Struggle in the Steam Age

Chapter 271: Riot begins

The apparently transcendent driver's transcendent level is not very high, because he was in tatters when he rushed out of the wreckage, unlike those high-level transcendents who could use magic to protect his clothes. However, after rushing out of the wreckage of the carriage, he neither ran away nor killed the surrounding soldiers. Instead, he turned around and grabbed the front of the carriage carriage and tried to pull the carriage carriage forward like a palace.

Bang, bang, bang—At this time, the soldiers guarding the square also reacted and started shooting at the obviously abnormal coachman, but maybe because the opponent was an extraordinary person, these bullets did not succeed in stopping the opponent His behavior only created some non-fatal wounds on the opponent's body.

"He seems to be under control." The army mage who was attracted by the things on the square saw something was wrong from the driver's completely empty eyes, and at the same time gestured quickly. After finishing the last action, a pinball-sized fireball flew out of his hands and directly hit the driver who was trying to drag the carriage.

"Boom!" As the small fireball hit the coachman's body, a ball of flame immediately exploded and swallowed his figure. In the flames, the coachman still tried to pull the carriage as before, and he didn't even glance at the huge wounds on his body that were exploded by the fireball, as well as the skin and muscles that were continuously scorched in the flames.

"This situation is not right." As a war-torn entourage mage, he who had just released the fireball technique was full of doubts about the behavior in front of him that exceeded human limits. A few seconds later, he shouted as if thinking of something: "Everyone immediately stay away from the carriage, it's dangerous—"

After hearing these words, the soldiers who were about to encircle immediately ran quickly in the opposite direction. But when they ran more than 20 meters away, the coachman staggered and knelt on the ground.


The moment the coachman who seemed about to be burnt to charcoal by fireball fell, the entire carriage suddenly swelled outwards, and the golden-red fire burst suddenly, rushing towards the sky in the sight of those around the square. At the same time, a large number of steel **** and scrap iron pieces flying out of the explosion point hit the soldiers who had not found a hidden place like broken pockets.

At the same time, the explosion seemed to be a signal, in the sound of the explosion. A large number of armed men with covered faces burst out of the alleys on both sides of the palace road, shooting or releasing magic while rushing towards the palace.

Although the guards of the palace suffered casualties in the explosion just now, they were also exposed to a fatal gap in the first line of defense by the explosion. But as an army that has experienced a lot of actual combat, they still successfully organized and started an organized counterattack under the command of those grassroots officers.

Just when the army stationed in front of the palace and the invaders were in a group, the rest of the city was also plunged into chaos. The guards who rushed out of the barracks immediately fired randomly at the surrounding area, and took the opportunity to looting the surrounding shops or seemingly rich houses.

A small number of scattered police and security company members were quickly wiped out under their attack, and the robbery of these people also evoked many people to join the riot. The public security of the entire city deteriorated rapidly, visible to the naked eye.

However, in this chaos, several imprisoned guards still maintained their own organization. Under the leadership of their respective officers, they drove to various key areas in the city. The court where Lawrence is located is one of these key areas.

"What just happened?" Because the court is only three to four hundred meters away from the palace, the explosion of a large number of explosives on the carriage made Lawrence, who was setting up a temporary emergency room underground and supervising everyone's disinfection, heard a clear explosion. And the slight vibration of the ground.

"I don't know, but I can probably guess that the trouble is big now." After speaking, the inquisitor Jagoda checked his weapons and walked out of the door. At the same time, he said to Lawrence and several medical staff present. I’m going up and waiting for orders from my superiors. Don’t worry, it’s very safe. Even heavy artillery can’t destroy it. We’ll send them down when there are wounded. I’m here to ask you."

After Jagoda left, Lawrence began to arrange more than a dozen medical staff present. Although Lawrence belongs to the youngest two or three of these people, his status as a member of the Federal Science Association and the papers published in major medical journals make everyone respect him.

In particular, the new battlefield first aid method he developed in Huguang City has been passed on to various civilized countries along with the brochure of the federal military. Although ordinary people may not know this matter well, they are like the court. The place naturally knew about this in the first place. Therefore, with the help of the medical staff of the court itself, Lawrence naturally became the most trusted person in this temporary medical clinic.

Only after inquiring about the previous identities of these medical personnel did Lawrence discover that the only personnel who can be regarded as doctors here are only a priestess of the Lord of Dawn, a doctor who used to work in the medical room of the court and a doctor outside. Family members of doctor's court staff.

The family members showed up here because immediately after the court issued the alarm, the staff members who lived in the capital were asked to bring their families into the fortress of the court. In addition, there were some ordinary people around the court who entered the court.

This habit is a habit left during the war years. Every support point in the urban area will accept a large number of ordinary people in an emergency. This will not only provide enough manpower for the next defensive battle, but also use them to bring in a lot of materials.

Naturally, since this is a military fortress after all, not everyone accepts it for safety reasons. They will only choose reliable people who have lived around for a long time to enter the castle. At present, most of the medical staff under Lawrence are also volunteers selected from those who came in for refuge.

As those pure foreign volunteers, the level of this group of people is much worse than those of the former staff in a blink of an eye. The nursing staff in the charity hospital or the pharmacist working in the pharmacy can be regarded as more professional staff. Yes, at least it looks more professional than those two veterinarians.

As for the referee's own medical and professional doctors with extraordinary powers, they are all assigned to the vicinity of each battle position according to Lawrence's previous opinions ~ ~ ready to start rescue as soon as the combatants are injured. Because those places may face threats from the enemy directly, sending these untrained volunteers will not only fail to achieve results, it will also be a bad thing.

Fortunately, these volunteers know some common medical knowledge anyway, so after a short training, under the command of professional medical personnel, they can still be effective at this time. After all, they have all done wound treatment before. So just give them a sense of disinfection.

Fifteen minutes later, the first wounded was sent down. The wounded had been treated by the frontline rescue team and the blood was stopped. Because he was shot in the abdomen, the bullet stayed in the abdominal cavity. So Lawrence and Nora immediately began the operation of removing the bullet after inspecting the wound.

The chief surgeon of this operation is Nora. As a doll, she has advantages that flesh and blood creatures did not have when performing the operation, such as extremely stable techniques, the soul core of the construct that can handle a large number of problems at the same time, and faster. The speed of surgery. At least Lawrence felt that it was impossible for him to do two complicated abdominal and intestinal suturing operations like Nora at the same time, which only took five minutes and fifteen seconds.

As the fighting on the ground continued, more and more wounded were sent down. Obviously the battle has become more and more intense.