Struggle in the Steam Age

Chapter 86: End of paragraph 1

   In the letter sent with the sample issue of the special issue of "Science", Priest Carter clearly explained how the special issue appeared.

   On the one hand, almost all the main grape-producing areas in the New World this year received a lot more rain than in previous years, which caused a large-scale outbreak of grape downy mildew in the New World region throughout the Federation. Because wine is an important product of the Federation and a necessity in most of the gods' ceremonies, the reduction in grape production or even the failure of the harvest will affect all aspects, so everyone urgently needs to find a solution to this problem to reduce or even avoid losses.

   On the other hand, the microbiological theories recently put forward by Lawrence have largely made up for the shortcomings of the previous scientific theories, and can also be regarded as pioneers who have played a leading and pioneering role in some aspects.

  Combining the above reasons, after discussion, the editors of "Science" barely managed to ignore Lawrence's age and admit his academic attainments and status. At the same time, considering that these news can be released as soon as possible to recover the loss as soon as possible. Therefore, the magazine chose to publish a special issue similar to the newspaper's extra issue on a non-issue date.

   At the end of the letter, Priest Carter reminded Lawrence that he was the youngest person among so many people who had published papers in these key journals in addition to the direct descendants of the gods in the past century, and he had also made great contributions to the development of society. So recently there must be many people and forces trying to win him over.

   As an elder with a good relationship, Priest Carter is very happy to see it happen. But he also reminded Lawrence that a lot of news has not been implemented yet, and he chose not to maximize his benefits at this time. He hoped that Lawrence would wait a little longer and wait for all the news to be confirmed before making a choice.

   Lawrence immediately saw the meaning of Priest Carter's letter. As an elder who had a good relationship with him, he really hoped that Lawrence could get the most favorable result for him in this matter. Rather than making certain choices that you will regret later on a whim.

  From another perspective, if we remove some organizations that can only hide in the dark. After waiting for a while, the only organizations that can produce enough benefits to attract Lawrence, such as the federal government or various churches. Among these organizations, the knowledge church obviously has a considerable competitive advantage.

   But Lawrence didn't dislike the idea of ​​Priest Carter, after all, he just made some suggestions. And as long as it doesn't hurt others, the behavior of seeking benefits for oneself is naturally understandable.

   "But then, someone will tell me to return to the city soon." Lawrence thought. "So during this time I should finish the remaining work as soon as possible."

From then on until the weekend, Lawrence simply lived in the rudimentary laboratory on the second floor of the grape plantation. Except for simple daily life, all the rest of the time was spent on the specific usage and dosage of several pesticides in actual operation. In summary.

   The priests of the Agricultural Church have also helped a lot. Their proprietary magic arts can compress what would otherwise take days or even months to complete to just a few days or even a few hours.

   Of course, this is not what the priest who is stationed in the small church nearby can do. Fortunately, as long as Lawrence proposes his own experimental plan, the priest has a way to contact other people in the agricultural church to complete these experiments.

   When he received a letter from the Cathedral of St. Gutenberg on the weekend, he successfully completed the compilation of the dosage form of these agents for several common crop diseases besides the grape downy mildew that had been studied before. This means that the problem of preventing and controlling crop diseases can come to an end for Lawrence.

  In other words, the knowledge about this aspect in his mind has been basically empty. The next work needs to be done by others. Fortunately, the microbiological theory proposed by Lawrence and the effect of the discovery of non-plant drugs have pointed out a new path for the agricultural church and others. I think they will soon be able to use this aspect. Research has been pushed to an unprecedented level.

   The letter sent from St. Gutenberg Cathedral this time hopes that Lawrence will return as soon as possible, because the exploration of that underground space has come to an end. The military successfully wiped out the other half of the goblin tribe hiding in a small cave hall under the tunnel leading to the ground with almost zero casualties.

  The battle lasted only 15 minutes, and all the goblins hidden here were wiped out, and none of them slipped through the net. When the battle was over, those who entered the ground immediately began to map the situation in the cave hall.

   Through surveying and mapping, they found that the cave hall had an area of ​​only seven or eight hectares. Except for the passage leading to the ground, only one underground tunnel could leave here. But what is surprising is that even with only such a small area, this cave hall actually has a very important water source in the dark realm.

So in order to prevent this place from becoming a base for some underground creatures to attack the ground, and also because there was a druid among the transcendents who went down together at that time, he found that this place is very suitable for planting some that can only grow underground. Fungus or lichens are more valuable for development.

After a brief discussion, the Federation took the lead in uniting the local municipal government and several church witcher guilds and other organizations to jointly develop this underground space for planting some creatures suitable for growing underground. At the same time, they each sent their own staff to guard the area. There was a monster infiltration accident like this time.

   As for why you don’t do business with the underground through this passage, it is because most of the creatures living in the underground are evil guys, who believe in winning by force rather than plowing hard.

Therefore, humans on the ground often deal with non-evil creatures like dwarfs or dwarves living in the dark areas in some easy to defend and difficult and other exits close to human settlements are not destroyed. It is heavily guarded and will never give them a chance to escape.

   And the exit on the other side of the underground passage leading to Blue Mountain State doesn't make much sense to everyone, and there is no need to worry too much. After all, that exit is far away from human settlements near the Central Mountains. There are a large number of channels of this type that lead to the gloomy region. One more and one less will not cause any impact.

  Because the processing of this matter can be said to have come to an end, all the previous contributions to Lawrence have been calculated. This includes not only the contribution to the discovery of the entrance to the underground world, but also the previous contributions in medicine and agriculture. According to the content of the letter, the Federation intends to grant the status of a member of the Lawrence Federal Science Association recently.

  Of course, this behavior is naturally promoted by the various churches that benefited from Lawrence a while ago, otherwise it would be difficult for Lawrence to enter the Federal Science Association, which represents the highest scientific research institution in the Federation and the New World.

   Joining the Federal Science Association is definitely not a simple issue of a certificate. This is bound to have a series of complicated etiquette. Therefore, Priest Carter sent a letter from the St. Gutenberg Cathedral at this time, hoping that he could go back quickly to carry out some necessary etiquette training and avoid embarrassing situations that no one wants to see.

   Lawrence is also very happy to return to the city now. After all, his work has been done, and it doesn't make much sense to stay here. Moreover, although the previous residence did not have any modern electronic products, at least it also has modern water and sewage, which is much more convenient than the pure natural life here. He missed his comfortable bed and the white ceramic toilet in the bathroom.