Summoner, He is Never Alone

Chapter 242

The Glitter Lake was too big, and they didn't know where to go until they found the water monster, so they could only spread out and wander around the near-shore area.

The little monsters on the bottom are actually quite close to the water surface. After all, this is a shallow water area, so even if they sink to the bottom, they are not very deep. In order not to disturb the mobs, they could only use the transparent mud to get around, which is very inconvenient.

Fortunately, the transparent mud can move on its own. After talking to them to avoid the mobs and providing the mobs's perception range, they can dodge on their own without the owner's too much trouble. And if the contract is a boss-level transparent mud like the Swamp King, it will be more convenient, and there is no need to inform the scope, just saying "avoid the mobs" is enough.

Because Ye Xu's transparent mud can be cloned and can resist a certain poisonous mist, after a long time, the base friends took great pains to re-contract to the boss-level swamp messenger. So everyone doesn't need to say more at this moment, just let the transparent mud act on its own.

The biggest advantage of having a swamp king in every family is that they can all clone, so Ye Xu simply summoned a lot of babies, even those who can swim in the water have a clone for them. In this way, the number of allies has increased sharply, and the efficiency of spreading out to find water monsters can also be improved a lot.

Seeing this, other base friends also summoned their pets, and the water surface seemed a little crowded for a while. Too many people will inevitably lead to one or two water monsters, but they will be killed in a short while under the concerted efforts of everyone.

Fortunately, the drop of the aquatic monster is really difficult to pick up. After death, it explodes directly and sinks into the water. Melee players can quickly grab one or two pieces of equipment, but from a distance they can only watch, and gold coins are even more inaccessible. All of them fall into the water and have to dive in to fish.

The underwater sand is soft, and things like metals fall into the pits and it is very troublesome to pick up the gold coins one by one. Not to mention that the aquatic monsters swim back and forth, and it is inconvenient to avoid when entering the water. Basically, if you go down to pick up something, you will trigger a new monster's posture again.

It's like this, it's endless. After one fight, the next one comes immediately, and no one can stand it after a long time.

Therefore, so far, not many players have come to fight monsters on the water, preferring to lead aquatic monsters to the lake or land. They obviously have swamp messengers, but they refuse to go into the water themselves.

Ye Xu had Xiaoling to help pick up the gold coins, and Xiaoling's soul body was not affected by the resistance of the lake water, and the flying speed was still considerable, and the gold coins could be picked up in time. But other drops are not enough, they have to pick them up by themselves. The only golden squirrel with a backpack is the thunder type. Although it is not restrained by the water environment, it is indeed a landlubber and cannot swim.

In the end, everyone found that the ice bear could swim and pick up things and let it go into the water. Moreover, the ice bear swims very fast in the water, and is also very good at avoiding swimming fish. It also comes with a pocket to hold things, which is perfect.

The swamp messengers summoned by others are all summoned as mounts. There cannot be a second mount at the same time, and naturally the ice bear cannot be summoned. Ye Xu's transparent mud is a summoned object, so there is a vacant mount bar, and the heavy responsibility of picking up equipment falls to the Ice Bear King Cast, and when the pockets are full, they will come to him to store them.

In this way, several people swam all the way to the center of the lake for hundreds of yards, and finally saw the first water monster. It was an ugly-looking water monkey, with many disgusting and slippery dark green water plants and algae wrapped around it, and it looked messy. Its nails are sharp and narrow, and the hair is dirty all over its body, forming into strands, which makes people nauseated.

Ye Xu shouted at the first sight of it: "There must be an ancient tomb in this lake!"

Things like water monkeys usually appear in tomb robbery novels. Ye Xu has never seen fanarts drawn by painters, and he doesn't know what an authentic water monkey looks like. But it's no surprise that this kind of monkey-shaped monster that lives in water and looks disgusting will be recognized as a water monkey.

"We are playing an online game with a Western fantasy background, not an Eastern background, right?" Shen Zhiyu touched the goosebumps on his arm and couldn't help confirming it. He didn't want to dig any ancient tombs, it was terrifying to think about.

Although there will also be tomb elements in the Western Fantasy setting, but at most there is a European-style underground palace in the tomb of others, and what is sealed in it is nothing but a vampire-like thing. This thing is far less terrifying than the Eastern Ancient Tomb, the zombie ghost aqua regia monkey, it sounds creepy, and the Eastern Ancient Tomb also likes to toss the mechanism.

