Struggle in the Steam Age

Chapter 679: continue working

When the nobles from various territories on the island returned to their territories, Fort Surrey also became quiet.

But this is not a bad thing for Lawrence, because he actually doesn't like the kind of interpersonal communication that comes and goes. So after everyone left, he just happened to be able to do some of his own work.

These tasks are divided into two parts, one of which is the daily management of Neuschauer Island. As the lord of this island, the management of the territory is an inescapable job.

If it were in the old days when all kinds of information exchanges were not convenient, Lawrence could still throw all the work to his retainers through the method of mandate rule and then be lazy.

But in this age of radio, the retainers under Lawrence will naturally come up with a series of documents to let Lawrence make the final decision when dealing with some more critical matters.

Because for the nobles, one of the most important manifestations of ruling power lies in the ability to make decisions when faced with some key issues.

Lawrence’s retainers are all very traditional and loyal, so the built group headed by Bayer’s steward all abide by this rule and let Lawrence comment on those documents.

To be honest, the contents of these documents are a bit boring, most of which are related to the construction of the island, and what Lawrence has to do is to approve and review the settlement of the final expenditure.

In addition, Lawrence also needs to express his attitude towards some temporary events. For example, during the recent period, the most important temporary event on the island of New Sauer was the issue of temple construction.

The question about the construction of the temple is actually closely related to the current ascension ceremony of the little doll Nara, because after the ascension ceremony is completed, these gradually evolving existences need some existence similar to the church to condense belief And ignite the sacred fire.

In this regard, each existing practice has some differences. If it is the existence that is contrary to the mainstream, this time will enter a long incubation period and build a cult hidden in the dark.

Those who are lonely and are not so taboo at the same time will spread their beliefs bit by bit and build their own churches in some corners, areas where other gods don't pay much attention.

As for the existence of Nara that has obtained the explicit permission of a **** from a civilized race, it is simpler and more relaxed, and can directly do some church building work before the result of the ascension ceremony.

After all, the death rate of this kind of ascension ceremony is not too high even if it fails, so no matter whether the final result is success or failure, it is a very normal thing to lay a good foundation for the future in advance.

According to traditional customs, a licensed existence like Nora can actually make various preparations within a year or two before the ascension ceremony, such as building temples or churches and early propaganda.

It's just that the speed at which the puppet is upgrading in terms of extraordinary power is so fast that everyone in the know is caught off guard, so that all the things that should be prepared in advance at this time are all piled together, which seems particularly rush and chaotic.

Fortunately, these buildings are not required to be completed before the end of the Na ** **** ceremony, so there is still a certain amount of time on the island for adjustments. It's just that even if it's preparation work, everyone needs to be busy for a long time to get it done.

The ascension ceremonies faced by each being who are about to ascend to the gods are different, which are inextricably linked to their own level, race, and power that they may hold in the future.

Although the internal materials of the various churches also recorded a lot of materials related to this ceremony, it is only a reference for the existence of the upcoming **** ascension ceremony.

Although Lawrence and Nora cut off most of the connections for safety reasons, Lawrence still perceives some of the problems facing the puppet through the soul connection.

Because the two sides consciously cut off the connection, he is not very clear about the specific problem that the puppet faces, but Lawrence can vaguely feel that this problem mainly comes from some foreign parts of Nora’s knowledge and power and the world. Compatibility.

According to the rules of this world, knowledge is power is not an empty word, even more so for gods.

A being who is about to become a **** will obviously feel the obvious influence of this world on them, but correspondingly, they will also affect the whole world in turn.

And the core of the ascension ceremony is exactly the same. By allowing the two forces to run in, the world and the ascension are slowly allowed to accept each other, and finally a balance of power is achieved.

It's just that for Nora, because he has got too much knowledge from another world from Lawrence, it is naturally more troublesome than the natives of this world in this kind of running-in process.

Fortunately, through the soul connection, Lawrence can feel that these problems are just trouble for Nora, and there is not much difficulty, so the result is not too bad.

Generally speaking, apart from the possibility of prolonging the time of the ascension ceremony, there will be no additional dangers in this ceremony that endanger the safety of the puppets.

But even so, Lawrence spends a few minutes every day to check Nora's situation out of concern to make sure that there is no fatal danger, but fortunately everything seems to be going very well in the recent period.

Compared with the work on Sauer Island, the work that Lawrence is now facing with Green Island and the entire Northern Islands seems a lot easier.

After the last meeting was over, the nobles on the island also returned to their territories and started to get busy. The most important thing is to count the goods received and prepare for the next round of trade.

For these nobles on the island, they must seize this rare opportunity for development now, and if they accidentally miss it, it is likely that a family will never recover.

At the same time, because of the stimulation of this trade, the lords of the island also started investigating their respective territories.

Although most of this area is covered with thick snow at this time period, it has severely hindered communication and action. But stimulated by wealth, some elite investigation teams have entered the snowy field and started investigating.

Of course, because most of the lords in this area are facing the problem of insufficient strength. So they did not send a team from every territory to investigate, but a team from multiple lords to conduct investigations together.

For example, Viscount Surrey is like this He and the two surrounding barons and a consciously organized an elite investigation team, and then went to the eastern mountainous area shared by the three parties to conduct a large-scale investigation. .

Because they didn't know which place was better to investigate first, they even came to ask Lawrence before leaving. Lawrence suggested that they can go to the mountainous area where the terrain is not obvious.

The reason why he made such an opinion is also very simple, because since the area has abundant geothermal resources, it can be judged that the geological activities on the road are relatively violent, so theoretically there should be some metal minerals.

Although Viscount Surrey is considered to be the person with the smallest mountain area among the three parties, as the leader of this matter, it is inevitable to pay some price to gain everyone's trust at the beginning.

And compared to the other two lords, Viscount Surrey, who found a shallow open-pit coal mine on the sedimentary plain in the lower reaches of the mountain, is not so economically nervous now.

Therefore, at this time, he can naturally gain his reputation through the practice of krypton gold and letting profit to his companions.