Suddenly Invincible

Chapter 200: There are many benefits to talk to manag

"Choose three treasures for you." The manager said.

Hearing this, Dao Tianjun frowned.

He didn't speak, staring at the manager and looked again.

However, I can't see anything. The manager is not a creature, but a special life. I can't guess it, but Dao Tianjun can still judge that the manager seems to be very good at talking.

Otherwise, how could I say so much to myself.

When he came up like a chatter, he said that he and Little Stone had a bloodline and so on.

"Can you tell me what I am busy? I will make a decision."

Dao Tianjun whispered softly.

"The way you cultivate is very special. You cultivate a method, but you are also cultivating the foundation, soul, and body."

The manager saw Dao Tianjun's special!

After that, he spoke again without a pause, "Now, the rules have changed, and it is no longer the avenue of the past. Although the Void God Realm has always existed, it is struggling to survive in this world and barely maintain it."

He revealed a great secret!

The existence of the Void God Realm does not seem to be so stable.

"Will be shattered?"

Dao Tianjun was taken aback, if that was the case, it would be too serious.

This is a major event that shakes the foundation of the wasteland.

"No, but as a manager, I have the responsibility to better manage the virtual **** realm, instead of just struggling blindly."

Listen to the words of the manager.

Dao Tianjun understood.

The Void God Realm may not be shattered, but it exists in this world, and is bound by rules a lot, leading to some changes.

It is precisely because of this that the original place is no longer the same as before.

The stele of the Void God Realm has also changed.

Even in Dao Tianjun's judgment, the hardness of the original bluestone road has changed.

Why do you want to ask?

This is very simple. The little stone originally wanted to destroy the bluestone road but broke the extreme realm of moving blood, but when Dao Tianjun was destroying it, he used 60% of his power.

Means that 60% of his strength is equal to the extreme state of moving blood?

Although Dao Tianjun is confident and will swell due to the skyrocketing cultivation base, the swelling also has a degree.

He doesn't think he can really be so strong.

He still knows it in his mind.

Originally, he intended to use all his strength to break the limit, but he didn't expect to use only 60%.

The extreme state is better broken, which is obviously unscientific.

According to the manager.

Everything is easy to explain, the rules change, the Void God Realm maintains its existence, giving up a lot of things.


Dao Tianjun's eyes were bright, and if anyone saw it, he would definitely exclaim.

Human eyes can really glow green.

"You are not kind."

A deep and magnetic voice came from Dao Tianjun's mouth, with a serious tone.

"According to you, I have a special cultivation practice, and the Void God Realm has a problem again. Collected together, I can help the Void God Realm to repair this problem. That's right, great credit, such a great achievement, is worth three treasures. ."

Between words.

Dao Tianjun said something, this manager is wilting.

Seeing that he didn't say what he helped, he should reward him for thinking that he is a materialist, only for profit, and talk about three kinds of treasures.

"Hehe, I thought you didn't plan to ask about the content, you just fancy the reward."

The administrator of the Void God Realm did not deny it.

"I want half of the palace to make up for my injured heart, and the other half as a reward."

Dao Tianjun said rightly and confidently.

In fact, Dao Tianjun understood that the manager didn't really intend to lie to him. After all, he really wanted to lie to himself, so why answer truthfully and let himself understand the value of helping? If he does this, he can also understand from his tone that he didn't mean to lie to himself.

Speaking of it, it is Dao Tianjun's behavior, which makes managers have this meaning.

Dao Tianjun faithfully followed the process, and the manager really wouldn't first say how much treasure to give, but what he would do to help.

But this is not important anymore.

Dao Tianjun only knows one thing, and now he has an advantage, that's enough.

Listening to Dao Tianjun's words.

The manager sighed.

The memory of the past came to mind, "Mine, mine, all mine."

The mantra of the bear child seemed to echo in his ears.

Greed for money can really be inherited from generation to generation.

The human race in front of him and the bear kid were really carved out of the same mold.

"Too much."


"Do you think it's possible, five."

"two hundred."

"You are joking."

"Then one hundred, no less."


"Ten, I'll show you what I'm talking about."

Dao Tianjun stretched his neck.

After that, he lay directly on the ground in a big font.

"There are not ten, you kill me, I don't want to go back, kill me, come on."

The rogue tone gave the manager a headache.

How many years have it been.

He felt that kind of helplessness again, which was given to him by the bear kid last time.

"You people of blood are really my nemesis." The manager was helpless.

call out!

