news.

In the meeting over the past few days, in addition to these tasks, the military development strategy of the alliance for the next five years has also been finalized. Unsurprisingly, Comrade Kuznetsov's "big navy" plan It was finally rejected, and the rocket victory theory represented by Comrade Golikov was also not established. On the contrary, the disarmament plan proposed by Comrade Zhdanov was approved by most people. This time , even Comrade Malenkov is on the side of disarmament.

However, the so-called disarmament here mainly refers to the dismantling of some redundant troops, including those that were hastily formed in response to the Great Patriotic War. After all, the current alliance lacks labor and the economy is facing comprehensive recovery and reconstruction. To a certain extent, the needs of these two aspects are met. Therefore, even Comrade Stalin is inclined to disarmament.

While abolishing certain existing troops, the alliance will still increase investment in military science and technology. Among the military expenditure projects of the State Planning Commission, 24 of the seven major areas including nuclear weapons, rocket technology, aircraft manufacturing, and electronic technology are included. Each category will receive a certain budget in the next five-year plan, which is a large part of military spending.

In addition to these big issues, some small issues were also brought up for discussion during the meeting, including American conflicts, China policy issues, aid to Europe, and so on.

In this morning's meeting, Victor, as the head of the International Department of the Central Committee, accepted relevant questions from the Politburo. The main content of the questions was a series of questions about the United Kingdom.

To tell the truth, the life of the British has been very difficult recently. No. 10 Downing Street has been devastated by a series of foreign affairs issues. Wen's assassination almost succeeded, and the one who planned this assassination was the far-right Zionist organization "Stern Gang".

Among the Zionists today, there are a large number of far-right organizations, and the most influential of them is the "Irgun" organization. They have been targeting the British people to carry out terrorist activities, and they are going to the United Kingdom. To do it, in their own words, is to "rush into the kennel to beat the dog." As for the "Stern Gang" that planned the assassination, it is a terrorist organization affiliated to "Irgun".