Struggle in the Steam Age

Chapter 374: Medical issues

Because the time to come out this time was indeed a bit long, so early in the morning after the signing of the last agreement, Lawrence and the whole mission took the small steamship that came to deliver the goods downstream. Then I returned to the Port of Sauer near the mouth of the river.

It's just that unlike when there were only humans on the ship when we came back, there were seven or eight tauren on board the ship in addition to the previous mission. The leader among them is the tauren Shaman Orchid. Ironhoof, who first came into contact with Lawrence and the group of humans, and the remaining few have similar identities to her, either a trainee witch doctor or a trainee shaman.

"We came out this time to learn new medical knowledge from you." On the way, Lanhua Ironshoe told Lawrence the reason why their group of people wanted to leave the tribe and enter the human society. "Before those of us who worked as part-timers had already said that your medical level was better than ours after they came into contact with your doctors, and this time the doctor in your mission treated us better and let us know more about external medicine. development level."

"So during the few days that your mission stayed in the tribe, the great shaman took a part of the time to pass the assessment and selected some smart and eager people from the young people in the tribe, and then I led them. You humans go to school. I’m glad you can agree to our presumptuous request."

"There is nothing presumptuous." Lawrence said with a light wave. "Just like what I said to your great shaman when I promised you to study abroad, this time you come to us can be regarded as a medical exchange activity. I am also very happy that you are willing to share with us the things that your ancestors have accumulated for generations. know how."

Last night, Lawrence met the great shaman and heard his request that some tauren could go to New Sauerport to study medicine, and only briefly considered it and agreed. Not to mention that the tauren who are already their own people should enjoy a better life after making contributions. The fact that these tauren people go for internships at this time can greatly relieve the current New Sauer Island. The problem of serious shortage of doctors.

In any case, as for those human medical students who started training from zero nearly a month ago, this group of tauren people have at least some medical experience and foundation. After a simple training, I can quickly get started to do some auxiliary work, so as to be able to form enough strength in the shortest time to reduce the pressure of existing doctors.

After seeing Lawrence almost without hesitation agreeing to teach the young tauren medical knowledge, the older tauren opened a box behind him, and then took out a large pile of things that looked messy, as if not. Know where to pick up things like **** randomly.

"The records here are the medical records we have summarized since we moved here to today." Rolls of bark, woven leaves, and some tanned things that look like tattered packages After pushing the Beast Soft Skin in front of Lawrence, the tauren shaman said. "Now you can take it, it might help you a little bit."

After listening to his words, Lawrence noticed that the pile of things in front of him that looked like **** seemed to have some pictures and runes on them. Unfolding the cover of one of the books, he discovered that it was indeed the carrier used by the tauren to record various documents, and it was filled with some characters belonging to the tauren and accompanied by some pictures.

It can be seen that the new and old styles of the carriers used to record this knowledge are different, and the fonts above are also obviously different. However, from the words and pictures that seem to be drawn stroke by stroke, Lawrence can see that this series of documents all condense the wisdom of generations of tauren shamans and witch doctors.

According to the tauren shaman, all these materials are recorded by local medical staff of various cases encountered in the course of treatment and how to treat them. Among them, there are many cases of cures and many failures. But whether it is success or failure, these things are very useful to Lawrence.

Because according to the experience of previous diagnosis and treatment, although there are differences between tauren and human beings, most of the situations are still very similar. Especially in the face of some common infectious diseases in tropical areas, everyone’s reactions are very similar. If you want to say something different, you can only say that the tauren is stronger, and the survival rate and survival time are higher when facing these diseases. .

But correspondingly, this situation also means that the various drugs that are useful to Tauren are also likely to be useful to humans. And those drug formulations that target specific local diseases are invaluable to Lawrence, and can solve many of the localized diseases of the new settlers.

Not to mention that in this era, most of the ordinary treatment options are not reliable except for the extraordinary treatment options. Whether it is the so-called panacea with mercury, phoneme, or morphine, or the laxative that will be prescribed for you as long as you see a doctor, the effect of facing the current diseases is all close to zero.

And if the palms can master the herbs that these tauren people use to treat local special diseases, Lawrence and the others will be able to solve one of the most troublesome problems during tropical colonization, tropical diseases. In this way, the number of deaths due to diseases will be reduced, and it will also reduce the worries of those who are preparing to emigrate, and increase the population input of these tropical colonial islands.

If you want to settle in the tropics, tropical diseases are a problem that cannot be circumvented. Although Lawrence and the others have not died due to illness, it is purely because Lawrence strictly implemented the health manual after he went to the island and the current population is not large.

But even so, there are still a few patients every week who need to use extraordinary items and medicines to be able to cure them. Considering that with the development of the Port of New Sauer, more and more people will become directly under the control of Lawrence and they will be directly responsible for medical services, so it becomes necessary to find ways to reduce the cost of diagnosis and treatment and improve the efficiency of diagnosis and treatment.

After all, after this period of hard work, the number of people under the direct rule of Lawrence has reached more than 120,000, just over 1/7 of the island's population. But the entire medical system and government management capabilities have been suppressed to the limit. This is why Lawrence stopped the expansion of power during this period and restricted his directly-affiliated cities to the southwest and south of the island, because if the expansion continues, this good state will completely collapse.

However, although the expansion of was stopped, the preparations for the expansion have not stopped. After all, the reason why the expansion is stopped is to digest the results of the previous expansion as soon as possible and prepare for further expansion. And collecting localized prescriptions that can solve common local diseases is part of the preparation.

But there is an obvious problem for Lawrence now, that is, among these human beings, he is the only one who understands these tauren words because of the gift of the gods, and he does not have much time to specialize in these translations.

"It turns out you are worried about this." After seeing the expression on Lawrence's face and asking the reason, the tauren shaman comforted. "It's very simple. The students we sent to you this time understand your language. They can help you translate these things while learning medicine. By the way, this is just the information of our tribe. We will do it later. Collect materials from other tribes and bring them to you in batches."

This sentence can also see the little thought of the tauren elder. He hopes that through this method of instalment delivery, Lawrence and the others can guarantee that they will teach knowledge to those students with all their heart.

While recalling the previous process of communicating with the tauren shaman, while chatting with Lanhua and the group of tauren students. Time passed so quickly. Because it was downstream, the boat returned to Neussauer in half the time it took.