Struggle in the Steam Age

Chapter 569: Layout

Taking advantage of the last period of time before departure, Lawrence not only made various arrangements for the upcoming team, but also spared a lot of time to arrange the future of New Sauer Island and Cruz Islands in the next few months. Develop a plan and formulate a general plan of action.

The reason for this is also very simple, that is, Lawrence decided to personally take this medical team to participate in this great war. And all civilization expeditions in history often last for several months, even half a year. So he naturally needs to make some preparations in advance to ensure that he can still develop normally after he leaves the island.

The reason for this preparation is that at the beginning, Lawrence did not intend to participate in this expedition in depth, but just wanted to send a team to participate in this war. Take a look. But Mr. Lambert's words made him change his mind.

"Child, I will support whatever decision you have to make. But what I need to remind you is that according to tradition, every lord should participate in such an expedition once in his life." After hearing Lawrence's decision, Mr. Lambert did not Said what should be done, but told him some traditions in the nobility.

I have to say that people in this world are more ethical. And this martial spirit has also affected the atmosphere of the entire civilized world from a certain perspective.

For example, when facing a civilized expedition in their own region, a lord like Lawrence may be looked down upon by others if he does not participate.

Especially Lawrence is still a person with the dual identities of pioneering lord and transcendent, so according to some habitual rules, he should join his team in this war.

And if he does not participate in this war, unless he can find some very reasonable reasons, otherwise it is easy to be completely rejected by the original social circle in the days after that.

For a lord, if he or she is excluded from those social circles, then he or she is actually no different from social death. Therefore, after learning that there is such a climate in the civilized world, Lawrence felt that he should indeed participate in this war this time.

But from another point of view, participating in this war is not like losing money like the previous eradication of goblins or sahua murlocs. In the wilderness populations in the civilization expedition, there are also organized and developed like dark elves or gray dwarves. A certain level of race, so it is natural to seize a lot of valuable loot.

In addition, the headquarters will also provide various redeemable prizes for those participating in the war in accordance with the contributions made by everyone after the war.

Therefore, even a medical team like the one organized by Lawrence now that is likely to miss the enemy in the entire war can still get the reward it deserves.

Therefore, out of various considerations, Lawrence finally chose to start with the medical team and directly participate in the war with them. At the same time, Safir and Bayer's butler were left to look after the house on the island and coordinate logistics work.

Three days later, Yang Fan, a small fleet consisting of eight transport ships and two warships, sailed on the Star Sea. Lawrence stayed in the Enterprise's office and the commanders of the various teams under his command looked at a map of the central mountain range of the White Eagle Federation and a thick dozen of materials.

The goal of this civilized expedition is still to vertically separate the northern and central mountains of the New World, if all goes well. They will annihilate the nation established by several wild races entrenched in the northern part of the Great Mountains, and then open up a new passage that can cross the Great Mountains.

In addition to opening the line of communication, civilized races can also control a large piece of land on both sides of the line of communication through this line of communication.

As we all know, as the largest mountain range in the entire New World, the Great Mountain Range has extremely rich mineral deposits. Therefore, it is absolutely profitable to control such a piece of land.

This is also an important reason why the Civilization Expedition can attract so many forces that are willing to take the initiative to participate, because the benefits of these newly developed territories will be distributed to those forces participating in the Civilization Expedition.

For example, those metal mines are like this. Those who contribute more can get mines or mines, and those who contribute less can get cheap ore supplies for a long time.

But in this way, the arrangement of various forces has become a very complicated task. Therefore, in many cases, the headquarters can only guarantee everything on the front line with all its strength, and for those who do not feel the front line, the handling of personnel and materials appears to be somewhat procrastinated. For example, Lawrence has not been able to receive those specific orders from the command headquarters during the preparation phase.

Fortunately, a few hours before Lawrence and the others set off, the Civil Expedition Command of the White Eagle Federation finally sent a series of detailed information to Lawrence through the special channel of the church. These materials are mainly about the overall situation on the battlefield now and the arrangements for Lawrence and their field hospital.

As for why the specific arrangements came so late, it was because after Lawrence and the others reported that they would send an established field hospital, the general headquarters had a disagreement with Lawrence and the others in the arrangement of the field hospital. Only now came the final conclusion.

According to the news that Lawrence got from some friends, this disagreement mainly focused on where the medical team was placed after they arrived.

Some of them think that hospitals of this level should be placed at a lower position so that they can cooperate with other doctors to treat more people.

Others think that such high-level field hospitals should be put on the front line, so as to gain valuable rescue time and reduce casualties as much as possible.

The last-line faction won with a slight advantage, because there are not many doctors concentrated in the rear, but there is obviously a lack of doctors on the front line. Taking into account the fact that the earlier the wounded on the battlefield are treated, the higher the survival rate, so it was finally decided to let Lawrence take his team directly to the front line.

"According to their opinions, we will build our field hospital on a platform called the Pine Valley halfway up the mountain." After everyone had seen all the information, Lawrence read the materials on the table. I took out a small map and spread it out on the table and said everyone can come over now and see what we should do next. "

Hearing Lawrence's greeting, the commanders sitting around the desk all stood up and came to one end of the desk, and then carefully looked at the map about Pine Valley. Although this map looks a bit smaller than the normal map, the content above is very clear.

From this map, Lawrence and the others can see that the Pine Valley is actually located at an important intersection leading to the front road. The entire valley looks like a flat area of ​​five or six square kilometers. On the edge of this valley, there is one road leading to the rear, and three other roads leading to different front lines of war.

"At least from the hospital's point of view, this place is very good." As the leader of the medical staff this time, Liszt was the first to express his views. "This platform is large enough to accommodate the entire hospital. At the same time, this platform is also very convenient in terms of water sources and transportation."

"That's right, and the air circulation on the mountainside is also very good, and the sun can still shine. This will not only help the recovery of the wounded, but also help prevent the spread of infection." Another doctor also expressed his attitude.

In addition to these doctors, the soldiers present also supported the establishment of a field hospital in this place. Because from their point of view, this flat land halfway up the mountain is also a good defensive position.

At least the cliffs behind can help them withstand possible aerial attacks, and the condescending terrain halfway up the mountain can stop troops attacking from the ground.

"Then our hospital is here." After listening to everyone's opinions, Lawrence tapped the location on the map with his hand to make the final decision.