Struggle in the Steam Age

Chapter 335: Sneak attack

For the black priest Sam, although he was a little surprised by an ambush at this time, it was not an unexpected thing. After all, there were not many navies flooding with their own flagships over there, and a large number of them rushed into the hull through a large hole in the lower ship's gunwale.

Considering the fact that there are not many people on board because many people go ashore to rest, and the fact that most of the few left-behind people are concentrated on the deck. Therefore, it is normal that the lower cabin is completely occupied by the enemy. Therefore, the sneak attack at this time was regarded by the black priest Sam as an action by the crew of the Enterprise to rescue the commander on board.

For those ordinary people's attacks, Sam, the black priest, has never cared about it. Therefore, he just subconsciously added a black flame barrier around him and then maintained the original path and continued to rush towards the breach on the ship's side.

"What—" It was late or fast. In less than a second, the black priest made the decision to continue pursuing and added a barrier of black flames to himself, but it made him Unexpectedly, what rushed out of the gunpowder smoke easily defeated the magic barrier on his body.

Boom--Boom--After two dull collisions, the black flame barrier beside the black priest was directly smashed, and then the whole body was directly smashed by an apparently alive branch with leaves and a metal book with an iron chain. in.

Although the black priest realized that the magic barrier on his body had failed, he realized that the situation was wrong and quickly deployed another barrier. Unfortunately, the defensive magic that was deployed in a hurry was completely hit by the attacking force before it was fully deployed. Broken, not only failed to achieve the desired defensive effect, but the backlash caused by the defeat of the magic caused him a lot of injuries.

Fortunately, he had a constant chain spell on him, which allowed him to avoid the fatal blow and teleport to the deck at the last moment. It will not be killed by ambushers or fall into the sea.

"Cough cough -" The first time he appeared on the deck, the black priest Sam coughed uncontrollably and felt salty in his mouth. Although he was not directly hit by a sneak attacker, the opponent not only successfully consumed his life-saving chain magic this time, but also caused him to be damaged by magic backlash. And this state will make it in a very disadvantageous position in the next battle.

Boom, boom. After two heavy noises, two men in ordinary navy costumes rolled from under the ship's side to the deck. However, unlike ordinary soldiers, one of the two men held a branch with green shoots in his hand, while the other held a steel chain with a steel-cast book attached to the chain. .

"In your capacity, two ambushes and one of me are a bit too cheap." After holding back the blood and saliva in his mouth, the black priest Sam said to the two ambushers, he found this The two ambushers were clergymen of the same level as themselves, so they tried to delay for a while.

After all, as a black priest, Sam can guarantee to defeat the clergy of the same level in a one-on-one battle. But one-to-two is really a bit superb. Not to mention that he was obviously injured a bit badly after being ambushed just now.

But the answer to the Black Priest Sam was another round of offensive. Whether it was Mr. Lambert, who had always been academy, or the priests of the Agricultural Church who came to cooperate with the battle this time, they knew that at this time, they must not let the other party have any respite. The best choice is to kill the opponent as soon as possible while the opponent is weak.

The two priests first added an anti-evil magic to themselves, allowing themselves to be enveloped in blue and white good energy. Then Lambert directly opened a space door and summoned a Braney angel with a machete in each hand. Then the angel who looked like a blue-haired and brown-skinned elf directly swung a wind-sounding machete to kill the black priest in front of him.

The priest of the agricultural church nearby also summoned a ball of vines as tall as a person. The ball spread out as soon as it touched the deck, and then rolled directly towards the black priest.

Facing the ensuing blows, the black priest Sam had to summon waves of black flames around him to block the forces that continued to attack him. At the same time, it was necessary to project black flames on the two priests from time to time to interrupt the magical skills they released that threatened them.

Just when the casters on these battlefields entered a stalemate, the other parts of the battlefield also entered a fierce battle. In addition to the black priest as the leader of the pirate group, the entire pirate group also has a professional-level warrior, an official-level mechanic, and two apprentice-level magic gunners.

But now, these transcendents who belong to the pirates are in a very unfavorable situation on all fronts. At the very first moment of the war, an apprentice-level magic gunner belonging to the pirates died directly because of being hit by a heavy artillery at close range. At the same time, another professional-level fighter of the entire pirate regiment, whose extraordinary rank is second only to the head, is helpless to the current situation because of being on the coast.

By this time Lawrence had completed the pre-arranged task of luring the enemy, and next was his free time. After all, joining the battle of those magic spellcasters above at his current extraordinary level would only add chaos to his own people. Therefore, he has now joined the battle in the cabin, trying to solve all the enemies in the pirate flagship cabin as soon as possible.

The reason why the cabin is still stalemate is because a magic gunner belonging to a pirate brought the remaining pirates in the cabin to resist with the help of special terrain at a certain key position of the ship. As a result, the crew of the Enterprise rushed several times but failed to rush over, and instead caused one death and three injuries.

The reason for this situation is that the only remaining pirates in that group of cabins are surrounded by several powder kegs, forcing the crew of the Enterprise to have an absolute advantage and fall into confrontation with each other. in. Even if the other side, Syfiel and Fatina, successfully ended the battle and surrounded the enemy, they could not change this dilemma.

However, the addition of Lawrence changed the situation on the battlefield. He shot the ordinary pirates one by one with precise marksmanship and forced the magic gunner to focus all his energy on himself.

Just when the magic gunner nervously used the gun in his hand to shoot at, who discovered the opportunity, quickly approached the pile of debris that was temporarily used by the pirates with the cover of the debris on the ship. On the edge of the ring fortifications. Then, taking advantage of the chance that a bullet hit Lawrence very close to the magic gunman, he jumped up, and then slammed the sword in his hand.

Although the magic gunner heard the wind behind him, the chance to do something had passed. I saw a silver light flashing, and the magic gunner's input fell on the ground like the upper half of the barrel of his rifle.

"Cleaned up." After watching all the enemies around the passage were wiped out, Lawrence brought his assault team on his side and the assault team on Syfel's side to join together, and then took control of the power warehouse together.

The boiler in the power cabin was too late to be ignited because it was discovered that Lawrence had attacked. The people in the cabin had all gone to the upper deck to resist Lawrence’s attack, so Lawrence and the others were very relaxed. Control the vital power compartment. At this moment, Lawrence and the others suddenly heard three more cannons from the Enterprise.

"What happened?" Lawrence and Syphil looked at each other, and then quickly ran to the upper cabin.