Summoner, He is Never Alone

Chapter 215

The audience was full of flowers and fog, and coming in to fight the boss would definitely get debuffed, so every target died in less than a minute, and the priest had to add blood together in the audience. The only one who doesn't need their help to heal is Ye Xu, because Ye Xu's blood-sucking skills are effective and can offset the damage of this dot.

But other people don't have so many blood-sucking skills. Those things are less expensive to buy, and those that appear occasionally are relatively tasteless, so although Sister Xuan allocated a huge amount of money to buy them skill books, the ones who have blood-sucking skills so far are still relatively useless. Not many. On the contrary, I bought a lot of life-saving skills, as well as charging.

In short, it was not very helpful to my dad. The two priests continued to use the group therapy technique, and the magic value dropped rapidly. If it goes on like this, not only will they not be able to add blood, but they will even run out of mana.

"No, I have to find a way to weaken the dot effect." Jiang Yuexuan flipped through her skill bar and used all the skills like purification.

There are very few group purification techniques in her hands, or there are only two of all purification techniques in her hands. One is individual purification, and the other is group purification. After all, she is a necromancer of the darkness department, not a profession of the holy light department.

In comparison, Divine Feather, a holy priest, has many skills with purification effects, but most of them are not very useful. Because most of his hands are dispels, he directly strips the effect from the player, but the fog does not disperse, and the next second after the debuff is removed, it reappears, which is a waste of a skill.

In the end, he and Sister Xuan found a total of three group skills that had a certain effect on dot.

Sister Xuan's is an anti-curse skill that can weaken negative status effects. Although the flower fog is not a curse, it has the same purpose, so the "mixed flower fog" effect on everyone is weakened by half under its effect, and only the remaining The 0.5% blood deduction per second and the 5% attack power have been reduced, and the single-element pollen effect has also been reduced to 0.5% blood deduction per second.

In this way, the player's dots per second are changed from 2% to 1%, while the player himself has 0.5% of the blood per second, and finally the dot effect is only 0.5%. That is to say, it will take a total of 200 seconds for the player to bleed to death, which is more than three minutes, and the pressure on the father is greatly reduced.

Most players are remote, and they can survive by drinking the red potion by themselves. As long as the melee combatants pay attention to their positions to reduce the number of times they are attacked, and if the priest takes time to lose a few skills, there is no danger.

It's just that her skill CD has a slightly longer duration and a shorter duration, so it cannot be seamlessly connected. Fortunately, there are two skills of God's Feather to fill the gap. His skill is slightly less effective than Sister Xuan's, but it is enough. In addition, there are a few single-target purification skills, throw them back to melee combat, suppress the dots on them again, and the pressure on the healing side will not be so great.

Even their team is so difficult, one can imagine what other teams will be like when they encounter this boss. Jiang Yuexuan felt a little sympathetic to those wasteland reclamation teams, but after thinking about it carefully, Yeyin's first team had a very powerful priest and a summoner with sacred summons, so it shouldn't be a problem. Fortunately, she left it alone, the only thing she wanted to remind was that she didn't need to open her mouth.

After solving the flower fog problem, everyone started to officially fight the boss. The boss is just these two common skills. The former is safe if it exceeds 5 yards, and the latter is not enough. The defense of the boss is still poor. After the fight, the progress is still very fast, and there is not much danger.

It's just that the skill of Hua Mist is too shabby. The existence time of the dot and the pollen in the environment lasts for 5 minutes, but the skill CD is not as long as 5 minutes, so the boss can keep the existence of Hua Mist. Not only that, after the hatred deviates to the remote body, the boss who finds that he can't hit the opponent starts to play hooligan again.

One of its drooping flowers suddenly lifted up, the center of the flower was facing the target, and a strong stream of pollen was sprayed fiercely. This pollen was not blown all over the field by the wind, but hit the opponent directly, burst open, and enveloped the person. By the time the pollen has dispersed, the target has changed color.

The first to suffer was the little spirit who didn't control his hatred, and turned directly from the ghost's translucent pale white into a flaming butterfly. As the summoned object of Ye Xu, the Frost Summoner, its attributes are naturally dominated by the ice element, so the one who just raised his "head" to attack is the red flower of the fire element.

The change of color is not the most important thing, Xiaoling suddenly has a third dot on his body after this disaster, this time it is much more ruthless than before. Perhaps because the pollen concentration was too high, all the pollen was cut off by Xiaoling, so the dot effect that appeared was a geometrically doubled version.

"Flame Flower Bath" is eroded by the intense fire element, deducting 10% of the maximum HP every second for 30 seconds.

