Struggle in the Steam Age

Chapter 256: Dead

After standing in front of the tombstone for five or six minutes, Lawrence asked his adoptive father in a puzzled manner. "Didn't you just say that my grandfather died in a glorious battle to attract the dragon lich? Such a person should sound like a hero. How could he treat you--"

"You mean my father is a hero, so my marriage shouldn't be like now, right?" After listening to Lawrence's question, Mr. Lambert gave a short smile and said, "But What I want to say is, if your grandfather is still alive, you will definitely not like him, because he is a standard nobleman."

Seeing Lawrence a little confused, Mr. Lambert simply sat cross-legged on the open space in front of his wife's tombstone. Then he motioned to Lawrence to also sit down and talked about some of the nobles like him that would not be recorded on paper. But just the knowledge that will be passed on by word of mouth.

For the nobles, the conclusion of a marriage mainly considers the interests of the family, and whether there is love between the two parties is a matter that can basically be ignored. Among them, the eldest son's marriage as the direct heir is the most concerned, especially the other party's family. Because this is related to the most important inheritance of the family, and other sons will have a wider range in the choice of marriage partners.

However, considering that other sons are just civilians, they tend to pay more attention to economic factors rather than political factors when choosing marriage partners. For example, Mr. Lambert’s marriage considered economic factors. After all, for a civilian, economic issues are very important.

When choosing a spouse, the daughters of aristocratic families generally choose heirs with a higher rank than their own family as the best marriage partners, or they are the heirs of various families or even the patriarchs themselves. However, sometimes they will marry some outstanding people of commoner origin to inject fresh blood into the family.

Therefore, it is not purely made up that the brave men in the popular novels won the favor of the princess after defeating the dragon. The daughters of the noble family may indeed marry non-noble men. But the prerequisite is that these ordinary men are good enough.

In the past decade or so, there has been another popular trend, that is, some aristocrats who have begun to decline have begun to choose the children of wealthy people to marry for their descendants, especially rich families from the White Eagle Federation. This is actually a "fame and fortune swap" transaction, because both parties have exactly what the other party needs urgently.

With the rapid progress in productivity brought about by the progress of the industrial level, coupled with the impact of a large number of food from overseas and the development of more national astral planes, many of them used agricultural output on the land as their source of income. The wealth base of the nobles of China is therefore shaky.

Correspondingly, a group of industrial tycoons who grew up through technological advancement everywhere became very rich. For example, Mr. Bass, who once helped catch the traitor, saw a luxury residence worth 3 million on a small island near Eagle Fort. The exterior looks more like a small palace than an ordinary mansion. .

According to Safir, the mansion was covered with marble and expensive tapestries, and any metal was plated with gold and silver as much as possible, which looked very luxurious. On the whole, apart from the lack of historical precipitation, it is no less than the Coburg family palace that she saw last time when she came to study in the New World.

Under such circumstances, those nobles still need to maintain a luxurious lifestyle, and at the same time spend a lot of money to repair their castles to protect their face as a nobleman, which is a symbol of status. Therefore, it seems quite stretched economically.

Similarly, those who are rich have enough money. However, they are regarded as upstarts and excluded from the upper class circles. At the same time, they also lack the extraordinary heritage that those nobles possess.

Therefore, in this situation that can be said to be the intention of Lang Youqing, the emerging rich can easily reach marriages with these declining nobles, and achieve what they need.

And Mr. Lambert's father is such a nobleman, because as a nobleman of the emperor faction, there are some emerging taxes that cannot be collected. So just relying on traditional land and part of the basic business tax can not keep the whole family running, which is why he so hastily wanted to find another wife for Mr. Lambert.

At the same time, Mr. Lambert also told Lawrence that his father was such a nobleman. Although he died in the end to save the people, it was definitely not because he believed that the innocent should be protected. It was because he believed that as a noble lord, since he received the worship of the people, he must provide sufficient protection, otherwise he would not be regarded as a real noble.

"In other words, if this attack occurs elsewhere, my father will definitely be the first to run away. Because he thinks it is more important to protect himself as long as it is not his duty." Lambert said here. Shrugged, then showed a sarcasm.

"So a standard nobleman like my father will definitely not care about his little son's love for his wife, who has no inheritance rights, but will only think about letting his son get married again for the family to gain more benefits."

"Because of this, my father and I collapsed. So I exchanged my freedom with the manor that originally belonged to your mother that should have belonged to me. Then I left the old world to start a new life in the new world." Speaking of this, Lambert patted Lawrence on the shoulder, "But I am no longer sad now, because I know that after I die, I will definitely meet your mother in the kingdom of my lord."

"Yes, it will." Lawrence said after nodding. "But can you tell me why I have never heard of my mother you introduced before, especially your mother who loves me so much."

"Because such a selfless noble life is too bad, so I hope you don't be like me. So before you become an adult, I hide from you all the information related to my previous life." Mr. Lambert paused After a while, he looked into Lawrence's eyes and said.

"As for the love for your mother, I do love your mother very much. I even think of him every day. But I think that the spouse who has passed away should be cherished in my heart, not like the nobles like my father. The sad things are talked about everybody, and everything is used as a bargaining chip for profit."

"You're I think so too." Lawrence thought for a while to reach into the space bag as a cover, and then took out a bunch of white chrysanthemums from the astral plane and placed it on it. In front of the tombstone of the mother who had never seen it before. Lambert saw some clues in the action of Lawrence taking things, but he said nothing.

After condoning the dead, Lawrence and Mr. Lambert left the family cemetery with the carriage when they rode back to Earls Court. Unexpectedly, when they returned to the Earls Court, they found a black carriage appeared at the door of the Earls Court.

"What's going on?" Lawrence looked at the golden skull with a circle of olive leaves drawn on the black carriage of the carriage and found it strange, because it was the logo of the Western Judicial Office of the Old World.

The court here is actually a transboundary organization like the New World Tribunal, and it was also established to eradicate any threats to the civilized world. Seeing them appear at the door of the earl's house, Lawrence felt that the trouble represented by the unexpected death of the earl was greater than he had imagined before.

"You finally came back." The Butler Byer stood impatiently at the door as if waiting for someone, and said eagerly after seeing Lawrence and them. "The two judges from Wendobona just came here, hoping to talk to the current administrator of Earls Court——"