Stunning Summoner: Unscrupulous Concubine

Chapter 236: Spike【4】

"Don't eat!" Cheng Bishui replied angrily, looking at Bei Ming Liuhua with a grieving expression.

Bei Ming Liuhua was just as indifferent as ice, and took Bai Qingqing's hand and walked directly out of the inn.

The two chose a noodle stall opposite the inn, and one of them ordered a bowl of noodles.

"Let's set off after eating the noodles!" She didn't want to see Rong Zi Mo Bai Susu again.

At least, when her strength was not strong enough to kill them, she didn't want to meet too much to evoke those unpleasant memories.

"All by you!" Bei Ming Liuhua smiled dozingly.

"Bei Ming Liuhua, why don't you like your sister? You grew up together, childhood sweethearts, she was so beautiful?"

Isn't it said that men are all visual animals?

"Why should I like her? Just because I grew up together? Just because she looks good?" Bei Ming Liuhua raised her eyebrows and asked, with a chuckle in her tone.

Be amused by Bai Qingqing's remarks.

"Aren't these reasons enough?" Bai Qingqing also smiled lightly, but there was a flash of sadness in his eyes.

If it was in the past, she must have felt that it was not enough, but now she has all kinds of doubts about love.

The sadness that swept away lightly flashed into Bei Ming Liuhua's eyes, and he sighed slightly in his heart.

The lips curled up and smiled: "I always thought of her as a younger sister. You said, a brother, if he thinks about his sister, wouldn't it be worse than a beast?"

His eyes were deep, and this sentence was explaining everything to her.

She rolled her eyes, not daring to meet his gaze.

At that moment, she was avoiding, avoiding his sincerity.

"As for the stunning beauty...I have been looking at the bronze mirror every day since I was young. I have already developed antibodies to the stunning beauty!"

"Push..." Bai Qing poured out his chewed noodles and rushed out.

Bei Ming Liuhua reacted swiftly, and her figure sideways, flashing past the broken face that flew out of her mouth.

"Bei Ming Liuhua, can you still be more narcissistic?"

This man is really narcissistic!

"Don't you think I was wrong?"

"..." That's true.

This man is indeed a good-looking man. He is definitely a disaster for men!

But, don't be so narcissistic!

I also looked at the bronze mirror every day since I was young!

She really convinced him!

"Look, I never like to lie." Bei Ming Liuhua smiled lightly, admiring the speechless expression on the little girl's face.

He thought it was so cute.

As soon as the long arms stretched out, the little pretty nose was lightly scratched!

Bai Qing frowned, but unknowingly, he was a little accustomed to this action.

"Let's go! I'll take you to a good place!" Bei Ming Liuhua stood up.

"Yeah." Bai Qing nodded. Fortunately, she was almost full. At this time, the two bowls of noodles had been smashed and poisoned by the noodles she sprayed.

When he returned to the inn, Zhang Ze had already fed the horse feed, prepared all the supplies and dry food, and was waiting to be on the road at any time.

He knew that the son was always neat and never liked to delay along the way. So at any time he will be ready to set off at the first time.

"My son, the subordinates are going to inform the young lady!" Zhang Ze replied.

"No, I personally drive, you stay to protect the clear water, and meet at Mingyue Villa in five days!"

Zhang Ze was a little surprised, but still didn't ask much. As a competent subordinate, he had to obey unconditionally.

"Yes, the subordinate understands!"

"Let's go!" Bei Ming Liuhua took Bai Qingqing's hand and walked to the carriage.