Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 16: Skynet John

   "Sarah Connor, I believe you, I am in love with you, and I am willing to help you, but you want to get rid of me for a fugitive!" The one-eyed black man yelled angrily as he shot.

   "Sorry Nick, you are a member of the government after all, I can't let the government get it!" Sarah Connor hid behind the pickup truck and responded loudly.

   The black man named Nick put down his gun and shouted: "I work for the government, but we have been together for two years, don't you believe in the relationship between me and you at all?"

   Sarah Connor hadn’t spoken, the man next to her said, “Ms. Connor, I’m pretty sure the leader has no black ancestry. You and him will break up sooner or later. Please don’t care too much.”

   "Leiss, what the **** did you do? Why did Nick say that you are a fugitive?" Sarah Connor asked the man next to him, "Who on earth were you arrested by?"

   "Sarah, trust me!" Negro Nick continued to yell, "I really help you. The guy next to you is a Hydra! He is the Winter Soldier's subordinate!"

   Sarah Connor remembers clearly that Reis was taken away by a man with a metal arm. Could that guy be the Winter Soldier whom Nick called him, a member of the terrorist organization?

   Sarah Connor was caught in a mental hospital. Everyone didn't believe her, so she had feelings for the only Nick who believed in him.

   But when the future warrior Reis, a subordinate who claimed to be his son, appeared, she completely abandoned her feelings for Nick, and instead trusted the self-proclaimed Reis from the future.

   "No matter what it is, it is not right for you to fight at my door." For this kind of thing that can harvest summoning energy, Adam naturally has to participate. "Now I ask you to put down your weapons and explain things to me clearly."

   "Sir, I advise you to return to your house immediately and lock the door." The gun in the hand of the future soldier Leis pointed at Adam.

   "Put down your gun, you fugitive!" The one-eyed black Nick immediately raised his rifle and aimed at Leis.

   Sarah Connor watched Adam fall into confusion. Although it had been three years since she had disappeared, she recognized the extraordinary, more handsome and charming Adam at a glance.


   The gun in Leith's hand rang, and a yellow-orange-orange bullet hit Adam's forehead.

   Adam was taken aback for a moment, then fell into a rage, and was reborn in this world for 15 years. This is the first time someone has attacked him.

   Although with Adam's powerful protoss physique, this bullet is not painful to him, but this can't change the fact that Leis wants to kill Adam.

   If Adam was just an ordinary person, maybe his head has blossomed now.

   Adam turned into an afterimage, and instantly came to the back of the pickup truck from his door, knocking Leis to the ground with a punch.

   Adam didn't use his full strength, he didn't want to kill Leis, because he still had a lot of curious things to figure out.

   "Adam?" Sarah Connor looked at Adam who appeared in front of her and spoke hesitantly. "Are you Adam?"

   Sarah Connor was very impressed with the Superman who saved her three years ago. She was the one who knocked the Terminator off the wall with one punch.

   "Beautiful lady, after three years, we met again." Adam is still very gentleman facing Sarah Connor. "Now, I think you three should sit in front of me and make things clear."

   Immediately afterwards, Adam shouted at the black Nick standing in the distance: "Mr. Nick, please put down your weapons and come over."

  Nick has fallen into a sluggishness. He didn't expect someone to catch a bullet with his head. Hearing Adam's words, the clever Nick put down the rifle in his hand and walked towards Adam's position.

   Adam’s home.

   Jiali I was next to Adam, curiously looking at the three people across the table.

   The beautiful Sarah Connor was holding a cup of hot tea in her hand, and she was fidgeting and watching the surroundings. Next to her was a one-eyed black man.

   Black Nick watched Adam’s expression nervously, for fear that he would rush to kill him if he didn’t pay attention to Adam. His instinct told him that Adam didn’t like him very much.

   Next to the two of them is the future warrior Reis tied to a chair. Reis, who was punched in the head by Adam, is still in a lethargic state.

   "Your name is Nick, right?" Adam looked at the black man with only one eye and asked, "Are you a member of the government? Which department?"

   "My name is Nick Fury. I belong to the Bureau of Strategic Defense, Attack and Logistics. I am an agent." Nick said while floating towards Sarah Connor.

   Adam raised his eyebrows, and unexpectedly met a big fish, the future director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

   "Adam, where is the robot you took away?" Sarah Conner's eyes lit up, as if she suddenly remembered something. "We can hand it over to the government,"

   "What's wrong with the robot?" Adam turned his head and looked at Sarah Connor. "That is my trophy, I won't give it to anyone."

"Adam, listen to me." Sarah Connor heard that Adam was unwilling to hand over the Terminator, and said anxiously: "That robot is under Skynet. One day in the future, Skynet will launch a nuclear war to destroy. In this beautiful world, everyone is unwilling to believe me. We handed over this robot to the government to prove the existence of Skynet, so that everyone can believe me."

Adam was too late to speak, Sarah Connor continued: "Nick is a candidate for the next director of the Bureau of Strategic Defense, Attack and Logistics of the Homeland. He will hand over the Terminator to the government, and the government will definitely do it. Trust us, we can save the world. What do you think, Nick?"

  Nick Fury sat motionless, as if he hadn't heard Sarah Connor at all.

   Jiali listened to Sarah Connor with a look of excitement, and found this thing really exciting. Nuclear war, the future, it is interesting to think about it.

   "No one will give my spoils." Adam refused. "Don't even think about it."

   "I need to refute what Ms. Connor said." John walked out of the kitchen in his apron. "Skynet is a network tool that I created to assist me. I am not prepared to launch a nuclear war to destroy the world. Although I have this ability. I use Skynet to make money in the stock market and finance. At most, I look for Chinese food online. It’s the best way to make it."

   Sarah Connor stared blankly at the Terminator wearing an apron, completely lost.

   "Sarah, who on earth told you about Skynet?" Nick Fury stared at Sarah Con with one eye with a serious face. "I used the authority to investigate the Internet company you mentioned. They declared bankruptcy and sold the company a year ago. The network engineer who made Skynet you mentioned is now an employee of Stark Industries. , Responsible for power engineering."

   "How could this happen!" Sarah Connor was completely mad, swaying Leis who was in a lethargic state crazily. "Tell them quickly, what I said is true!"

   Adam looked at Sarah Connor with some pity. In this world of superheroes, it is not your son's turn to save the world.

   Tony Stark directly brought the creator of Skynet to his company as a power engineer. The future Iron Man inadvertently saved the world.