The Western ancient tombs have entrances and no exits because they were eaten by the demons in the ancient tombs. There are entrances and no exits in the Eastern ancient tombs, but they were played by ghosts and frightened and died of despair. It is not as good as the devils.

The one who was most afraid of ghosts must be Mo Bei first and Ye Xu second. The two good brothers immediately got together, warmed each other and cheered.

However, Ye Xu's fear of ghosts is easily weakened by various messy factors. For example, he knew in his heart that this was just a game, and his fear would plummet. If he really hit a ghost in reality, he might be more afraid than Mo Bei.

After all, Mo Bei is sometimes a bit silly and bold, and Er Lengzi couldn't react, so he just got through it, and the reflex arc was relatively long.

"There is no reason to have water monkeys in Western tombs. This thing should just look alike." Jiang Yuexuan reassured.

Divine Feather murmured: "There is no phoenix in Xihuan, and there is no phoenix here."

In the case of a mix of Eastern and Western elements, it is hard to say anything, and zombies are also added in some Western Fantasy online games. But what Sister Xuan said also made sense. There should be no ancient tombs with pure oriental elements, and the game should consider the player's psychological endurance. This is not a thriller game, and it can't be so scary, so they don't need to be so nervous.

He thinks that there is a high possibility of the appearance of Western ancient tombs, but he does not rule out that this is an ordinary water monster, and it has nothing to do with corpses and ancient tombs. According to the general trend of Xihuan, it is a more reasonable guess to associate it with the undead.

God's Feather took the lead in throwing a Holy Light skill to hit the water monster, and suddenly the weak damage of the restraint attribute was exploded, indicating that the water monkey on the opposite side was indeed a dark creature. It's just that the dark element and the undead element belong to the dark element, which is difficult to distinguish. It is not easy to determine whether it is the product of the undead by this alone.

"Even if it is an undead monster, it should only be infected with a small amount of undead virus, otherwise it should have rotted long ago, and the lake water would have to be polluted." Ye Xu jumped out of his fear of the ancient tomb and began to analyze it rationally.

Jiang Yuexuan's complexion changed immediately after hearing this: "It's broken! In case it's really undead, this water might be really polluted!"

There are so many mobs in the water, and it is very unlikely that they will not be affected by staying in the water every day. It is a pity that such a beautiful scenic spot as Glitter Lake was turned into a black water lake filled with death and rancidity by the plague of the dead.

"No, we have to determine as soon as possible whether it is the undead plague, and if so, find a way to purify the water." Jiang Yuexuan suddenly felt a sense of urgency, and she still loved the beauty. Even if she is a necromancer who is very different from the undead, she doesn't like the environment on the undead side.

To be honest, they can't help much with lake water management, and it depends on the city owner. The main city deals with the undead all year round, and there should be a way to purify the environment, and they just need to quickly get rid of the pollution sources.

Ye Xu looked at the calm waters and said, "It's too troublesome to find water monkeys one by one, let's throw away the group attack skills. No matter whether it's ordinary mobs or water monsters, kill them together. All the monsters in Shining Lake are elite monsters, and the refresh rate is very fast. It's every 12 hours, when the water is completely clear, and there is a water monster coming in, you can find it immediately."

If there are too many monsters, the water monsters are not easy to find, and you have to bypass the mobs to beat them, which is very troublesome. Might as well just kill them all in one go, just treat them as normal leveling.

After listening to it and thinking about it, the others thought it was the truth. So everyone began to spontaneously attract the surrounding mobs, and then led them to Ye Xu's side, and everyone used the group attack skills together.

Other people's skills are easy to say, you can control where you throw them, Zhen Zhen is a little more troublesome. Ye Xu let the avatar of the transparent mud take her to dive into the water, anyway, Zhen Zhen is a dead puppet, not a living creature.

Her skills are to sway the sound waves around the position where she makes the sound. If you don't sink into the water, the sound waves will swing in a horizontal position, and you won't be able to hit the mobs in the water. These monsters are basically out of the water, and they like to attack from under their feet, specializing in skills like Zhen Zhen.

As for Zhen Zhen, who is also an undead, will her body emit undead toxin... Ye Xu also had a headache. In the end, Sister Xuan reminded him that Zhen Zhen was attacking with a bell now.

That was the Summoner's second-hand weapon, the Eudemons Bell, Zhen Zhen didn't actually have to go into the water by himself, he just sat on the edge of the transparent mud, and then sunk the bell in his hand into the water and shook it. Those little monsters are melee monsters, and they will be close to the water when they come and attack. This is enough depth, so you don't need to dive too much.

