Suddenly Invincible

Chapter 264: It's okay if you play badly

The night is empty.

Different voices came from the small courtyard under the moonlight.

"My lord, we retired."


"My lord, what's the matter."

"Since your thoughts were so dirty before, then I will satisfy you to intervene in you."


"Get the sleeves of your clothes."

In this way, Tianjun in the small courtyard house gently relaxed the three grandparents.

After that, he inserted into the body of the three grandfather kings and bleeds.

The expressions of the three grandparents were extremely depressed.

Dao Tianjun wanted the blood of three female grandfather kings, and he explained that he wanted to study the use of pill. After all, the blood of each creature is different.

"Okay, the blood draw is over." Dao Tianjun held the syringe in one hand and waved with the other. Then he looked at the three grandparents, "I just draw the blood and let you pull off your sleeves. do not do that."

At this moment, the three grandparents in front of Dao Tianjun were all stripped off.

After hearing this, they put on their clothes.

"I'll retire."

The female ancestors left, everyone looked helpless.

This Dao Tianjun is poisonous.

The words are misunderstood. This is called ghost interjection, and it makes them misunderstand again.

I thought it was really inserted.

The three grandparents sighed, very depressed.

The clothes are all taken off. You told me it was a blood draw?

Watching the three women leave, a different color appeared on Dao Tianjun's face.

Ma, I almost ran away.

"Am I too pure."

Dao Tianjun asked himself.

The three female grandfather kings are all female slaves, there is no need to worry at all, it is fine to play badly.

After all, I am too pure.

Shaking his head and sighing.

In the end, Dao Tianjun felt that he couldn't be so pure. He walked silently to the room of the three grandparents, and put a handwritten secret book next to each of them.

Then he left.

This night is destined to be quiet...


The land of the Eastern Desolation and Northern Territory, a barren land.

A ghostly figure was wrapped in a large black robe.

Under the black robe, there was a bright light, faintly shiny, with cold eyes gleaming, as if it were a ghost from the underworld.

He stared at the end of heaven and earth.

At the end, there is a bright city, even in this dark night, it is still prosperous, the largest city in the Northern Territory.

"This time I borrow the ancient corpse land...I must kill you..."

A low and hoarse voice came from the black shadow, and the sound was cold and harsh, like a ghost whistling.

Early the next morning.

The holy city has nothing to do all night, and it is as lively as usual.

"Have you heard, there are shocking ancients in Zhongzhou who have entered the holy city."

There are monks whispering on the avenue, and gossip is endless.

In this chaotic world, there is absolutely no need to talk about daily jokes. This is one of the few things that relieves the pressure of those monks who often struggle on the edge of life and death.

"The big man has entered the city. This may be the first multi-ethnic and multi-orthodox cooperation since the eruption of the Ancient Corpse Land."

"For millions of years, the Human Race has been at odds with the Taikoo Ten Thousand Races. I have cooperated this time, but I don't know what it is."

"There must be a major event. Yesterday I saw the warship of the ancient royal family on the Blood Phoenix Mountain, and it passed by. There is definitely a peerless creature in it. You haven't seen that vision, so don't be too exaggerated."

A lot of people are discussing, wherever they go, there is such a voice.

In the past few days, the flow of people in the holy city has increased, and the orthodoxy in the city has all contributed to sending strong people to maintain the order in the city.

You can see it when you look up.

A pair of law enforcement officers with rigorous expressions and awe-inspiring breath.

Those are the powerful people of the human race, from different immortal traditions.

Obviously, there will definitely be major events in the past few days, which will double the population flow of the holy city, and the people who come are not weak, but are extremely powerful monks and ancient creatures.

Occasionally, you can see the ancient monsters whose appearance is like gods and demons.

At the same time, there was a word of mouth in the holy city.


The rumbling sound oscillated.

Hearing this voice, everyone in the holy city was not surprised.

Those law enforcement officers who were supposed to maintain order turned a blind eye to the other side without squinting their eyes.

They can't provoke the sound source maker.

I saw **** people panicking. They looked very young and not very old.

"Enforcer save me!"

Those **** people rushed into the main road.

In an instant, in a weird scene, as soon as the bloodbath approached, the crowd would automatically retreat.

The law enforcement officer looked over.

It's just that they just glanced at it, and then turned around.

Puff puff……

Blood splashed high, and a man's head flew up.

Those people had their eyes widened before they died, and they couldn't close them at all.

Behind them, she didn't know when there was a petite figure. She kept her eyes open. After killing these people, she turned and left where she was and disappeared.

The surrounding monks all looked over, showing different colors.

Some female monks frowned, pitying, and some older creatures nodded, seeming to approve.

There was a strong smell of blood on the petite figure.

"How many people this little girl killed in the past few days." Some monks whispered, they couldn't remember.

The only person who breaks the rules of the Holy City.

You can't do it in the holy city, even if you have a strong background, not the ancient ten thousand clan, this is a huge city of human clan, even in this era.

It's like the capital buildings of all countries on the earth.

It is a landmark building.

You can't destroy it, or you will be attacked by groups.

For example, in the era of Confucianism and Taoism, if you go to destroy the Confucian Temple, you will be torn apart by angry crowds in the next second.

Sometimes decent issues are also very important.

The holy city has been standing in the east for many years.

It has already become an indispensable symbol, and the human race believes in this.

It's okay for you to kill, but if you touch your faith, you are the one who will die, and you will be killed alive by the angry people of faith.

Today, this rule has been broken.

But no one said anything.

The petite figure has a true **** at home, and no one dares to move her.

Yesterday, a strong man in the holy city approached the people behind her and wanted to ask Dao Tianjun to stop. After all, it would not be good to break the rules like this.

