Stupidly Cute Qing Mei: The Childhood Friend is Too Black Bellied

Chapter 248: First difference 3

This feeling of being alone in a strange class is really not good at all.

The little rabbit was looking around, and a familiar voice suddenly sounded behind her: "Little rabbit."

"Huh?" Xiaotu responded subconsciously, turned around, and saw Gu Ningshu standing behind himself at a glance.

"Ah !? Gu Ningshu? Why are you here?"

"I'm with you in a class." Gu Ningshu smiled at her, took a bag and sat down behind her, and said, "Don't you pay attention to the class schedule?"

"Uh ... I only pay attention to the list of girls ..." Xiao Tu smiled a little embarrassed, scratched his head and said: "I saw that Tong Tong was not in a class with me, so I didn't keep watching Go on. "

"She is in the third shift, we are in the first shift, and there is a second shift in the middle." Gu Ningshu said casually: "I can see you in the class, but I am quite happy."

"Hey. Me too." Bunny smiled at him with a smile.

After all the classmates came, the class teacher called for a few students to help move the textbooks out, and then re-arranged the students in the class according to their height, and then announced that the school was out of school.

Therefore, until school, Bunny had no time to ask anything except that he knew his name at the table was Tang Xiaoyu.

Gu Ningshu's seat happened to be arranged behind the bunny again.

As for the name of Gu Ningshu's new table, Little Rabbit doesn't know ...

After coming home from school, Xiaotu saw Cheng Zhiyan packing his luggage in the living room at a glance.

He had packed all the clothes he was going to take to school, and packed them in the suitcase one by one.

The little rabbit stood at the door and looked at it for a while, and finally opened his mouth and shouted softly, "Brother Orange Juice?"

"Huh?" Cheng Zhiyan looked up, looked at the little rabbit standing at the door, smiled, and said softly, "When did you come back, why didn't you just come in at the door?"

"Are you ... going to school the day after tomorrow?" Little Rabbit looked at him with a pair of watery eyes, and asked softly.

"Yeah." Cheng Zhiyan could not help but laughed out: "Did you not know that long ago?"

"But ..." Xiaotu suddenly remembered the scene with strangers full of eyes when she was in the class today. "I didn't think it was anything before ... I don't know what happened, and suddenly I couldn't bear my brother ..."

Cheng Zhiyan froze slightly, staring at the bunny with clear eyes.

She stood in the midday sun, with green leaves and blue sky outside the door. The dazzling sunlight passed through her body, and a golden light was sprayed on the ground, while her thin figure was standing there, being sunlit. Shining, the edges are almost transparent.

Cheng Zhiyan was silent.

From small to large, the two of them have hardly separated for a long time.

The longest separation was only during the New Year, when the two of them returned to their respective hometowns.

However, after the New Year, they got together again.

This time, he will go to an unfamiliar city to start his university education, but she still stays in this city without him.

Facing the differences in the next four years, he doesn't even know if he can cope, let alone a little bunny ...