Dao Tianjun stood up directly, and he grinned.

He is 100% sure that this manager will definitely agree.

This world has its own way. Managers can't find others. They have absolute priority. Naturally, negotiation is the priority, but he also grasps a certain degree.

Otherwise, the manager is not happy, and he won't be able to get his hair.


Dao Tianjun took a step, he walked towards the palace.

"what you do."

"Choose reward."

"No need to go. I have a list here. See what you want."

The manager raised his hand, and a light curtain appeared in front of Dao Tianjun.

He didn't dare to let Dao Tianjun enter the palace. The Dao controlled by this person was mysterious. At the same time, he had a special storage on his body that he had never seen before. That kind of colorful energy existed there.

As early as Dao Tianjun was fighting, he had noticed.

I found out that Dao Tianjun has a kind of storage that is very magical. It can travel between the virtual **** realm and reality. This is how colorful energy comes.

In this regard, he did not go too far.

Everyone has their own secrets, and as the administrator of the Void God Realm, he doesn't want to explore this kind of problem.

Because this is within the rules, there is no violation of the rules.

So he didn't say anything.

"All right."

Dao Tianjun secretly said a pity.

At the same time, he wrote down one thing in the little book in his mind.

"The Palace of the Void God Realm is mine. Don't forget (emphasis!

With parentheses, Dao Tianjun felt relieved.

Immediately, he began to look at the light curtain, and he was stunned by this look.

"They are all the magical powers of that era?" Dao Tianjun looked at it and saw that there were a lot of precious arts, they were all the cultivation magic arts of the Immortal Way, not the wild way of the world.

"No conflict."

Manager answers.

Under his answer, Dao Tianjun understood that Huang Dao does not reject the old Dao. The Dao created by Emperor Huang Tian is suitable for any rules of heaven and earth. It can be used in the era of arduous Dao or the era of chaos.

Hearing this, Dao Tianjun nodded.

He knew this, but he didn't know if he could cultivate.

"Your Dao and Huang Dao have similarities and similarities, and can be applied to any era." As if understanding Dao Tianjun's doubts, the manager said.

"It's just that your way is more forceful."

Managers speak out their opinions.

Dao Tianjun nodded.

After cultivating for so many years, he probably understood that his own way is actually very simple, that is power!

Although Huangdao is also gravitational.

However, the waste road is more uniform. Its round sea realm is aimed at blood, and the four extreme realm is aimed at bones, while Sendai is aimed at the soul, a very comprehensive Dao, while Dao Tianjun’s Dao is powerful and powerful.

There is a feeling that everything is powerful.

Whether blood, bone, or even soul is paving the way for strength.

The real way to fight.

It is precisely because of this that the most rare way of Dao Tianjun is his mentality.

The strength is huge, and the mentality will naturally change. It is too difficult and too difficult to be stable, and it is destined to be unable to be peaceful in a lifetime.

Dao Tianjun knew about such things a long time ago.

He has no discomfort.

On the road to repair, he knew that his life could not be peaceful.

In itself, he doesn't like peace either.

In peace, he longed for an explosion, and in an explosion, what he longed for was invincibility that surpassed the rest of the world.

In the end, Dao Tianjun couldn't tell. He was not like that in the previous life. He belonged to a relatively nerdy person, but he didn't have that kind of peace in this life.


Dao Tianjun nodded and began to make serious choices.

Ten evil treasures.

True Dragon Spell, Divine Phoenix Spell, Kunpeng Spell, Skyhorn Ant Spell.

Four kinds of ten evil treasures.

"I choose Skyhorn Ant."

"The other treasures are complete, but the skyhorn ant is incomplete, just fragments."

Manager reminds.

"That's it." Dao Tianjun chose Skyhorn Ant Treasure Technique.

Managers are not discouraging this choice.

He knew what Dao Tianjun thought.

The ten fierce ones, ten kinds of creatures, are not as powerful as anyone in this world can imagine.

The true dragon is one of them.

True dragon, a creature that does not exist in this world, or that is a creature that did not exist in this world, the prosperous creature in the age of immortality.

The manager raised his hand, and a rune bone flew out.

Dao Tianjun took it.

Skyhorn Ant!

In the ancient times, one of the ten evil spirits of the immortal era.

Its power is overwhelming, and it overrides all creatures, even the true dragon, the head of the ten fierce ones, can't do it!

It's just that this treasure is not suitable for other races to practice, it belongs to the sky-horned ant family alone.

Dao Tianjun remembered.

