Struggle in the Steam Age

Chapter 208: On the train

The first-class waiting room is much more luxurious than the ordinary waiting hall that Lawrence and the others wore before. Unlike the waiting hall with only wooden chairs, the waiting room of the first-class carriage has comfortable sofas and a shiny coffee table, and there is a bookcase next to it with books and newspapers. From time to time, waiters come in to provide you with seasonal fruits, snacks and drinks.

   Lawrence felt that the waiting room here was much more luxurious than the train waiting room he had seen in his previous life, but considering the identity of people traveling in first-class trains in this era, such a luxurious waiting room is completely understandable.

   Soon the time came to 5:45 in the afternoon. A waiter who also wore a red uniform walked up to Lawrence, who was playing a board game with Syfiel, to remind him that it was time to board the train. Lawrence immediately walked to the platform with several other passengers who also took the first-class carriage of this train, under the guidance of an attendant.

"Welcome to take the'Republic Express' intercontinental steam train. This train departs from Eagle Fort Station to Xin Kuaiji East Railway Station. It stops at this station for 15 minutes..." When Lawrence and the others set foot on the platform, they passed The sound amplified by the amplification magic came from a bronze speaker on the top of the platform. After reading it again, the person in the speaker read the previous content again in Sinian.

On the track in front of the    platform, a train that looked a lot longer than the train I had taken before, and a train that was also much more armed had stopped there. Lawrence noticed that this train had two heads, and both steam locomotives were larger than those of the previous trains.

"Hey, I remember that the heads of the intercontinental trains we saw before did not seem to look like this." After checking the ticket and getting on the train, Syfiel walked into their box and opened the window directly, and then came out curiously with Nora. His head looked at the white smoke from the front of the train.

   is different from the train that Lawrence has taken in his life. Here, the better car on a train tends to go back. Of course, this is a very reasonable arrangement. After all, once the front of the steam train is opened, black smoke billows, and the closer to the front, the more susceptible to soot.

  As children who grew up on the edge of the Great Railway, Lawrence and the others have naturally seen a lot of locomotives connecting the east and west sides of the Great Mountain Range interstate train, but they have never seen a locomotive like this before.

   "Alright, let's sit down now, the train is about to leave." When the siren sounded from the front of the train, Lawrence finally made the two curious ladies withdraw their heads from the window. Then he answered the question that Syfiel had just asked.

"The locomotive of this train is the Forward Type III which was put into use only three months ago by the Republic of New China. It is used to replace the Forward Type II which has been in service for seven or eight years." As a person interested in mechanical and scientific development, Lawrence I still know something about this train. "If I remember correctly, the newspaper said before that only three trains on this line were replaced. It seems that we were lucky today and happened to meet one of them."

   "What does this have to do with our good luck today?" Nora floated down from the window and sat down on the coffee table, and then raised her face and looked at Lawrence and asked.

   "Because this train is faster." Lawrence explained. "In the past, the cruising speed of the old forward II was 100 kilometers per hour and the top speed was 150 kilometers per hour, but now the new model trains can reach a cruising speed of 120 kilometers per hour and a maximum speed of 180 kilometers per hour. This also means that we can save a lot of time spent on the road."

   When saying these words, Lawrence also had to marvel at the application of extraordinary power in this world. Obviously, only the use of extraordinary craftsmanship, extraordinary raw materials and even some extraordinary machines can make the steam locomotive run to this speed. Because in his memory, none of the mass-produced steam trains in his previous life could exceed 100 kilometers per hour.

   "If that's the case, we are indeed lucky." After listening to the explanation, Syfiel and Nora nodded together. At this time, with another siren sound, the train started slowly.

  The furnishings of the first-class double box are indeed very good. In this room of more than 20 square meters, a double bed, a coffee table fixed by the window and two small stools also fixed there are compact but not cramped. A small desk and a bathroom with shower facilities.

   As soon as the train left the station, Nora knelt down on the coffee table excitedly, pressing the glass with her hands and looking at everything outside greedily. Although she got the memory of Lawrence when she was born, there is still a little difference between what she saw and what she saw in her memory, just like the difference between the scenery seen on TV and the immersive view.

   So after the train left the city, she was extremely excited by the ordinary scenery that quickly retreated outside the window. So much so that after lying in front of the car window for more than an hour, he waved his hand and took out a dozen papyrus scrolls with questions written on the astral plane to solve the problem of today's group of jackals.

It has to be said that these two-meter-high big men are indeed beyond Lawrence and their expectations in physical fitness, and their hands-on ability are much stronger than humans. Lawrence and the others have obviously underestimated these jackals in accordance with the various progresses envisioned by humans. people.

  Naturally, this kind of labor schedule will naturally produce more problems than expected. So Nora had to disturb Lawrence and Syfiel who were reading, and at the same time called the Shumei hiding in the space agent to solve these problems together.

The big guys worked together until 9:00 in the evening to solve all these problems. After checking the time at the scented whale oil lamp, Lawrence decided to go to the service desk on this floor near the stairs to ask. There is no supper, because he really doesn't want to eat the dry food that he brought with him now.

   But when he just walked to the door before opening the door, the bell on the door rang. After opening the door, Lawrence saw an Aurora waiter in a big red uniform standing by the door pushing a cart full of food.

   "Sir, do you need some supper now?" After seeing Lawrence open the door, the young man asked in standard Kantian.

   "Supper?" Before Lawrence could say anything, he heard Nora's voice in his ask him if he has any desserts and if there are any delicious cream cakes? "

  Sure enough, there are enough late-night snacks in the first-class cars, and there are a lot of conventional desserts like butter cakes. After ordering a small cream cake and a milkshake for the doll, Lawrence and Syphile ordered a sandwich filled with freshly roasted fresh beef and fresh fish, and two cups of hot cocoa as their supper.

   After eating supper, the three of them played a few rounds of flying chess and were ready to rest. But at this time they encountered a somewhat troublesome problem, that is, there is only one double bed in the whole room.

   Actually, the first-class carriage of this train is a private room with two single beds, but they bought a refunded ticket from a businessman in a hurry, so this is a slightly embarrassing situation.

   But this problem was quickly solved. When Lawrence finished washing and came out of the bathroom, he had already cleaned up and slept on the side of the bed and patted the space beside him.

   "Go to sleep here, don't be shy." Said Fir, who stared at Lawrence, said carelessly, but her cheeks as if smeared with rouge showed that her heart was not as calm as she showed. "It's not that we never slept in a bed when we were young, and I believe in your character."

   "Then I'm here." After listening to Syfiel's words, Lawrence knew that he was no longer suitable to back down at this time, so he simply sat down beside the bed, and then pulled off his own quilt and lay in.