Besides, the water monkeys may have already polluted the water, and they don't care if one more Zhen Zhen is the source of infection. Zhen Zhen is not a serious undead, she is a undead puppet that was researched and researched by a crazy mage herself.

There was no better way now, so Ye Xu accepted the proposal. This time, Zhen Zhen was the one who contributed the most. Her skills are quite suitable for use in situations surrounded by all sides, because they are all centered on herself, 360 degrees without dead ends. In order to take care of other people's skills around them, you have to adjust the center of the position where the skills fall, which is very troublesome.

Moreover, the skill "Deadly Sound" that caused Ye Xu and the others to suffer a big loss at the beginning is also quite powerful. Although it can only be split five times, the next four times are divided into two, but the first time is not. The first time, a complete circular sound wave swayed out, and it could be divided into as many parts as it touched, but now there are so many mobs around, and it can be divided into a dozen or 20 for the first time. There are more than 300 courses at the end of the fifth time.

Mo Bei was stunned to see that after this skill was thrown out, the mobs that went in and out brushed off the blood. Some were lucky and were beaten two or three times, and some were especially unlucky, and suffered a dozen in a row.

After all, people say that it can be split five times, but they didn't say that after touching this target, it will skip the next time you touch it. He watched as a few waves collided back and forth between the two nearest monsters, stunned that he contributed all the five splits between the two. These two waves were split four times each, that is, a total of 30 attacks were attacked, and half of each person was also divided into 15, and the blood was directly left.

The 20 waves finally split into 320 waves, which does not mean that they only attacked 320 times, but 204080160320=620 attacks. The number of these mobs is not yet 620, so they can't kill a group in seconds.

"I'll be darling, no wonder this skill has a 3-minute CD. If it takes ten seconds, who can stand it..." Mo Bei muttered to himself.

Xiao Suguang observed for a moment and said: "The first time it splits up to 20 targets, and there are no more targets than 20. It seems that the system has been controlled, but even if there are only 20 targets, it is quite impressive, 620 times. As for the attack, ordinary skills are incomparable."

For example, their 20x20 yards group attack skills can attack about 400 targets under normal circumstances, which is 400 attacks. If the monster size is more than 1 yard or less than 1 yard, it will float up and down. But Deadly Sound is not affected by this, and the number of attacks is specified.

Don't look at more than 620, such a comparison is actually not too exaggerated. If it weren't for its high damage value and the ability to whip the same target repeatedly in a small range, unlike other skills, it would probably not have a CD for 3 minutes.

Anyway, now Zhen Zhen will die after one use, she can also use the shock wave to knock back 5 yards of surrounding mobs, no limit on the number. The cd of this skill is only 5 seconds, and she is very quiet around her. Sometimes the mobs are stunned for a while when they are shaken out, and it takes a few seconds if they swim back, so they are not touched by monsters all the way.

It's a pity that she only repelled 5 yards, and everyone who got close to her couldn't get much light, and still had to be attacked by mobs. Fortunately, they can only attack in melee combat, and those far away can't hit them, otherwise the two dads will definitely not be able to add blood.

Ye Xu doesn't need to add blood, the group attack skill throws out more blood than it loses blood. Sister Xuan and Xiao Suguang also bought blood-sucking skills to make up for this shortcoming, which greatly reduced the pressure on dad.

"You still have to learn the blood-sucking skills quickly, or you will be too passive when confronted with beatings."

Others who are not willing to spend money to buy skill books are a little helpless at the moment, and can only hide in the encirclement to reduce the number of times they are attacked. Ye Xu and the others stood on the periphery, enduring more attacks from mobs, and the blood line went up and down, which was a bit scary.

Ye Xu had specially selected a short CD group attack skill with a blood-sucking effect, which was what he was afraid of. But the skill CD he chose before was not short enough. The blood-sucking skill he used this time was added in the skill book he bought a few days ago. The CD was only 1 second, and it was instant cast.

This 1-second cd skill is not much different from no cd, and the damage value is naturally relatively low. However, the range is too wide to hold, and it can absorb a lot of blood at a time. When encountering such a number of attacks, I am not afraid of playing slowly, but I am afraid that the blood will not increase. If the enemy can be consumed to death, he will win.

The attack ability of this group of little monsters is still good, but unfortunately Ye Xu has steel armor, so the blood loss is not very fast. It's not enough to **** blood once a second, and the extra effort can be used to throw other skills.