Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 29: Good guys, bad guys.

   The human body is very fragile, and even the hardest skull cannot break the wall.

   Adam looked at the bloodied corpse on the ground and finally recognized Aurora's ability.

   "Okay, we should go to our business now." Adam took Aurora's hand and walked out of the alley.

   "Master Summoner, do we have business matters?" Aurora took Adam's hand and asked suspiciously: "Did you not say that you have nothing to do before going to bed yesterday, do you want to go to America to find a bald guy?"

   "But we need an ID card to fly." Adam stood by the roadside, looking at the pedestrians passing by. "I don't know who to look for now. It's always right to find the chief of the police station if you don't go there. As the saying goes, you can ask the police uncle for help if you have something to do."

   Aurora asked curiously: "Master Summoner knows people from the police station?"

   Adam saw a man in a police uniform, and while walking towards the policeman, he replied, "I don't know him."

   Aurora took Adam's hand, while following Adam, while continuing to ask: "Then why does he help us?"

   "If he is unwilling to help, you persuade him." Adam beckoned to the police and said, "Hello police officer, I want to report the crime."

   Aurora fell into silence as she listened to Adam's words. She wrinkled her little face for unknown reasons.

"My child, what can I do to help you?" The policeman, as a law enforcement officer, saw at a glance that Adam was not an adult, and Adam's expression was not anxious. There should be nothing serious. He asked gently, "Your guardian Where? If you have lost something and want to report it, you should ask your parents to go to the police station."

   "Mr. Officer, nothing was lost." Adam pointed to the alley not far behind and said, "I just saw a corpse in that alley. Do you want to go see it?"

   "Child, are you sure it's a corpse and not a drunkard?" The policeman's expression became serious. If someone really died in his jurisdiction, it would not be a trivial matter, at least not a trivial matter for him.

   "I'm not sure, but I dare not go forward and check, so I'm here to tell you." Adam's face showed a trace of impatientness. He hoped that the policeman would go to the alley to check the situation immediately.

   "Okay boy, stand here and don't move, I'll go see what happened." The police patted Adam on the shoulder and walked towards the alley.

  The policeman walked into the alley. Adam took Aurora and walked towards the alley. As he walked, he said to Aurora: "You first persuade the police officer, and then use him to convince anyone who can help us."

"Master Summoner, Aurora does not want to convince the police because they are good people." Aurora's expression was reluctant, but she reluctantly said: "Unless Master Summoner orders Aurora, otherwise Aurora is I won't do anything like that!"

"Baby listen to me, I don't want to hurt these good people, we just ask them to help us in another way, don't we?" Adam hugged Aurora in his arms and explained softly: "We are so It is actually not harmful to them."

   "Really?" Aurora looked up at Adam. "Aurora's father used to be a policeman, and they are all good people."

   Aurora was still young, and Adam felt that she should establish a correct outlook on life.

"Most policemen are good people, and I have no objection, but not all policemen are good people." Adam hugged Aurora and said solemnly: "You have to remember that from now on, it is good people who help us. The enemy is the bad guy."

   "Is that so?" Aurora's small face was a little tangled. "But the uncle neighbor is a hero. He is a firefighter and saved many people. But he leaked the news that our family is a mutant. Do you think he is a good person or a bad person?"

   "Bad guy!" Adam kissed Aurora lightly on the forehead. "Baby remember, everyone who wants to hurt us is a bad person! Even indirect harm."

   "Hmm!" Aurora nodded firmly. "Aurora remembered! Anyone who wants to harm Summoner and Aurora are bad guys! We have to convince the bad guys."

   "Good." Adam kissed Aurora's forehead again.

   Adam hugged Aurora and returned to this dim alley again. The police were squatting on the ground to examine the corpse.

   "Why did you come in?" After the police found Adam had come in, they quickly stood up and blocked the body. "You leave here first, there is nothing major here, so don't worry."

   "You are a good policeman, and a very gentle person." Adam looked at the policeman in front of him, and suddenly felt a little unbearable. "Don't worry, it won't affect your future life, well, it shouldn't."

   "Boy, what are you talking about?" The policeman was a little puzzled. He looked at Adam cautiously and took a step back.

   "I need your help from the police officer, but I guess you won't be willing, so you have to adopt some special methods." Adam looked at the golden figure that appeared behind the policeman with a gentle smile on his face. "I can swear that I will never let you do bad things."

   "Child, stand still on the spot now, when the little girl in your arms is on the ground." The policeman's right hand slowly touched the pistol on his waist. "You better do what I say."

   "Ah! What is this!"

   The golden soldier grabbed the police's hands from behind. UU reading www. uukanshu. cm

   "Mutants? What are you going to do?" The police were controlled by the Yellow Turban soldiers and were completely unable to move.

   "Hiss..." His hands were caught, causing some pain. The police didn't dare to move. He didn't have the strong nerves of Victor, so he was not afraid of pain.

   Adam walked to the police, placed Aurora gently on the ground, and said to Aurora, "What kind of external help is needed?"

   "No need, give me ten minutes." Aurora looked at the policeman in front of him with a serious face.

   "Hello sir, my name is Aurora, and my father used to be a policeman, so please believe me, I will not hurt you, I just want to have a conversation with you."

Although the police were full of fear in their hearts, they still thought Aurora was very cute and said, "My dear, I am not biased towards mutants. If you need help, I will try my best to help you, but I hope you don’t take such extremes. s method."

   "Mr. Police, I am very grateful to you for having no prejudice against our mutants. But you know, not everyone is like you, so we can only have one conversation with you in this way."

   "What can I help you? I'm just a little policeman."


   Following Aurora's words, the police became more and more relaxed, and even a faint smile appeared on his face.

   "So, who do you think can help us get a proof of identity?"

   "Aurora, I know there are two people who can help you, one is the chief of our police department, and the other is the ambassador to Canada of the American Embassy."

   Adam stood by and watched Aurora's performance with a smile on his face. He really picked up a treasure.