Ye Xu: "!!!"

Two dads: "!!!"

"300% of the blood is deducted in 30 seconds, who the **** can add it!" Mo Bei wailed, "Xiao Ling's blood volume is so thick!"

If it was an ordinary player, he would have increased it by gritting his teeth, but the health of the summons...he decided to give up. Anyway, Xiaoling's CD has arrived, so Ye Xu can make another one.

This boss is really insidious. When they let down their guard and felt that he had no other means to deal with them, he suddenly made this move. Who would have thought that all that broken pollen could be vomited to one person, and it would be 10%, 10% deducted when it came up, and the aunt was not so cruel when she came.

Fortunately, Xiaoling was the first to suffer, giving them ample time to react. If it were Ye Xu, he would definitely be in a hurry for a while.

Whoever dies Ye Xu can't die. When he dies, all the summoned objects are gone. Even if the resurrection scrolls are used, they have to be re-summoned one by one.

"Retract from a distance and retreat to the maximum distance of 20 yards. Once you find that the boss is about to spit out pollen, back away immediately for me!" Jiang Yuexuan said loudly.

In fact, she wasn't sure if Pollen could only get targets within 20 yards, but logically, this skill shouldn't have a range beyond 20 yards. Even if the foggy area covers such a large area, she doesn't think that the pollen can continue to make an exception. It's just a blue boss, the system won't set it to affect the balance too much.

And apparently, pollen will only cast on targets 5 yards away. Otherwise, when there was no OT before, the knight had been provocative in front of the boss for so long, there was no reason for the boss not to spit pollen at him.

Wait, if that's the case, then the long range can actually get within 5 yards. The boss can entangle people with only four leaves, and the damage caused is also limited. That is, the area within 5 yards is too small to stand for too many people.

She thought about it for a moment, and finally dismissed the idea. Forget it, keep melee combat within 5 yards, long range is better. They don't have melee combat, and if Ye Ye keeps chasing and fighting, their HP and defense will not be able to support them.

In the next minute, Ye Xu used the golden mouse to test the range of the boss' pollen attack, and determined that it was 5 to 20 yards. Originally, he wanted to use the shadow. The shadow is fast, but the shadow's stealth ability is so strong that the blind boss can't find it, so he can only give up.

Speaking of which, it was the first time Ye Xu had seen a boss who couldn't find the shadow position at all. Maybe it was because he had seen a lot of legion commanders during the previous event. Shadows, whether it was stealth skills or transparent appearance, couldn't deceive them, and they could always be discovered. Fighting the boss this time made Ye Xu recall the years when the shadow hid in the shadow of the boss.

The second boss now feels that he is blind, no, it has no eyes.

It stands to reason that the transparent appearance should not be deceptive to it, it relies on perception to find people. However, Ye Xu's level is 4 levels higher than him, and even with a shadow is equivalent to 4 levels higher than him. In addition, the shadow is a summoned item of the sky, and it is just a blue boss, and the level is far worse.

In short, he was crushed at the level, but as a boss, he had no cards. The shadow was making waves around it, and the four blades didn't even touch the other person's position once, which made Han Ying feel envious. They are all stealth units with the Assassin attribute. How could he be caught by the boss?

"Xiaohan is about to be hit." Chu Jifeng clicked his tongue, "No matter how strong the operation is, it is not as good as data suppression. "Lingyuan" is really real in the world."

Ye Xu retorted seriously: "This is a card that belongs to the krypton gold boss. If the data can be compensated by manipulation, why do people spend money to buy equipment? Where can game companies make extra money?"

From the moment he started the server, he discovered that the player operation was just the icing on the cake. As long as you have enough money, you can easily make up for it. Don't talk about data suppression on equipment, let's talk about operation... You shouldn't have forgotten the transparent mud that can move on its own, right? Its movement operation is no worse than those of high play.

Therefore, it is difficult to buy top-notch equipment on the market. First, people who can get them are not enough for themselves, and second, they are afraid that they will reduce their advantages after they flow out. It is also necessary to make money in high play. Of course, it is more secure to sell slightly inferior equipment, which can prolong your dominant period as much as possible.

Although Ye Xu's shadow did not come from krypton gold, there will definitely be an official purchase channel in the later stage. After all, his family's Ghost Butterfly, the same model has already been sold in the system store, just after Ye Xu's Xiaoling was transferred to Jackie Chan Yingdie and upgraded to the ground level.

Of course, the system store sells the original version of the blue-quality ghost butterfly, which is far worse than his little spirit.