Summoner of Miracles

~: 1120 The real attacker (seeking a monthl

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Along with a small explosion, the wreckage of the mechanical dolls cut into iron pieces by countless lava spiders began to short-circuit and burst into pure scrap iron.

"Do you dare to attack this level?"

Tebias called back to his beast and smiled scornfully in the magical flame.

“In this way, at least the guests will not be threatened again.”

Gila is still as gentle as it is, but it is not merciless to let the beasts spit out the lava stone and cut the mechanical doll into pieces.

Both are nobles in the field of war kings. The pure blood vampires of the old generation, the strengths of the elders of the third generation, are among the best among all the blood races, and they can deal with a group of special bullets that can only rely on the Mozu. The mechanical dolls who come to fight are naturally hand-to-hand.

Just, as Luo Zhen said, the good show is about to begin.

"Put him into a skewer." Snake Red Luo."

When such a sound sounds


The sharp break was heard.

A red flash is like a deadly lightning, breaking through the air, at an alarming rate, from the back of Tebias, violent to his heart.


The only thing that found this phenomenon was the canopy of the future that could be seen for a few seconds, causing its pupils to shrink and shout.

However, it is already late to remind you again at this time.


With the tearing of a flesh, the blood of Yinhong spilled.


Tebias made a voice of depression.

However, he was not penetrated through the heart.

On the occasion of the millennium, Tebias turned and stretched out one of his hands, letting his hand greet the red flash.

Therefore, the red flash pierced the arm of Tebias, and then the entire arm was penetrated and broken, so that Tebias lost one hand directly, and the body splashed a lot of blood. .

Looking at it carefully, the red flash of the body is actually a deep red pistol.

A long gun that stretches like a whip and runs through the ceiling.

After the Tebias arm was broken, the deep red pistol was retracted to the ceiling like a snake, and soon disappeared.


Aside, watching the tears of Tebias's broken arm, the whole person shouted like a lightning-backed Gila.



The snow dish that has been using "Lingshi" has been busy.


This time, Gila responded in time and turned quickly, arms up and blocked in front of her body.

This judgment is correct.

"Oh oh oh oh oh!"

I saw that a tall, dark figure didn't know when it was mixed into the venue. It was a direct rush to Gila, and he took a heavy boxing.

Boxing broke through the air and rolled up the whirlwind.

The man who slammed the blow was a man wearing a motorcycle suit and jacket, with his dark fur and the head of the beast.

It is the orc.


The heavy impact sound suddenly appeared.

The boxing of the black orbs in front of the painter directly flew out the petite Gila, letting Gila's arm fracture into an unnatural direction. The whole person rolled down all the way, fell to the ground, coughing. There is blood.

Two vulture aristocrats of the old generation who were sneaked attacked and vomited blood, causing the beasts summoned by the two to dissipate.


Seeing this scene, Huang Yuyao slammed his mouth and raised the silver sword, and wanted to rush out.

"Don't be impulsive! Yarn Yahua!"

The snow dish stopped such a crepe.

The three men, Luo Zhen, Vatra and La Fullia, have once again stared at the ceiling, and the eyes and face are all cool.


The black-eyed orc who gave Gila to the flying side laughed smugly, leaping with a breathtaking jump, jumping into the ceiling and standing on the top of the broken ceiling.

From that, you can see that on the ceiling of the night sky, there are already a few people standing unconsciously.

"What, the aristocrats in the war king field are nothing remarkable."

One such sentence is a woman who is tall and plump, tempting like a model, wearing a deep red tights and a crimson pistol in her right hand.

The woman's eyes are dark red with **** eyes, and the white teeth are exposed between the lips.


The 坂 坂 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢 矢

This glamorous woman is a vampire.

"It turns out." Watra's gaze turned to the crimson pike in the other's hand and said, "That is your beast?"


The crimson pike is not a weapon, but a beast.

Like the fourth ancestor's No. 7 beast, the black sword of the night, some of the vampire's beasts do not have human or animal shapes, but exist in the form of weapons, commonly known as live weapons.

The long gun in the female vampire's hand is a beast in the form of a live weapon, so that it can be transferred to the enemy as soon as it is, launching a sneak attack, and then retracting into the master's hand, because it has the will and life.

The other party, along with his own orc companion, attacked Tebias and Gila.

And these two people are like a bodyguard, holding a man.

It was a man with a very serious face, a black hair mixed with white hair, almost 50 years old.

The man is neither like the female vampire on the left, has a powerful beast, not like the dark orc on the right, has a strong physical ability, but is just a normal human.

However, his body was wearing a white coat and his eyes were wearing his eyes. The body exudes a calm and intellectual atmosphere.

Because he is not a combatant, but a magician.

Looking at this magician, La Fullia's expression was as cold as ever, and even brought a little hostility.

"he is"


Xuecai and Huang Yuyao are warned, one with a gun and one with a sword.

Under such circumstances, Luo really looked at the magician.

the reason is simple.

Luo Zhen knows him.

Meet this magician.

Just today, the light onion is passed to the information of Luo Zhenmao's mentor, and there is information about this magician.

"Ye Yuxiansheng"

That's right.

The man in front of him is the court of the former Aldikia, and the father of Ye Xiayin, Ye Xixian.

"Long time no see, princess."

Ye Yuxian was born and looked down at La Fulia, as if she only had her presence in her eyes.

"I haven't seen you for many years, you have grown up and you have become so beautiful."

Ye Haoxian was as calm and cold as he said.


La Frya stabbed the other side with a sharp look, revealing that there was no rivalry in the past.

"I didn't expect you to dare to appear in front of me, Xiansheng."

La Fulia will stare at Ye Haoxian, and her attitude is not good.

That is a matter of course.

"Since I came to the island, you have been thinking about getting rid of me." La Fulia whispered: "In the end, you actually did not hesitate to attack this ship, so I don't want to let me. See summer sound?"

La Frya made such a question.


Ye Xixiansheng shook his head and denied La Fulia's statement.

"If you want to see Xia Yin, you can see her now."

"She is here."

Said, Ye Haoxian gave up his body.

Behind him, a figure slowly walked up and was exposed to everyone's eyes.