Struggle in the Steam Age

Chapter 110: New Gdynia

   After fulfilling his wish for Lawrence to sign, the young priest named Ivan looked more lively and less restrained than before. So when they walked out of the basement, he began to enthusiastically introduce Lawrence to the situation of this place.

"The place where we are now is called the Free Port of New Gdynia, located on the largest island of the New Lufthansa. This church is called St. Sklodovska Cathedral, and it is also the main church of the Church of Our Knowledge in the Diocese of Xingchenhai. ."

   After hearing the introduction, Lawrence nodded, which means that this church is of the same level as St. Gutenberg’s Cathedral. The St. Gutenberg Cathedral in Eagle Castle is different in thickness, and the buildings here seem to be a lot lighter.

  Although the design style of the whole church is still the simple Bauhaus-style buildings common to the Church of Knowledge, all the buildings in this church seem to have undergone some structural modifications to suit the local climate. For example, the windows are larger, the walls are thinner, and they have a spire for drainage. At the same time, the clever interior design allows a cool breeze to blow in the room at all times, taking away the unique sultry feeling of tropical areas.

When they left the main hall of the church and followed the covered promenade to the three-story building behind the church with beige walls and red spires, Lawrence finally saw the outside scenery through the windows of the dormitory corridor .

   "This is so beautiful." Lawrence walked to the window and let out a soft sigh. What appeared in front of him through the window was an extremely beautiful tropical island scene.

   St. Skrodovska’s Cathedral is located on a high ground by the sea on this small island, and below it is a city hidden in greenery. Unlike a modern city like Eagle Fort, this city is full of colonial style. Most of the buildings are two or three-story small buildings with red tiles and white walls. A few magnificent buildings are dotted around the city.

   Further afield is an excellent deep-water port half-enclosed by a peninsula, which is full of large and small ships, including sailboats with white sails, and steam engine sailboats with chimneys in the center of the hull. However, the steam ships entering the port area did not light their boilers. Instead, a series of small steam barges with black smoke helped them get to the dock.

   On the edge of the city are farms and plantations neatly planted with various plants, and further afield are the lush tropical rain forest, the blue sea shimmering by the sun and the white sandy beaches. The whole scenery looks like the travel photos of the Caribbean island countries that Lawrence has seen in his life.

   is just different from the promotional photos taken at selected angles or even refined promotional photos of the tourist spots in the previous life. The island where Lawrence is now can be said to be beautiful in all directions without blind spots.

   "It's really beautiful." Priest Ivan, who followed Lawrence, said after hearing his words. "I am a new immigrant from the Kingdom of Rurik. At the time, my parents and I planned to go north to the White Eagle Federation, but when we stopped here, we were attracted by the bright sunshine here, so we stayed."

   "After all, my hometown, even in the Kingdom of Rurik, is very far north. There is no change in that place, and only half a year can get the sun. Nothing can attract us more than sunshine."

   After passing by with emotion, Lawrence was taken into a room on the second floor. The structure of this house is very consistent with the structure of his previous dormitory in St. Gutenberg's Cathedral. Lawrence even doubts whether the dormitories of the Church of Knowledge have a unified internal structure.

   But this does not mean that the dormitory here is a replica of the dormitory in St. Gutenberg Cathedral. For example, the dormitory here has a small balcony. In addition, there is a snow-white mosquito net on the bed.

   In addition to these common things, Lawrence also saw some obviously strange paintings in this room, such as the bamboo mat on the chair and the bed.

   "Ah, that's a summer mat." When speaking of the word summer mat, the priest Ivan specifically chose the Sinian language. "This is a very good cooling appliance. It was passed from Aurora in the Far East of the Old World. Because it is very suitable for the climate here, and it is easy to clean up after using the holiday, it is very popular here in the Star Sea. "

   "There are still people from Aurora here? Are there many of them?" Lawrence was a little surprised, because in his impression, those Orientals basically only moved to the west of the New World, and did not come to the east.

"Not only are there, but there are also quite a few." Priest Ivan nodded, "Their Xinzhou Federation has an enclave on the isthmus on the southernmost part of the Central Continent of the New World. At the same time, there are several islands in the southern part of the Star Sea. Continents. And they trade with us through these islands and enclaves."

   After Priest Ivan left, Lawrence began to organize his luggage. After finishing his work, he went directly to the church to relax and have lunch.

   Out of the idea of ​​going to the countryside, Lawrence did not wear his own crisp woolen black dress that can be hot to death in the sun here. Instead, like the locals, they wear a pair of light-colored trousers on the lower body, a white shirt on the upper body, and a low straw hat on their head.

   As he put on his clothes and walked out of the dormitory door, the door next door opened at the same time. A person who looked like a child but had a slightly bigger head walked out directly wearing printed shorts and a white vest. Behind him was a magic steam robot that looked like a burly man. From the robot The stabbing blade on his body can tell that this iron guy is not too easy to provoke.

"Hey, big guy, are you also here to participate in the New World Competition?" The man raised his head and asked enthusiastically when he saw Lawrence. Looking at the goatee on his chin and his big eyes, Lawrence realized instantly This should be a dwarf now, and a mechanic among dwarves.

  Dwarves, dwarves, and rat people are intelligent creatures that are closer to humans. They are much more flexible in character than dwarves, and behave more like humans. The most important thing is that they have considerable expertise in mechanical manufacturing and technological research, and most of the extraordinary professions related to machinery originate from them.

   These professions that integrate science and magic are not weak. For example, there is a hero-level dwarf mechanic in Xinzhou Republic. When manipulating his man-made Titan robot named Gundam, it was even stronger than the general legendary combat, I came to participate in the competition, and I was assigned to the black iron group. . "Lawrence also replied politely, but before he could say anything, he saw the dwarf extend his right hand to him.

"Ha, are you from the Black Irons? I am also from the Black Irons. I think we should fight side by side this time." After shook the hand that Lawrence stretched out, the dwarf is very familiar. I introduced myself, "It's nice to meet you, my real name is too long for you humans. So you can call me Kogg Gear, or just call me Kogg."

"Lawrence August, you can call me Lawrence directly." Lawrence also introduced himself. It is normal for dwarves not to introduce their full names. After all, their names are too long and too complicated compared to other intelligent creatures. Up. So when interacting with other intelligent creatures, they will choose to use a short name.

   "Lawrence, can I call you that?" After watching Lawrence nodded, Cog continued. "Did you also just come here today? I think we can go out and go around twice and have lunch."

"This is a good idea. After all, New Gdynia is the best holiday destinations in the entire New World. It would be a bit regretful not to go around after you come. But we have to come back quickly for lunch after two turns." Lawrence Nodded, and then took out a notice that Priest Ivan handed him just now. "Because starting this afternoon, our federal contestants will go to the competition venue to register, and then gather together for a little break-in, so we must not be late."

   "You're right, we really need to go and get back quickly, so let us go now!" After that, Cog and Lawrence walked downstairs to the dormitory together.