Struggle in the Steam Age

Chapter 666: Trade points

As we all know, because of the inconvenience of transportation in this world, when the nobles gather together, it is often not just because of a simple thing.

For example, the nobles who have come to this territory now gather together. Apart from learning this knowledge, they also have another goal to communicate with each other.

If it is not for communication, they don't need to send high-level servants, or even come to this place in person.

Therefore, after finishing these studies, the nobles did not leave, but lived in Fort Surrey and began various social activities.

It may be because of the gathering of nobles here, so some nobles who hadn't rushed to study before also rushed over by various means of transportation, and then joined in the rare exchanges that have been rare in the past few years.

Not surprisingly, Lawrence himself became the focus of these noble gatherings.

Of course, his previous inventions are not enough for everyone to focus on him. More importantly, he is a powerful lord and noble who owns several islands.

After all, this is a world that pays attention to class and class. If you want to communicate, you will basically only communicate with people with similar identities.

The reason why these people communicate with Lawrence is also very simple, that is, they can get enough goods from the tropics from Lawrence's hands.

Contrary to what Lawrence imagined, in fact these nobles are not poor. After all, although this land is a little barren, there is always something to produce.

In addition, the nobles who can own territories are often the kind of old nobles who have accumulated. Therefore, in addition to the income on the island, they can also obtain additional income through many industries.

This situation is very normal for the hereditary aristocracy. For example, in addition to the territory, the Count Sauer family also had a lot of foreign investment.

For example, many small and medium-sized steel plants and several weapons factories in the Holy Visby Empire at that time belonged to Count Sauer’s family.

It is a pity that these things and the territories were inexplicably handed in after the family's accident, and the ownership was transferred to the royal family and some nobles.

Later, after all things were checked out, Lawrence and his adoptive father considered the relationship with the royal family and other nobles and did not want to return those properties, but said that these things could be arranged by the royal family.

Obviously, from the following situation, this step is right, because the royal family naturally did not want to leave a reputation for plundering the wealth of subordinate aristocrats for this part of the wealthy family, so they later generously compensated August family.

This is why Lawrence was able to obtain a large territory far greater than the upper limit of his title.

In addition, Lawrence also received a lot of financial support and extraordinary degrees of freedom.

To give the simplest example, the main reason why Lawrence was able to become one of the few non-independent political entities in the Old World countries with the right to issue currency in such a short period of time actually came from the sacred. The compensation psychology of the Visby Empire.

From this point, we can clearly see how much wealth the hereditary aristocrats with a long history have. After all, if that wealth is very small, the emperor of the Holy Visby Empire would not give Lawrence so much. Compensation.

Compared with the veteran holy Visby Empire, the Briton nobles are slightly inferior in the accumulation of extraordinary power, but because of the earliest embrace of the Industrial Revolution, they have more money.

Therefore, the biggest problem encountered by the Briton nobles on Green Island is that they have money in their hands, but it is difficult to buy their favorite products.

If things like tables, chairs, benches or pots and pans can be bought and brought over after going to certain places. So fast-moving consumer goods similar to food, clothing, housing and transportation are not so easy to get.

In addition to nobles, ordinary people on this island have the same problem. Things like furniture or production tools can also be solved through large-scale purchases, but all kinds of consumables in daily life are obviously not so easy to obtain.

Therefore, for ordinary people, in addition to trying to save the use of those consumables as much as possible, they can only say that the price of the items that the profiteers who come only occasionally are almost blackmailed.

This is why these nobles gave Lawrence a very miscellaneous list after saying that he could sell tropical specialties.

The largest item on the list is naturally food. Although they can now directly purchase enough food from the White Eagle Federation, considering the complex relationship between the Briton Kingdom and the Federation, it is natural to open up a new channel to obtain food. It is a very reasonable thing.

In addition, the island needs some processed wood, all kinds of trendy wooden furniture, daily necessities, and some special products in the tropics.

For example, for the specialties of the tropics, the list that these people gave to Lawrence included sugar, cocoa, coffee, rope made of sisal, and some tea.

These teas were promoted by Lawrence to these nobles. During the whole process of entertaining these nobles, Lawrence specially brewed milk tea with tea leaves that he carried with him for drinking.

Unlike people in other places who tend to drink black tea that is directly brewed or only added with a little spice, the nobles in this cold zone prefer to drink sweet milk tea mixed with condensed milk, milk and sugar to provide them with precious calories. .

In the course of this statistics, Lawrence realized that these nobles actually have some specialties that only the frigid zone can have on their territories.

It's just that because the output of those materials in each territory is too small, the various output types are too mixed, and the transportation is inconvenient, so except for a very small amount of fur and salted fish, most of the remaining things cannot be stored for a long time.

For example, these territories also have some whale products produced by the fishing industry, nutritious reindeer dairy products and meat. But it is well known that these things are difficult to keep for too long.

However, because the output of this type of product in each territory was too small in the past, unless the arrival of a merchant happens to happen, these things can only be consumed internally.

But for the people on the islands, they are more willing to exchange the seemingly high-end food for people outside the island for money, and then buy more ordinary food and a variety of daily necessities.

Under this circumstance, Lawrence realized that this green island, which was almost on the edge of the civilized world, had a lot of business opportunities.

At least he thinks it is possible to send a ship with various commodities around the several ports of this island to go around and then collect all these items in each port, and finally collect them into one. Pull back on the boat.

So after discovering this problem, Lawrence began to use a form to record the specialties of every noble territory that he communicated with.

Although the nobles said that they could buy those goods with cash, Lawrence himself hoped to be able to buy some items instead of just receiving cash.

After all, it is a very long and dangerous journey from the Star Sea to the Green Island. Therefore, to complete this trade, you need the kind of large ocean-going ships.

And it is obviously a very uneconomical behavior to just pull the goods and return the empty ship.

So he needs to sum up all the properties on this land, and then see how many goods in this area can fill the cargo warehouses of ships sent by him.

After finishing this list of items, Lawrence took the initiative to hold a banquet on the premises of Viscount Surrey. That night, most of the nobles were invited to attend the banquet in the residence of Viscount Surrey.