In the perfect world novel, Zhanxian used this treasure, but he didn't use all of it.

Because this one belongs to the skyhorn ant, it is almost impossible for other races to cultivate successfully.

It is precisely because of this that Dao Tianjun's idea of ​​cultivating has been strengthened. It is not completely okay. What he wants is incompleteness, because this is an application of power. He can snoop, but being too complete restricts his thinking.

Today, he is walking a different way.

Need a lot of things to explore on your own.

Skyhorn Ant Treasure can be used for reference.

Strength is also the most suitable treasure for oneself.

"There are nine more." Dao Tianjun continued to watch.

Finally, he chose five powerful racial treasures.

In addition, the sky horn ants, there are a total of six power race treasures, these are all Dao Tianjun will use for reference.

"It's almost there. I can't learn too much. Then I will choose some other things."

Dao Tianjun whispered.

He must allocate his rewards well and use them appropriately.

Among them, he pays more attention to the layout of the future than to consider the style of sight.

"I'm choosing this one." Dao Tianjun pointed to a spell pattern.

For the death symbol.

Can die once on his own behalf.

This thing is an absolute treasure to others, but it is very tasteless to Dao Tianjun.

However, Dao Tianjun still chose to replace the death talisman.

This thing is very useful, it can be used to deceive others' own death, because he feels that if one day exposes his own immortality, it is a good excuse to replace the death talisman.

"There are all enlightenment stones?"

Dao Tianjun was surprised and looked at one of them.

Enlightenment stone.

Can help people enlightenment.

This is a good thing, he remembers that Emperor Huang Tian grabbed a piece from the ancient bronze palace.

Without hesitation, Dao Tianjun chose the same again.

"There are two treasures left to choose from." Dao Tianjun muttered.

He looked at the manager.

"There are too many treasures. I can't come over. I can ask if there are any treasures here that can withstand the ancient emperor, that is, the peak of humanity in the ancient times."

The reason for saying this is because Dao Tianjun feels that the ancient emperor is likely to come out in the future.

Will he be discovered by the ancient emperor if he has too many waves.

Then this treasure is very important.

Of course, Dao Tianjun actually went to see the weapon classification of the treasure house early in the morning.

He was very disappointed that there was no Jidao Emperor Soldier in it.

Otherwise, what kind of treasure does he need to resist once?


The light curtain changes.

Dao Tianjun saw a piece of mysterious metal, a transparent shield, and a bone.

"Are these three okay?" Dao Tianjun licked his lower lip.

He really wants to take it all away.

Take this thing out, I'm afraid that some old people will go crazy, and the emperor will have to run out a few.

"That piece of metal should be a magic weapon fragment of the immortal Dao level, which can resist once, while the shield is a one-time magic weapon. In ancient years, the magic weapon that the gods gave to their parents and children usually has this kind of magic weapon."

"Bone should be the same as metal, belonging to the immortal Dao level, but if it is broken, it can withstand it once."

The manager explained the three things in detail.


Dao Tianjun's eyes widened.

Can you not be so irritable, should it be? Does this mean indeterminate?

"Yes, because it is not clear what the specifics are, but it is certain that they can resist the killing." The manager said.


Responding lightly, Dao Tianjun fell into deep thought.

What to choose.

After thinking, Dao Tianjun pointed to the metal the size of the palm of his chin, and that was it.

the reason is simple.

The transparent shield is directly excluded, if you ask why?

Because it was too complete and too detailed, Dao Tianjun ruled it out.

Don’t you write novels often?

The more outrageous and weird may be better.

Many protagonists made a fortune in this way, so he ruled out the transparent shield.

Then the next step is to decide whether it is metal or bone.

He quickly eliminated the bones.

Dao Tianjun looked disgusted because the bone was too similar to the pelvic bone and was still close to that part of the bone.

So he chose metal. This thing looked simple and simple. It should be a fragment of a magic weapon, at least not a fragment of a urinal from Geying.

"There is one last one. UU reading"

Dao Tianjun has a headache, what should he choose?

Suddenly, the corners of his mouth filled with the arc of a smile like Tianjun's smile in Duan De's statement.

"Well, there is that kind of double cultivation method."

As Dao Tianjun shook his hands, his waist also moved.

The corners of the manager's mouth twitched.


Hearing this, Dao Tianjun was disappointed.

Actually, I think it is. This is a god's creation, how could it be possible to put that kind of thing.

Just when Dao Tianjun was disappointed, the manager's voice came.

"Not without."...
