Suddenly Invincible

Chapter 412: Come to kill! ! ! ! !


One of the true members of Dark Source.

He doesn't belong to this world, and the place he comes from is the world Huang went to.

It can be said that he is the greater ignorance and darkness after the chaos that the immortal domain people often say, and it is part of it.

"The way of the flesh that hasn't existed in ancient or modern times." Heigu's words shocked the kings of the foreign land.

In an instant, the king looked at it again.

The kings saw it, and they were aware of it.

Dao Tianjun's physical body method is really unprecedented, very subtle, and they did not notice it for the first time.

"Is this kind of physical body carrying the river of black blood?" Hei Gu was muttering to himself.

Then he took a drop of Dao Tianjun's blood.

He let out a doubt.

"It seems impossible."

Heigu was wondering, and then he muttered to himself, "Maybe it is not that simple on the surface. It is the same as the burial owner who was called the burial master, who was eroded by unknown darkness and died, but instead used this to find a new way. It belongs to a kind of variable? "


This extremely degenerate existence was the study of ghosts and the creatures of the burial owner.

In other words, he is one of them.

"130,000 years ago, you were the guardian of Pangu." Heigu suddenly said an unrelated word.

Still no response, Dao Tianjun walked like a silent ancient person.

Upon seeing this.

There was a smile on Heigu's face.

He was instructed by a creature who was also a member of the Source of Darkness to find someone and kill him.

That is a taboo.

Pangu has been fighting for eternity, and has always been concerned about Pangu's actions.

One hundred and thirty thousand years ago, Pangu had some movement. He seemed to send someone away into a foreign land. This action was too extraordinary.

So he let Hei Gu pay attention.

Ning killed the wrong, Hei Gu asked Yu Mo to take action during that time, and he wanted to kill Dao Tianjun at any cost, the man who appeared at the same time as the time when Pangu escorted a wasteland creature into a foreign land.

"I should have thought of it long ago." Hei Gu said again.

The kings were stunned.

They heard Heigu's words and learned a name.


They are not unfamiliar with this name. This person has made several moves in the past, and each time it was shocking.

The most recent one was 130,000 years.

That time even the existence sleeping in the Immortal Emperor City was shot, and a big hand that covered the sky and the sun was put out, and the dark barrier was stretched out. There was also movement in the world of black blood and the immortal barrier.

So far, every king has a deep memory, and at least three taboos exist to take action.

"Is the most hopeful person to take that path?" Mogalo knew the secret, whispered.

His eyes looked deeply at Dao Tianjun.

"In other words, you are comparable to Huang, so you have embarked on another "that way" and Pangu will guide you."

Hearing the words in his ears, Dao Tianjun seemed to have not heard it.

He didn't speak from beginning to end.


Heigu sneered, his palms were killing.

"I want to see how special your way is."


There are terrible murderous intents revealed, and many creatures are terrified.

With the sword held by the Immortal King, he must act on Dao Tianjun, so as to see through Dao Tianjun's law and Dao, there is a monstrous chill, and there are thousands of ghosts flowing.

Time passed.

With the immortal King moving, Heigu used extreme methods, still unable to see the special way of Dao Tianjun Dao.

What shocked them most was.

Dao Tianjun is really like a dead person, he has never been moved, if it weren't for his aliveness, even the Immortal King would doubt if they were deceived, this is not a person.

"A moment of peace." The Immortal King of Bull Horn, who helped Mogalo repair his body before, said.

The cruel voice rang.

Exotic creatures are terrified.

They couldn't believe how powerful Dao Tianjun's willpower was. This was not an ordinary method.

It is aimed at the body, soul, and even memory.

However, his Dao heart is firm, like an immortal chaotic stone that cannot be shaken.

Just when everyone's hearts are shaking.


Suddenly, there was a throbbing sound of war drums.

This drum sound came into my ears like the first sound opened up in the universe.

The creatures in the Dark Realm all pale instantly.

The sound of the supreme drum is like thunder, directly exploding in the ears, blooming in the soul, the blood is solidifying, and the vitality seems to be deprived.

That was the sound of war drums coming from outside the boundary, clearly spreading into this dark world, running through the entire dark barrier, far and wide, and completely submerged.

In an instant, the foreign kings suddenly looked up.

They looked beyond the boundary, their faces suddenly cold.

At this look, the pupils of the kings contracted sharply.

Outside the boundary, there are monstrous immortal figures, all of them wearing ancient costumes, revealing primitive and deserted totems with dragon patterns on their chests, like a starry dragon roaring up to the sky.

They are so familiar with this costume. It comes from the wasteland and is the ancient costume of their clan.

The creatures in the wasteland are densely packed, with no end in sight. The fighting spirit has formed the supreme dragon, which stretches across the starry sky and can penetrate ten universes, which is incomparably frightening.

After the dragon, the starry sky became blurred.

