Summoner of Miracles

~: 1010 Real impact

There is not much time left in class.

However, in the classroom, there were very few students present, and it could even be said that it was very pitiful, even if the people who had already arrived were slouched on the desk, and they looked like a look.

"this is?"

Luo Zhen could not help but frown.

"Not because of yesterday's incident."

The base tree is so lazy.

Although it is very one-sided, Luo Zhen does not understand what is going on.

"Because of the relationship between yesterday's events, many people have suffered because of this." The base tree added: "The destruction in the southern part of the area is not enough. After all, the victims are few, but the northern area is different. ”

Because Luo Zhen and Zahariyas had paired up before, the detection system of the artificial island had already detected the magic power, promptly issued the asylum command, and let all the people around the area take refuge, thus causing no major casualties.

However, the freezing of the North District is different. The people there are almost completely unresponsive, and they are frozen directly into ice. They are still being rescued.

On the contrary, the human beings living in the city of Strings are basically the researchers of the Mozu Special Zone and their families. In the northern part of the institute, there are absolutely many victims.

In this case, many students did not come because of the suffering of their families, and even insomnia during the whole night, it is also a normal thing.


Luo Zhen could not help but sigh.

Although it was not directly caused by him, Luo Zhen and yesterday’s incident cannot be said to have nothing to do with it.

Therefore, watching the classmates around me become like this because of yesterday’s incident, it is impossible to say that Luo Zhen has no guilt.

(After all, it is not a singularity that can be fought casually, it is not a game, but a city where people live, are inhabited, and are implicated.)

Fighting in such a place, it seems that only those innocent residents are victims.

This made Luo Zhen really understand one thing.

(The improvement of strength is not just a benefit.)

Now, Luo Zhen is no longer the former lord who can only rely on powerful followers to fight. If his power is not well controlled, it will cause many tragedies.

Everything in front of me tells Luo Zhen this.

(The battle can't be so much more embarrassing in the future.)

Luo Zhen has such feelings.

Then, Luo Zhencai took away the feelings in his heart and looked at the shallow onions and the base trees that seemed to be weak.

"Don't you be like them? Shouldn't you?"

Luo Zhen asked this question.

Unlike ordinary students, shallow onions and base trees can be children of large families. The family members do not study the nature of the work, but belong to the management, and should ignore the death in the northern district.

In this case, what happened to the two people’s lack of sleep?

This question was quickly answered.

"I am working because of it."

The light green onions yawned and boring.

"After the incident, the people of the artificial island management commune immediately called to cry with me, saying that the main framework for disaster response was all right. I wanted to build a system for substituting from the beginning, and the transportation system and communication channel were full. I have to rewrite the procedures for adjustment and crossover, which made me completely sleepless last night."

Shallow onions used a listless attitude to say such things, but I don’t know how much she did last night.

If the light onion is completely correct, it means that the adjustments in terms of disaster response, the city's transportation network, and communication signals are all from her hands.

If she does not do this well, then can the artificial island management commune make various timely response policies in the face of such disasters, whether the traffic in the city can be kept intact, and whether the communication can be continued, and these problems can be continued. Still unknown.

"You are much better than I thought."

Luo Zhen sincerely said this, so that the slightly sloppy shallow onion was slightly stunned, and then became a little embarrassed.

"What do you say about this now? Do you already know that I am doing this work?"

Light onions are like to conceal their embarrassment, and the words become swallowed.

"I do know that you are doing this work, but I didn't expect you to go to this level."

Luo Zhen’s laughter tells the truth, so that the shallow onions become more embarrassing, only a cold cry, don’t go too far.

However, it can be seen from the side of the face that it is much more spirited than before. The mood of the light onion is obviously better than just.

Of course, Luo Zhen is not flattering.

(If the light onion goes to the Chaldeans, it may become the best of the entire Chaldean, excellent enough to stand alone, and that may not be.)

Luo Zhen thought so.

As for the base tree

"Well, my situation is similar to that of light onion. Although she is not as great as her, my family has something to do with the artificial island management commune. I was called to help last night, and I almost didn't sleep."

The base tree yawned and let the eyes begin to cry.

The events that took place yesterday did not only affect the average person, but the situation of light onions and base trees was also endless, and many people were tired.

(I probably understand why the ancestors would be so feared.)

Luo Zhen is helpless.

If the rest of the true ancestors can do the same thing one by one, having a city to bring such disasters and even destruction, the three nights of the empire can be established, so that human beings have to be treated with caution, it does not seem to be Can't understand.

This is really a world where one person can decide the world situation and even the future direction of the country.

Compared with this world, the Chaldeans are much safer.

In the world of the Chaldeans, the spirits and spirits with powerful power cannot easily reach the world, and the human society can be peaceful.

Otherwise, if you think about the situation in which the spirits and the gods are going on the ground, it is really chilling.

It can also be seen that it is unusual to be able to cultivate Beidou and master the mysterious Luo Zhen of "Spirit of Spirits" and "Summon of Gods".

"Right, what about the ancient city?" The base tree seemed to think of something, and asked: "What happened to the laksa sauce yesterday?"

"Yes, right." The light onion was only reacting now, and asked: "Is that tracking madness caught?"

"Well, it’s caught." Luo Zhen said a bit vaguely: "Because of this incident, the ancient city and Laksa can't come to school today. It seems complicated. I will help them to take time off later. ”

After hearing this, although the light onion and the base tree were puzzled, they did not ask much, and they nodded directly.

Next, the three people sat together and chatted with the past, completely unaffected by the events of yesterday.

However, this does not mean that the incident did not happen.

Outside the Caihai Academy, a fairy girl who was only wearing a boy's jacket was afraid of shrinking and hiding in the shadows. Looking at the campus gates of people coming and going, after a while, I finally got the courage and slipped in.