It's just that Dao Tianjun said something at that time.

I just kill some people in the realm of Dao Palace, if you persuade me, then I will not kill, I will kill Hualong, powerful cut Dao, saint.

When this sentence came out, the strong man in the holy city left.

They can't help it.

After all, this is not their orthodoxy, but they don't want to make people lose face too much.

But speaking of Dao Tianjun's identity as killing people in the holy city, the human race will not lose face, after all, everyone understands all of them.

After Xiao Meng killed a group of people, she returned to the small courtyard, and Dao Tianjun sat in the courtyard to wait for her.

Looking at the **** little dream, he habitually cleaned her, and supplemented her with Xuanming Shengjin.

For these, Dao Tianjun was not surprised.

After Xiao Meng finished killing people, she became behaved again and went to practice alone.

"All the people in the holy city who had a holiday with the adults have left." The figure of the enchanting female ancestor suddenly appeared.

Dao Tianjun nodded.

He had expected that Xiaomeng's trial field probably would be unavailable this time.

"Shall we leave tomorrow." The coquettish female ancestor said.

Hearing this, Dao Tianjun shook his head slightly, "No hurry, something is going to happen in the holy city, I plan to see it."

Listen to this sentence.

The coquettish female ancestor king was taken aback, and then nodded, "Yes."

Yesterday and today, she felt the aura of the strong in the holy city more and more, among which there were several auras that made her tremble and inadvertently exposed, causing her to stand upside down.

That is the Great Sage!

It is very unusual for how many sages to appear in a city.

It's just that the coquettish female ancestor didn't know what happened, but she didn't want to know, she just wanted to protect Xiaomeng.

After getting along for a long time, she also touched the doorway.

Follow Dao Tianjun and work hard to protect, then if you do it well, he will give you some sweetness when he is happy.

"Boom boom boom..."

There was a knock on the door, accompanied by a soft whisper.

"Senior Dao, the major forces in the holy city invite you to the holy mansion for a gathering. I wonder if you have time."

Hearing these words, Leopard-tailed female grandfather had already walked over.

When she opened the door of the small courtyard, she saw a middle-aged man wearing Changhezong costume.

"My lord agreed to go, when is the party."

"During the night, the sacred mansion hosted a banquet for seniors." The middle-aged man had a respectful face and handed over the invitation.

Holy house.

It was established only recently.

As the name suggests, this is for the existence of the Holy Path series.

At the beginning, the holy city had walked out of many powerful men, many of them were casual cultivators. After coming out of the ancient corpse land, they immediately returned to their hometown.

They established the holy mansion, not for the purpose of establishing sects.

But to protect the holy city, the city where they were born and raised them, they don't want to see this city go to annihilation in troubled times.

It's not that the people in the ancient corpse land are all ferocious when they come out.

Others are just awe-inspiring.

Of course, there are also people who are both good and evil, and everything exists.

For these people, all the main roads of the Eastern Desolation are not rejected, because the holy city is the face of the Eastern Desolation, and it is guarded. They are happy to be so, and they also send people to help.

"My lord, why do you want to go, in case someone is against you."

The grandfather of blood and electricity is a dull gourd and rarely speaks, and now she can't help but wonder why Dao Tianjun would go.

Is it going to cooperate with the holy palace to overcome the difficulties of the holy city?

This possibility is possible, but the danger is also high.

The Sacred Mansion invited many people, among them Dao Tianjun's enemies. At that time, there were many people with mixed eyes, and Dao Tianjun was relatively dangerous.

Although Dao Tianjun is very powerful.

But the defensive heart is indispensable, if you have been as strong as a brainless fool, then you will die no matter how high your cultivation base is.

Killing in the cultivation world is not necessarily based on cultivation.

There are many things to consider, and contempt will only bring you death.

As a person on the same boat as Dao Tianjun, she naturally has to consider for Dao There is a crisis in the holy city, and the strong are invited to help. Among them is the Great Sage, which shows that there are many things. This crisis is very big. , Dao Tianjun was in it at that time, it would be funny to be killed while taking advantage of the chaos.

"Just take Xiaomeng to meet the world." Dao Tianjun smiled.

Immediately, Dao Tianjun looked at the coquettish female ancestor king and the leopard tail female ancestor, "You go and kill those who evacuated the holy city."

The two women nodded and disappeared where they were.

Xiao Meng's experience baby ran away, so there is no need for Xiao Meng to kill it.

But it doesn't mean that they will survive. Dao Tianjun intends to let them go to hell.

The day passed quickly.

Night fell.

In the center of the holy city, there is an impressive mansion.

When the monks in the periphery looked up, they would see that the mansion's blood was vast, forming a series of dragon pillars running through the sky. At the same time, the stars were shining in the night sky, and the moonlight fell from the nine heavens.

Strands of fairy radiance pouring down like a waterfall, beautiful and bright.

At this moment, there is a banquet in this mansion, crowds of people, deer on the disc, there are delicacies on it, and there are macaques pouring wine, as if it is the land of immortals.

It was filled with monks and ancient tribes of all colors.

There are elders in Dao-robes, strong men with bull heads, and strong men with demon bodies that have not transformed but shrunk their bodies. Each of them exudes blazing holy power.

No one is weaker than the realm of saints.

The seats are very distinct. The closer you are to the top, the stronger you are in the first place.

When he looked up, he saw that the superior was a few powerful men who covered Xianhui, so strong that the heavens and the earth tremble, even the saints present, they always look respectful and respectful.

"Sage Dao Tianjun is here!"

A loud voice spread, announcing the arrival of distinguished guests...