Regarding the phantom, the most terrifying thing is not the appearance of the mark, but a vast and majestic fairy city, with a long river winding around the city, it is like the imperial city where the Supreme Immortal Emperor lives, glorious and simple, suppressing a world.


The sound of war drums was beating, directly resounding in the hearts of Jieguan creatures.

"They killed the barren land?! Crazy, aren't they afraid of our foreign anger."

Some alien creatures exclaimed, and the words finally became very light and faint, and the voice was trembling, appearing flustered.


The most terrifying source of Immortal Territory is also the reason why Alien Territory fears the most. There is no one.

The history of this ethnic group is too long to trace the source, and countless strong men have been born. Their glory is cast by blood and tears, and they are told by the enemy to express their strength personally.

They coerced the eternal blue sky, suppressed the immortal domain and immortal gates, and were the first tribe in the world, and no tribe has no orthodoxy to match it.

Even if it's dark in a foreign land, it won't work.


Outside the boundary, there was a monstrous roar, that was the wasteland venting its anger, the sound shook nine heavens and ten places, penetrated the blue sky and the nine quiets, and directly impacted the dark boundary.

In an instant, this dark barrier was shaken by the impact.

Before the person arrives, the sound comes first, the boundary trembles, and the thousands of people are terrified.

The Jieguan was full of boiling water, but now it has become silent. The excited creatures are pouring cold water into their hearts, feeling the coldest cave in the universe, chilling from the bottom of their hearts.

This is not their cowardice, but the fighting spirit of the wasteland is too monstrous.

"The king of the wasteland in the depths of the realm, what's the matter, are they crazy? Are they planning to start the ultimate battle?"

There is a trembling of creatures.

He saw an incredible scene, more than thirty kingly figures, the **** breath of the wasteland flowing on them, what this represents is unimaginable.

Especially in the state of anger, as if to tear the avenue to pieces.

"Wasteland!" The expressions of the foreign kings changed drastically.

Their pupils saw a candle of incense in the hand of the hegemon standing in the forefront.

In an instant, the steady mind of each king was fluctuating, the ripples spreading, and his emotions were horrified, and he couldn't believe it.

"The family is here."

The voice of Magalo was low and solemn, and it was impossible to imagine that the fallen giant would make such a tone, which was invisible through the ages.

The immortal kings all looked shocked, and they found that they had underestimated the wrath of the barren land.

This group is really crazy to this extent.

After seeing such a scene, every king understood the intention of the wasteland, the deep meaning, and even the consequences.

There must be revenge for the wasteland, revenge.

It is very likely that half of the kings will die. Who can bear such a result? !

What is the immortal king?

Invincible in the world, overlooking all living beings, above everything else, a creature that can't even call its true name lightly.

Now, such an existence can no longer ensure that he can survive.

For a tribe, how many people will they die?

This kind of price, this kind of method, in the eyes of the Immortal King, is completely incomprehensible, because it will not get any benefits, any benefits, but will lose lives.

Suddenly, the kings looked at the cage and stared at the figure in the prison.

It is for him that the wasteland is like this.

at this moment.

Dao Tianjun, who hadn't moved, raised his head, his eyes were calm, staring outside the boundary.

There was an unclear look in his eyes.

Seeing Dao Tianjun's actions, the Nine-headed King said coldly, "They are planning to kill you. Are you proud of being in this race?"

At this moment.

The fallen giants in the foreign land are still bewitching with words.

"I'm dead, but you have to come to accompany me." An indifferent voice came from the cage.

"Do you really think I will die later? When the barren land comes today, they are destined to be defeated." The Nine-headed King said, with a hint of gritted teeth.

Boom! !

After the border, there was a horrible aura, dozens of wasteland kings walked side by side, a kind of prestige, looking down nine days, it was depressing.

They didn't have a word, their eyes were cold, the heavens were earthy, and they were staring indifferently.


The roar shook the sky, running through the thirty-three layers of the blue sky, the eighteen layers of the nine secluded layers, and the two poles of the heavens and the earth.

All the kings shot, the immeasurable fairy light, the terrifying fairy king Taoism is flowing, illuminating the entire eternal history.

They moved.

Everyone stretched out their It seemed to be slow, but with the power to calm the sky, they directly sealed the boundary.


The monstrous chaotic power is overwhelming, and the long river seems to be submerged by this force, the world is crumbling, and the void is collapsing.

The darkness barrier bursts with immeasurable glory!

The kings of the foreign land roared, and the barren land touched their bottom line. They started directly, this is to start a **** battle.

Dao runes are emerging, the stars are dim, the starry sky is eternally silent, and chaos erupts.

What is the difference between such a scene and the creation of the world!

The dark creatures and the strong in the boundary are all creepy.

The wasteland is really crazy, they directly started the **** battle, there is no room for words, even the momentum does not seem to bring back the people, it is to kill...
