Summoner of Miracles

~: 1520 "Wait!" (seeking a monthly pass)


In the ruined outer edge of the warehouse street, the limbs of several variants are still twitching, making people feel a bit disgusting.

Luo Zhen spread the spirit bow in his hand, as if there were no such mutants in his eyes, he walked out from the middle of the three variants and headed for Ripa.

Ripa was just staring at Luo Zhen who was walking towards him. He had no reaction at all.

When I saw it, Luo Zhen was a smirk.

"Why are you looking at me this time?"

It is said that Ripa has been slow to respond.

no way.

Luo really shows that it is really shocking him.

What are the three variants?

That is enough to survive the collapse of the big enough to match the large variants like the heart.

At the beginning, it was only a heart and two, and the entire Mistral was almost destroyed. I believe that in the face of such a large variant, even the fortress city that specializes in the front line and the army of the magic beetle will not eat. How much advantage do you have?

Now, the three variants that can compete with them are being knocked down by Luo Zhen in less than a minute. How can Ripa react?

Presumably, it is impossible for the enemy to think that the group of these three variants is so vulnerable in the hands of Luo Zhen.

Is this a human hero?

Is this the magic king?

Is this Lorele Agna?

There is only one question left in Ripa's blank head.

But in the end, the interrogation became excitement and it became more exciting.

After all, the people in front of us are so powerful. For humans, it is simply too good to be good news.

Therefore, after Ripa reacted, the first subconscious move was to laugh out.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Ripa is very happy to laugh.

However, when he saw Ripa like this, Luo Zhen twitched his mouth.

This child, shouldn't you be scared by yourself?

I knew that I just converged a little, don’t be so arrogant.

It’s just enough to converge just now.

You know, you have neither summoned the demon, nor summoned the beast, but used the curse. If it still converges, what should it converge?

Will you not dispel the high magic and re-create it as a general magic?

That stupidity is not the child in front of me, but herself.

Ripa did not think of what he was doing. In exchange, Luo Zhen was like the idea of ​​caring for children with intellectual disabilities. After laughing, he immediately jumped up.

"Walk away! Let's leave!"

Ripa grabbed Luo Zhen.

"Where to go?"

Luo Zhen quickly smashed Ripa's hand and looked at Ripa's intriguing appearance. He was really worried about what the child had wrong.

"Go to the Pope!" Ripa said excitedly: "I want to report your affairs to the Pope, let the Pope know that your strength is enough to provoke the human beam!"

"Is it?" Luo Zhen suddenly laughed. He smiled and said: "You are not afraid that I have a problem. I have already colluded with Jess. Once you bring me to the Pope, I will take it. The pope's head?"

"No, you won't." Ripa did not know why, very confident: "If people like you have already turned to Jess, then humans have no hope at all, so I don't think you will."

The implication is that if Luo Zhen really relies on Jess, then the Pope will be defeated sooner or later, no matter whether Ripa takes him or not to see the Pope.

In this case, it is better to choose to believe in Luo Zhen.

This seems a bit blind and more reckless.

However, as a person who witnessed the true strength of Luo, Lipa really thought so.

In view of this, Ripa now only wants to bring Luo Zhen to see the Pope.


"Since the people of Jess know that we will meet here, it is very likely that we are still monitoring us. We must be cautious, otherwise it will expose the location of His Majesty the Pope."

In a word, before he finished, Luo Zhen interrupted Ripa.

"No need." Luo Zhen said: "I will take you directly."

After that, Luo Zhen reached out and put it on Ripa's shoulder.


The next moment, in the absence of Repa, the space suddenly fluctuated, swallowing the two figures.

Luo Zhen and Ripa disappeared here and disappeared.

But very quickly, another figure came here.

"Brocken! Olms! Livia! And my Asmodes!"

Li Jieli appeared here, watching the three mutants that were killed, and watching Asmoud, who had only a broken limb, and accumulated tears in his eyes.

"Oh, my pets are gone."

Li Jieli sat on the ground and grievances her mouth.

Then, Li Jie Li Te was angry again.

"We all blame the human! I blame that human!"

Li Jieli stood up and was angry and couldn't help herself.

"I dare to kill all my pets, and Master Jess still does not let me revenge!"

Having said that, Li Jieli’s heart is angry.

After feeling the three variants and the many Asmode's breath, Li Jieli immediately rushed to the point, but was stopped by Jess.

"You can't touch the human being in person, Li Jie Li Te."

Jess’s voice came from the communication crystal of Li Jieli’s ear that was rushing over.

"That man once again let me know, I still underestimated him. He is not an object that can be shot casually. If you look for it in person, you will definitely have an accident. Therefore, I am not allowed to personally contact the human being." , return now."

With this left, Jess hangs up the newsletter.

Li Jie Li Te was also prevented, but did not leave in the first time. After a while, I found that Luo Zhen was no longer there, and only then rushed over.

Now, seeing that all of his pets are left without being killed, Li Jieli has the urge to cry.

If it wasn't for Jess's order, Li Jieli would definitely rush to find Luo Zhen, regardless of the three seven twenty-one, in short, first fight one, revenge for his pet.

Of course, Li Jieli also knows that Luo Zhen is definitely strong, even stronger than himself.

However, Li Jieli is not afraid of Luo Zhen.

It is not because Li Jie Li Te does not know that the sky is thick, but Li Jie Li Te has a special strength, and its strength is not the only one.

Therefore, Li Jieli did not give up revenge.

"When I find a stronger pet, I must let you **** power!"

Li Jie Li Te is very unwilling to scream.

As long as she can find other pets, after Li Jieli's reinforcement, her fighting power will skyrocket.

This is also the special feature of Li Jie Li Te, regarded by Jess as one of his right-handers.

Because Li Jie Lite not only has the powerful fighting power of a single person, but also has an amazing group fighting power.


"Wait, then!"

"I will see you again as my pet next time!"


Leaving this, Li Jieli flew away.

The next time I meet, Li Jieli will understand what is the real pet and what is the true group fighting power.