Stupidly Cute Qing Mei: The Childhood Friend is Too Black Bellied

Chapter 279: Orange juice kiss

Could it be said ... Is he embarrassed by her orange juice brother? ?

The bunny looked at Cheng Zhiyan's sharply profiled face, and the corners of his lips couldn't help bending.

However, when their group came to the gate of the school, they were stopped by the guard.

"Some classmates over there, please show me your student ID!" The uncle, dressed in a security uniform, waved a few of them towards Cheng Zhiyan and motioned for them to pass.

Cheng Zhiyan stumbled for a moment, then remembered that, because they were still in military training, freshmen in the freshman year could not leave school at will.

Ji Linkai, who was walking behind Cheng Zhiyan and Xiaotu, apparently didn't think about it until this moment, so the expressions on the faces of several of them suddenly became very delicate.

Nevertheless, several of them obediently went to Uncle Security, took out the student ID from his pocket, and handed it to him.

Uncle Security took a few of their student IDs, flipped them over, and returned to them: "A freshman, can't leave the school at will, don't you know?"

"Forget ..." Ji Linkai said with a smile on his face towards Uncle Security.

"Why go out?" Uncle Security estimated that he was bored, and he just asked casually.

"This is not our bedroom classmate. Did his parents come, and said it was to invite some of us to dinner, we ran out as soon as we were happy, and we could n’t remember going out when we were at the school gate ..." Wang Shuo looked pitiful He looked at Uncle Security with an expression on his face and planned to play a family card with him.

"Which classmate's parents?" Uncle Security glanced sharply at them, asking casually, "Is that the classmate next to that little girl?"

"Yes! Brother, you really have great eyesight!" Zhang Yufei smiled thumbs up at Uncle Security, and then lowered his voice towards him: "Brother, can you give us some accommodation?"

"No, no!" Uncle Security waved again and again: "This year is the first year that freshmen are not allowed to leave the school. The school leaders come to check from time to time. If I check you out, I will be criticized for deducting the bonus It's me, it's you who are being punished. It's not good for both of us. You can go back and have a National Day holiday in another week. What can't be tolerated. "

"But ..." When Ji Linkai wanted to say something more, Cheng Zhiyan waved at him: "Forget it, we don't have a teacher's fake note, he won't let us out."

"But ... I just want to know that there are so many people coming in and going out of the school, why he just stopped us ..." Ji Linkai watched that as they were talking, many people had gone out of the school door, Could not help but asked with some grievances.

"I've been a janitor for so many years. I can tell which ones are freshmen and old ones." Uncle Bao looked at them with a proud expression: "Look, you guys All military training are tanned, and they are several colors worse than others, and only the freshmen will be dispatched together with the entire dormitory. Those sophomores and juniors are basically alone Action, or two or two, or going out with a girlfriend. As a senior, at this time they are busy looking for work, and rarely show up at school. "