Struggle in the Steam Age

Chapter 245: Travel

After boarding the airship, what appeared in front of Lawrence was a corridor illuminated by electric lights. This was also the first time he saw electric lights after he came to this world. He had seen electric lights when he went to some places before, but because it was daytime, he only saw some light bulbs.

"Our ship is a fully electrified ship, which is extremely rare in the entire country." The sailor who led the way introduced proudly, and then made a request. "Please come with me, I will take you to the cabin where you will live in these two days."

The ground is covered with a certain kind of flame-retardant fabric woven carpet, and on both sides of the corridor, except for the internal bearing structure of the airship, it is constructed of a certain kind of strong and light metal. Other walls used for partitions are not common metal or wood, but are made of light alloy frames with animal leather stretched on them. Obviously, this is done to reduce unnecessary weight.

However, considering that the people who can ride the airship are either rich or expensive, a large number of travel-related murals have been painted on the leather of these partition walls, making the entire corridor full of art.

After opening the door of his own box, Lawrence discovered that this box was about the same size as the bathroom with shower facilities in his house in Eagle Fort. Except for a door, there is no window. The only furniture is a cabinet mounted on the wall, a folding table, a folding stool and two bunk beds fixed on the wall.

Out of consideration of the aerodynamic shape, the cabin where the passengers move is arranged inside the huge airbag. After the window area is occupied by the viewing platform and the restaurant, the guest rooms can only be arranged in the interior. Therefore, all guest rooms have no windows and can only be ventilated by vents and illuminated by two electric lights.

"It feels like the confinement room when I was in the girls' school. Fortunately, I am not claustrophobic." After stuffing the luggage into the closet, Syfiel whispered. Looking at her familiarity with the confinement room, Lawrence felt that she was not the master of peace in the girls' school.

"I was just going over the wall to eat something delicious. Every time that old woman caught me, she kept me in confinement for a day or two." After raising her head to see Lawrence, who looked at her with a playful expression, Saifei hurriedly explained: "The girls' school only provides very little bread, butter and vegetables, and I can't even eat enough. And I exercise a lot—"

"How did you eat this?" Lawrence was a little surprised. When he was in college, he was a lot fatter than before at home. It's not that his adoptive father didn't let him eat, but that in this age of inconvenient transportation and cold chain transportation, there are only so many kinds of things that can be eaten in a small town like hometown, obviously not as good as in big cities. There are many, not to mention that all the food in the university of this era is subsidized, and you can eat a lot of delicious food at low prices.

And Saifeier also belongs to the kind of local boarding girls' school oriented to the upper class. In theory, it will not even have the money to feed the students. So Lawrence was a little shocked that Syfiel couldn't eat enough when he was in school.

"Unlike your university, our old-world classic boarding school for girls traditionally won't let the students get full when I come." Seeing the puzzled expression on Lawrence's face, Sefil immediately explained The reason for this. But Lawrence heard a deep resentment from her words.

"They believe that the self-control and self-sacrifice caused by hunger can help young people develop the habit of self-sacrificing, so that they can become moral people. In particular, girls should learn to use willpower to suppress appetite. The first school year begins. When I was lying in bed, I was often hungry and couldn't sleep and want to eat. Even when I fell asleep, there was food in my dreams."

"Thanks for your hard work, but this old and backward view of the Old World is completely wrong. Hunger is not good for people's body and mind. For example, universities in the New World firmly believe that young people need to eat well when they grow up. , The nutrition is balanced. So the dishes in my university canteen are very rich." Lawrence shook his head gently, and then asked. "By the way, you just said the first school year, then the days after that—"

"Because I became a transcendent afterwards. Since then, I have never been caught by the dean of teaching again after I climbed over the wall." Saifier raised his small face with a proud look. "At that time, I ate all the stalls and small restaurants around the school, and I have to say that the food cooked by the French people is really delicious."

The two people sat on the bed together and recalled the experience of studying separately after separating in the past few years. It was not until nearly half an hour later that the airship rang and was accompanied by a notice that the airship was about to take off in five minutes.

Lawrence and the others naturally didn't want to miss this time, so the two of them put on comfortable clothes and slept and just got up, the little doll Nara went to the viewing channel to watch the airship take off.

As soon as they arrived in the viewing corridor, Lawrence and the others saw through the window three men in windbreakers rushing up the gangway from a distance, and then rushed in before the flight attendant closed the door. Thinking of coming, they should have come straight here after buying tickets in an emergency, but they probably almost missed the airship because of the tight time.

"It seems that this airship is indeed suitable for those who are in a hurry." Looking at the three men in windbreakers with an anxious look from a distance, Safir immediately guessed what they were doing, "Can buy The ticket time is so tight, what if I miss it?"

"Don't worry, this lady." A waiter who heard what Safir said, explained to her, "Our ship has powerful and diverse communication methods and keeps in touch with the ticket office at any time. If time really allows passengers to It is impossible to sell that ticket if it fails to catch up."

After speaking, the attendant stood on the platform and shouted: "The airship is about to take off. The airship may vibrate during takeoff. Please be prepared, distinguished passengers."

Most of the people standing on the observation deck seemed to be taking the airship for the first time, so everyone was excited to hold the railing by the observation window to look around, and some acquaintances were still talking to each other.

With the ringing of another bell, the gangway was pushed aside, and the ropes used for fixing on the ground were also opened. After a slight shock, the airship quickly rose vertically to the sky. Through the windows, the figures and buildings below are slowly getting smaller, and finally disappeared into the darkness You can only see the lights in the city gleaming like stars in the night sky.

Since the magic lift engine relies purely on the various runes on the metal ring and the anti-gravity generated by the magic circle, there are no moving parts on the entire engine. In this way, there are naturally no vibrations, and the entire airship flies quickly, quietly and gracefully.

The people around looked a little excited at first, and Lawrence even heard several low exclamations from the crowd. However, when it climbed to a certain height after a while, the surrounding wind made the airship sway like a ship on the sea. Soon, the faces of the gentlemen and ladies around became a little ugly.

However, the staff on the ship had long experience in this kind of thing, and soon a waiter brought them brown sugar **** water to help them alleviate their current situation.

After drinking the sugar water, Lawrence and Seifer returned to their cabin to rest. After all, it is early in the morning, and they are a bit tired after a busy day.

Fortunately, after lying on the bed, the shaking of the airship was like a hammock, and the previous travel consumed too much energy. So less than ten minutes after lying in bed, Lawrence and them all fell asleep.